Chris Noth says Critics Killed Sex and the City

I am far from a Sex and the City fan. Just not my cup of tea. It had a great run on TV, and spawned a very successful feature film ($65m budget/$415m Worldwide). But a second feature film didn’t fare as well but still made money ($100m budget/$288m Worldwide).

But they are not making a Sex and the City 3, and in an interview with Chris Noth (Mr.Big himself) says it has nothing to do with the declining interest in the property. Its the critics.

The critics killed Sex and the City.

Moviefone quotes Noth

“It’s over. The franchise is dead. The press killed it. Your magazine f**king killed it. New York Magazine. It’s like all the critics got together and said, ‘This franchise must die.’ Because they all had the exact same review. It’s like they didn’t see the movie.

You know, critics are simply forming an opinion and publishing it, but everyone has an opinion.

This guy is delusional if he thinks it was the critics who killed this movie. Its like saying the news is responsible for the forest fire they report on. This guy is on crack.

It’s not like this guy is out of work, but he is hardly A-List. Sex and the City might have been all he had going for him as far as big name franchises.

The rabid fanbase that got a feature film created based on a cancelled TV series is who is responsible for your dead franchise.

And sometimes… stories just end.

Even the hardcore devotees of this property didn’t support the film as well as they did with the first one. That’s got to say something too.

The only people willing to see your film… didn’t.

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10 thoughts on “Chris Noth says Critics Killed Sex and the City

  1. I don’t think it’s fair to call Sex in the City a “canceled” series… it wasn’t as if HBO pulled the plug because it wasn’t raking it in… Sex in the City is probably HBO’s all-time biggest cash cow ever.

    As for your point that Sex in the City basically killed itself… probably. As for your greater point, that critics are some noble group of ‘journalists’ just writing what they want… well, many of them… but let’s not pretend as though critics haven’t tasted blood in the water and went in for the kill. It’s certainly happened more than once, that’s for sure… I’m not suggesting it’s a conspiracy or anything, but group think? Or just the fact that critics often come from similar backgrounds and, thus, have a biased or prejudiced view… etc.

    1. Regardless of how successful it was, it ended. They stopped making the show and therefore cancelled. No stigma there, just stating that this is a franchise that was no longer producing seasons.

      Fan reaction got a feature film which tied up any loose ends, and the sequel didn’t do as well. These are all facts.

  2. I like Chris Noth. He’s a good actor. He must have loved the part of Mr. Big, facing the knowledge that the role, much like NY Detective Mike Logan, has faded off into memory and it is time for new characters. It’s also refreshing to think that, for the past numberof years, the masses have been led to think that today’s films are unaffected by “mainstream” critics. Now here’s an actor who think thier collective voices matter. That’s great.

    What’s no great is that a lot of critics came after “Resident Evil: Afterlife” a few weeks ago. It still made money. Critics will POUND on the Transformers stupidity. That film made heaps of coin. Sex and The City is also a brand name of sorts. But nobody went to see the sequel.
    The critics had some influence, I’m sure. Did they control the box office fates? No. It didn’t stop the masses from seeing the film’.

    So what really happened?

    Sex and The City : The Movie.

    The hit movie- where it was allllll about Carrie’s Me Me Me and her self centered circle of friends. Still, the film tied up loose ends, gave something that its fanbase wanted to see. AND PROMISED THEM SOMETHING.
    What was that promise?

    Jennifer Hudson.

    No, dear friends, I am not pulling a fast one. See, what did Hudson’s character represent? That’s right— A PASSING OF THE TORCH. Which did not happen in the sequel.


    A FLASHBACK in the sequel to how the friends first met—which nobody really gives a damn about..

    Mistake #3

    Poking fun at the Middle East.

    Add to this the old recipe: Me Me Me Me Me what can you do for spoiled Gucci bag little me whine whine whine boo hoo hoo give me a hanky.

    Lets do lunch and recap everything we did in the past 24 hours.
    Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

    Only a matter of time before folks get tired with the schtick.

    Bah. We could dissect and analyze and ponder. Whatever reason, one thing is a universal truth.

    The movie was a BOMB.

  3. I think they should make a 3rd, do it right, keep it based in reality like the show was and not some fantasy. Give a real conclusion and it will be well received.

  4. The problem was that it was an unnecessary sequel. The first one gave fans a satisfying conclusion. I think most fans knew that and didn’t come out for another chapter. Plus, some people don’t care what critics say about a film and will go see it anyway.

  5. haha What killed this series is premise it was based on. 4 whiny bitches whoring themselves out in New York with the impression that spending money and letting your vag flow will make you feel younger. These women would all be seeing clinical help with the way they act. haha this is stupid because it is like making a Who’s the Boss movie and seeing Angela marry Tony and have a baby…..then they make a part 2 and have them divorce. No one would want to watch it but do anyways because they liked the TV show and the first movie… part 2 made money. It was a joke anyways and that is why the 3rd won’t be made..because the joke is over. BTW crtics did not ruin it it was the people who seen it that did fool.

  6. He does have his other T.V. gig. But I’m sure that SATC made him a bigger paycheck. The critics did not really kill it. The women in my family made it a point to have a special day planned when the last 2 movies came out in theaters. They even had a special lunch in when the first came out on DVD.

  7. Lol talk about a biased opinion. Chill out, I am sure Noth was just kidding. And then again everyone knows how critics can get a little stupid from time to time, so stop lol. Anyways I do agree with you that it was mostly the film. It didn’t really add anything to the over story and it just felt unecessary. But you know what, I am sure there will be one more just as a closing chapter kind of thing.

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