Juggernaut The Movie?

JugoIt looks like hints are being dropped about Juggernaut getting his own film. The invincible one has always been one of my favorite marvel villains and this is startling news for a Tuesday morn. We get the whispers from IGN:

The Internet is awash with rumours that there maybe a third X-Men spinoff planned; based around the character Juggernaut and starring Vinnie Jones.

The speculation started when director Joe Carnahan hinted he might be taking charge of the project on his personal blog. He signed off an entry with a picture of the Marvel super-villain and words “I’ll let you guys go nuts on this one…” (Read the entry here.) Suffice to say, many fanboys have. At present this is the only information we have — the director and Jones, who played the character in X-Men 3 — have not commented on the rumour.

Juggernaut is awesome, but I am wondering if he is a character that should have his own film. Would the X-Men make an appearance? I would certainly hope so, and if they are – I would like to see the same cast. Having a movie about Juggernaut sans the X-Men would be like having a movie about ED-209 without Robocop.

If this film does happen, I hope that it doesn’t get mired down with too much back story. I don’t care if Juggernaut wasn’t appreciated by his peers, parents or pets. I certainly don’t want to see him struggle with mundane issues that may be addressed on 90210 or the OC. I want to see him take immeasurable, incomprehensible amounts of damage and continue to fight. I want cities left in ruin and a wake of destruction wherever he may roam.

This project is still in the hearsay department so I do not want to get too excited, but what do you guys think? Is a Juggernaut movie a good idea, and if so, what would you like to see in the film?

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29 thoughts on “Juggernaut The Movie?

  1. you need to be very careful how you do this. screw having an actor. use a computer generated character like the latest hulk. if it’s done right, juggernaut should be about the size of A-bomb. the ultimate version you used in the movie was a wimp. use the storyline from the beginning till the 8th day.. so much potential there. it would be a great film if he was to run through the F4 until he meets the hulk. it would be probably the most anticipated film in years..

  2. Marvel Comics & a lucky director would be a fool not to give juggy his own movie-there are so many storylines for his movies that a mint could be made-however-they would have to make him like they did the last hulk. His power is going to have to be true to the comic books-making a lou ferrigno real life wannabe-the strength is not there-it is downgraded to just barely superhuman. It can be done but it has to be done right otherwise this could be a terrible flop. I am 100% behind anybody that can get it done as long as they do it right.

  3. I think this is an AWESOME ideal. Because of what the person above HULK WITHOUT the Love interest. That’s right no complications to slow him down. Show how he was an explorer came upon the temple of Cyrotak in India and gathered these evil powers, and I like Vinny Jones and he could pull it off and I think there are tricks that can be used to make him look more buff and bigger, for consistencies sake but if not find a very very huge man (but someone with acting talent) Though i’m telling you when Vinny Jones says, ‘I’m the Juggernaught *itch” that’s solid gold!

    And also give the backdrop between him and Xavier, he could fight a few X-Men in this movie, Avengers or a plethora of other hero’s or even villians.
    Juggernaught could lay waste to allot of villians until he realises that it’s good to have allies and he goes right for the philosophy of Charles Xavier…
    I think this film if given these factors (how he gets the gems, feud with xavier, feud with xmen/or bad guys/ Meet up with Magneto joining hte brotherhood and show him do allot of damage to allot of things, and showcase his true power.
    That movie would be a super sell out.
    Trust me
    Excellent idea!

  4. juggernaut would be a great movie possible avengers vs x men but needs to be destructive not like the wolverine movie no blood?but not a mutant do the original juggernaut and let him moe down cities

  5. ok!! ok.. i can play hard-ball…

    aside from that this was MY IDEA fellas.. to act as script writter.. i am far more than willing to take the higher-route in this circumstance and let you, the movie professionals, awe me in my ever fan-boyish desire to see this take place as an actual movie!!

    However, if not brought about already, i have a few MINOR suggestions may I submit for your consideration…

    1- movie starts when juggernat is a high-school student and just recieving his powers (football team and girl-friend implyed)

    2- showcase teh ‘earthquake’ technique ever so graciously burrowed from marvel vs capcom (in real-time camera chase high-classed action aye?)

