Movie News Chat

Why does TMB keep changing the look?


As you guys have noticed we changed the look of the site, again, a week or two ago to something a bit more familiar and traditional for a site brandishing itself as a “blog” and we did this thanks to some key feedback from users who missed the familiarity of the old design. With the new blog view we have that and also the excerpts that we include with each post that give you readers a morsel of the writing before clicking on the full article.

Were you one of the folks who began getting accustomed to our “grid” view of posts? No need to worry because it’s still available if you flick on the icon as in the upper right as illustrated below:


Yes, thanks to the power of the internetz and hamsters we are now able to allow you, the reader, to choose your home page view of the site, each with their own benefits. I personally love the grid view as it allows for more news to be exposed without having to scroll as much through stuff that doesn’t immediately catch my interest and I love “blog view” because it allows to have the excerpt with each post giving me a snippet of the writing. We all know that there are different strokes for different folks and chose to offer choice. So now that’s all fine and dandy and if you think we’re done tweaking the site than you are sorely mistaken. There’s still plenty more we’ve yet to unveil but will over the course of the coming weeks. We promise that anything added will be done in a more loving fashion and won’t be nearly as drastic and would kindly appreciate any other suggestions you guys may have that you feel would help make the TMB experience that much more enjoyable for you.


Oh, and in case you’re wondering we think our ‘diner’ logo looks scrumptious and distinguished. Will there be tweaks? Sure, but don’t expect a total overhaul of that just yet. Feel free to leave any questions/comments in the comments section.


Professional fucker-upper

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