Castlevania is an anime series that has consistently topped the critics’ ‘best of’ lists. It was originally one of the first Netflix anime ever, and upon the end of its series, remains its best. Especially considering that endings are hard ...
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It’s time to put on your director’s hat. Yes, it’s time and I need you to join me on a behind-the-scenes journey of the small screen sensation, Upload. In a recent conversation with director Tom Marshall, we dove into the ...
New York Comic Con 2023 gave fans the chance to dive into “The Walking Dead” like never before! At NYCC 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to attend a panel hosted by none other than series star Norman Reedus himself. ...
Who is Loki? Loki is a character that fans have enjoyed for years as a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and today we’re diving headfirst into the charmingly mischievous world of Loki in the MCU. So, hold on to ...
The Continental offers an extended purview into the world of John Wick (2014). Scheduled to premiere on September 22, 2023, on Peacock in the United States and on Prime Video internationally. The underbelly of the world of assassins and those ...