Ryan Reynolds goes Drag for new Rom-Com

Its even funnier when the toughest of men take on roles that involve them cross dressing. Patrick Swayze did it, Michael Rosenbaum did it, Kurt Russell did it (briefly in Tango and Cash), Dustin Hoffman did it and so did Robin Williams.

Ok those last two are not exactly “tough guys” however the newest member of the crossdressing club is going to be Ryan Reynolds and he has beefed up to be quite the tough guy.

Cinematical says:

Reynolds plays a man who gets dumped, presumably through some fault of his own because he decides that the way to win her [exgirlfriend] back is to befriend her. But naturally, he can’t just call her up and say “Can we still be friends? I need you in my life.” Instead, he decides to cross-dress as a woman, and become her best girlfriend.

The premise is hardly new, but always turns into good fun with the hilarity from stumbling over things guys don’t know about girls, to struggling to live like a girl, and of course the zany costume changes.

But can Reynolds pull off a good looking woman or will he look like an exchange student from the Russian Womens weightlifting team. That guy has become rather buff lately.

I hope he doesn’t look silly obvious like White Girls. We already have to suspend our disbelief that all these girls are not going to be able to spot a drag queen or that his ex girlfriend wont know what he looks like in a costume.

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7 thoughts on “Ryan Reynolds goes Drag for new Rom-Com

  1. After seeing his recent comedies i really do think he can pull this off. He might lose some girl fans points but hey he’ll get them back with his next “buff guy” movie.

  2. Rodness:
    White Chicks* =D

    And I LOVED Ryan in “Just Friends” I hope he is half as funny in this then he was there

    His face expressions when he wore the fat suit and make up were the funniest EVER

    Just his face expression alone from the scene in which he rubs a snowglobe on his cheek makes me pee my pants

    “Oh…my snowglobe collection!…”

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