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Michael Fassbender looks ravishing as an Assassin

The Assassin’s Creed movie is actually making progress toward release! I thought this movie slipped, tripped, and fell into development hell but here’s a new photo of the Fassbender man donned in full hoodie and everything!


Assassins Creed.Fassbender


I have to admit that this picturelooks like it may be photoshopped but if not then the guy does look like the spitting image of every Assassin’s Creed lead character in creation! I have serious reservations that this film has a snowball’s chance in hell of doing better than Chesty Jake  in making an enjoyable video game based movie not name Tombraider, but I’ll try to be Optimistic. Fassbender is a fun guy to watch on screen so maybe, JUST maybe, this won’t be the bomb that my gut feeling is telling me it will be.


What do you think of this look on Fassbender? Ye, ne?


Source: Fox’s Facebook page



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