    3- the MAIN villian (not sub-boss) must be blackheart, and he must have a brittish or austrailian accent

    4- if you punch-out an ending with magneto floating down from the heavens as juggernaut stands bruised and beaten I’ll KNOW you owe me a job in hollywood

    5- can your pic for actors, get that guy from jason bourne who chases bourne around on the sky-scraper with the deasert eagle when he drops the cell-phone and has to use the shoot to escape

    all the luck to you, have fun.. and good day gentlemen

    -ur budie PSI

  6. I think a jugg movie would be a great idea. of course it would have to feature some marvel heavy hitters like the x-men and hulk but with all the distruction the fight scenes would ultimately be more than enough entertainment for the masses to enjoy. JUGGERNAUT VS. HULK WOULD MAKE ONE OF THE GREATEST FIGHT SCENES IN MOVIE HISTORY!!!

  7. First off, the Juggernaut in X-3 was BS- forget that. In comic book lore, the Juggernaut is perhaps THE most physically powerful being ever, leaving the HULK in the dust (yeah I said it, what?). He is more than simply a savage villain with no history; his story is complex and oscillates between good and evil. If done correctly, this could blow the purple pants off the green giant.

  8. juggernaut in the x men movie was the worst juggernaut ever it was just some whiny britsh guy, juggernaut is 10x bigger than that,

    if juggernaut is going to get his own movie he needs to look a lot cooler first off,

    maybe this was a giant mistake, or juggernaut will probably now end up being mutated so he grows 10x the times he is supposed to be in the first place, but now is your chance to throw that mutated juggernaut in or you are going to look bad, make juggernaut sound and look like he does in mvc2, do you notice how giant he is compared to hulk or any other character, do you see juggernaut in the tv series cartoon how much bigger he is. the juggernaut in your movie is a joke, I really do not understand how you could just think this is ok to green light this.

    he worst marvel movie everyone agrees is daredevil with ben affleck, very bad, I do not want to see all these mainstream actors like this in a movie

  9. Juggernaut is very cool, the treatment he got in X-Men 3 was for shit (didn’t even get into a brawl with Colossus for Heaven’s sake!). I would personally put Juggernaut in a movie adaptation of Deadpool’s second limited series with Deadpool, Siryn, and Black Tom. (Deadpool is likely getting his own movie after his role in the upcoming Wolverine movie).

  10. (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    Only if you title it x-men four,, but have the main focus on the Juggernaut. Kind of like the first batman movie with Jack Nicholis and Michael Keaton. That movie could have been called “The Joker” His strength will need to be much greater on this one than the last x-men movie. He was pretty weak compared to comic book status.

  11. I love Juggernaut and i hope hes getting a own movie.
    Juggernaut is the coolest character in Xmen and i want to here I am the Juggernaut Bitch more than once.

  12. “Having a movie about Juggernaut sans the X-Men would be like having a movie about ED-209 without Robocop.”

    ditto that is one of the funniest things ive heard in a long time.


  13. This comment made my day and i almost fell out of my chair laughing…

    “Having a movie about Juggernaut sans the X-Men would be like having a movie about ED-209 without Robocop.”

  14. Juggy teams up with Black Tom, right?

    Juggy turns out to be alive after the Alcatraz incident?

    Juggy revealed to be Prof Xs stepbrother?

    No, if this is a solo film, (a big IF) than I expect it to follow the paths of Wolverine and Magneto….”X-Men Origins”. But I also have to agree with the above. I think someone could get away with a “Cyclops” movie, even a “Nightcrawler” flick. Maybe even ‘Colossus’.

    1. He isn’t a pointless character, and he has a great built in storyline w/ the introduction of the Exemplars (the avatars of the Octessences, where Juggernaut gets his powers from.) If you are not familiar with the storyline: READ IT. It would make a great movie in my opinion and can tie well with the Avengers Movie that will come out in the next few years (Allegedly).

      1. yo, i agree with you. a one shot juggernaut movie
        will work revolving around the 8 gems of power. but if this movie should happen,it must only happen after the avenger’s has been released and vinnie jones replaced by nathan jones. they should reboot juggernaut. and make him entertwined into the avengers universe. imagine him defeating all the examplars and gaining all the jewels, he would make such an enemy that only the avengers can handle including the hulk of course. juggernaut as alot of potential, he doesn’t need to rely on any of the x-men to build his owm fandom.

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