A bunch of First Class footage

Have you been getting the feeling that the once shrouded in secrecy X-Men First Class has a lot details out in the open, and is showcasing a lot of footage held dear to ticket purchasers? This is NOT the post for you. I’m sorry. Everyone else that’s still here, feast your eyes on the following.

Little Charles, Erik, and Raven

Magic Trick

They’ll turn on us

Peace is Not an option (French!)

Source: Screen Rant

I think I just saw the new X-Men movie. All of it. Well, add this with all our other First Class coverage and I may have. Some of it was in french, and there wasn’t nearly as much Banshee, Beast, credits or anything but that movie was AWESOME!

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

4 thoughts on “A bunch of First Class footage

  1. I try to stay away… but so often fail at it. I do often feel as though revealing too much in the story can hurt — there’s an art to making a good trailer, and while revealing a lot can make a trailer exciting, if it spoils the movie, it fails the other aspect of a good trailer, beyond the excite-factor: selling tickets. One person who I think has a pretty good track record of making exciting trailers that don’t reveal too much is JJ Abrams. There’s always a “Holy Shit” factor to watching his trailers, and I never feel like I know the entire plot to the movie after watching them. Well, at least for both Star Trek and now Super 8 (thus far). I never actually saw his monster-in-NYC movie.

  2. I’m glad my work software is preventing me to see these clips at the office, cause if not I’d be watching them now.

    Then I’ll see the movie looking for those scenes, and that’s kinda the buzz kill.
    (hate it when they show too much)
    But I cant keep myself from watching though.
    does this happen to anyone else?

    1. I hear you! I have a tendency to watch all trailers I can get my hands on and it always ends with me feeling like i’ve seen the whole movie before I actually have!

      With Thor I stayed away from as many trailers as I could and it was awesome seing a movie in which I had only seen like 2 minutes of.

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