The People Vs George Lucas Premiers at SXSW Film Festival

The Documentary I have been looking forward to the most is The People Vs George Lucas. Mostly because I think these people really do understand the love affair that Star Wars fans have with the franchise.

Only someone you love this much can hurt you so deeply. If a movie upset you so badly, you would just dismiss it and be satisfied to publicly snub it by denying its existence. But not Star Wars fans! We just LOVE this so much that we are so deeply offended that Star Wars has treated us this way, and we just must voice these deep hurts to anyone who will listen.

The doc is finally going to be released at the South by Southwest Film Festival next month and I hope soon after we will get a DVD release.

THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS has been selected for the prestigious Spotlight Premiere section at the South By Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival in Austin, Texas, which runs from March 12th to 21st 2010.

“The team is ecstatic to be screening at SXSW for the film’s world premiere,” says Director Alexandre O. Philippe, “it’s the ideal platform for our launch, as the festival brings together indie films, music and interactive in a unique way that very much reflects the participatory nature of our doc.”

THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS explores the titanic struggle between a Godlike filmmaker and his legions of fans over the most popular franchise in movie history. “At its core, PvsG is the examination of a high-profile, dysfunctional love story”, says Philippe. “George created this humongous and intricate sandbox for us to play in; but is he the sole owner of it, or does it now belong to the ages? And what happens to your role as a creator when your audience claims it owns your art? We basically looked at the conflicted dynamic between George and his fans from a cultural perspective, and asked ourselves those questions.”

Check out the trailer here:

“Star Wars is my story, just like my house is my house. So if I want to paint my house green even though everyone else says it should be red… Guess what? I’m going to paint it Jarjar.”

Just genius.

And the updated Trailer:

Can’t wait!

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24 thoughts on “The People Vs George Lucas Premiers at SXSW Film Festival

  1. This should be pretty good, if nothing else to see the fandom/anit-fandom in action.

    It’s going to be interesting exploring the line between intellectual property and being faithful to the fans.

  2. There’s a pretty funny Lucas sketch on the “Whitest Kids U’ Know” season 2 dvds.

    He (Lucas) meets up with a fan after placing an ad online for science fiction film ideas. Long sketch short the geeky fan tells Lucas that he should do a sequel, to which Lucas almost has a stoke because he’s never thought of that,,, pretty funny stuff!

  3. SW fans should enjoy Revenge of the Sith. That was a good movie sans any winceful parts of the other two prequels.

    However, I have to give credit to Phantom. If nothing else, when I saw it on Opening night and heard the Fox drum rolls and saw the a galaxy far far away… on the screen- single handedly one of the most exciting moments I’ve ever had in a movie. The cheers and electricity in the theatre I doubt I’ll ever experience again.

  4. this place is eerily devoid of anyone trying to argue that it did indeed rape their childhood.

    begs the question… do people actually care about sw that much anymore? has its time passed?


    have their childhoods been raped so bad that they can no longer form coherent sentences in white boxes?

  5. I’ll bitch about them every now and then when asked about it, BUT I dont have veins pounding out of my head or anything like that.

    some Trekkies have simular issues BUT go waaaaaay past the realm of normal. I always thought I was more normal cause I liked StarWars over Trek but some StarWars fans are more wacked it seems…


    1. It’s a hyperbole people use to demonstrate that their childhood is so flimsy and infirm that anything that doesn’t match up to their sense of nostalgia violates it and somehow alters their past experience.

      A movie can’t rape your childhood. Anyone can still watch the original trilogy and no one’s forcing anyone to watch the prequels. These people who STILL bitch and whine over the prequels and consider Lucas to be Satan are just sad.

      1. Your last paragraph is almost exactly what I said. It is amazing to see all these morons who whine and cry over the PT. Ok, you didn’t like them, we got it, shut the hell up and move the hell on already. Bitching about movies 11, 8 and 5 years after they are made will not change what they are, get over it and shut up, it’s childish and dumb. Some people need to seriously grow up.

  6. its a movie… get the fuck over it.

    “raped my childhood”… are you serious? moving graphics have that much affect on your “life”? making a song about it? get the fuck over it.

    lucas is satan? he’s a human being with a wild imagination who managed to put his thoughts on paper then on screen… better than what most people (here) will ever do in their life, so again… get the fuck over it.

    problems with jar jar? yes, he’s annoying, yes he was unnecessary, but star wars at the turn of the millennium wanted to attract a new age group… kids. and trust me, i was 12 when they came out and i did not notice how apparently annoying he was until that guy ripped into PM for 70 mins (hilarious btw)… so i ask you one more time… get the fuck over it…. PLEASE.

    its a movie.

  7. Too much to explain in a single posted comment…

    short version.

    Phantom Menace:SUCKED BALLS!

    Attack of the Clones:PRETTY MUCH SUCKED BALLS!(but at least Natalie Portman looked pretty hot)

    Revenge: Gave us a little resemblence of what we wanted but fell short..

    Anakin cant Act Child or Adult!
    Jar Jar? C’mon WTF?
    Chewy? too little too late..


    I’d have rather seen Han’s story in 3 parts not the shit that was put out for us….

  8. I am one of the few SW fanatics who really enjoyed the prequels. While I knew the basic story, I went in with very little knowledge of what was going to happen. Perhaps that helped me to enjoy the films more, as I did not have any preconceived notions of what to see. Were they inferior to the OT? Perhaps, but for me at least, they were a fine addition to the SW universe. Each movie, no matter what you may have thought of them, gave us some classic SW moments. So we didn’t get exactly what we wanted, so what. I had some problems with the films, but I never let them get in the way of my enjoyment of them, if others want to live like that it’s their choice. I personally think it’s silly.

    Every dumb ass who cries “Lucas raped my childhood” really needs to shut up, you can still watch the untainted originals if you desire, and no one is forcing you to watch the prequels if you hated them. So keep the whining to yourself please.

    1. Agree totally.

      I’ve sometimes wondered though if he’d had the level of technology making the original trilogy that he had making the prequels, would they still be as loved in the way that the OT is remembered?

      And my question is kind of answered really, if you look at the special editions of the OT he made quite a few changes and added a lot of new scene’s (especially to ANH), are the special editions held in the same hallowed place as the original untouched versions?

      1. “are the special editions held in the same hallowed place as the original untouched versions?”…to answer that, for me, not as much. I still love them and the SE’s do add some neat things to the films, but if they were never added I would have been fine with that. I do like the Jabba scene in ANH, always thought that should have been a part of the film.

  9. I personally feel that this whole thing is overblown. It is a couple of movie, people… come on… time to get over it and move on with your lives.

    Personally I liked all 6 movies. Did the first three live up to my expectations? nope! Were my expectations realistic? Probably not. Did I still enjoy the movies? Yup. They were entertaining and that is all you can really ask.

  10. Kyle Newman said (paraphrasing)that people need to stop looking at prequals as what they thought the story should be and start watching them as they actually are.

    I tend to agree. Jar Jar does still kind of bug me, but like the Ewoks before him, he has spawned new generations of devout Star Wars fans. Just like the animated Clone Wars series is creating new fans every week.

    I am of the opinion that if the original trilogy came out today just as it was 30 years ago, people would hate on it too.

  11. It’s a tough debate because yeah it is his IP and he can do with it what he wants, but it seems like through all six movies he did exactly the opposite of what the fans wanted to see and that is what rubs people. But in everyone of those trainwreck prequals there was light of potential awesomeness

    – Darth Maul
    – Jango Fett
    – Mustafar fight scene

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