Transformers USB Drive

I know there are millions of you out there right now who have been agonizing over the question: “What can I buy John?” Well… wonder no longer international friends, peace of mind is at hand! A bunch of people have emailed me this amazing little gadget. A USB thumb drive … [Read More]

Terminator Salvation Review

Thanks for checking out our Terminator Salvation review. I had the chance to check out a screening for Terminator Salvation at a local AMC digital theater, and what a treat that was. The high backed chairs had a little spring recliner feel to them, and the picture was impressively clear. … [Read More]

Sherlock Holmes Trailer Online

A Trailer has hit the net for Guy Ritchie’s take on Sherlock Holmes. Downey is charming. The action looks good. And Rachel McAdams looks hot in lingerie. If there is a good plot, even better. via

R2D2 In Star Trek

I got the heads up from Kristina today that Paramount purposefully but an R2D2 cameo/easter egg in the new Star Trek movie. Did you see him in there? I certainly didn’t… but now I’m going to be looking for him the next time I go (probably tomorrow night). Paramount has … [Read More]