First Christmas Carol Poster With Jim Carrey

Robert Zemeckis really loves his 3D motion capture animation. I wasn’t all that big a fan of Polar Express, but I was floored by his rendition of Beowulf, which was not only amazing to look at… it was just a flat out solid movie.

Still, I was honestly disappointed when I heard Zemeckis was going back, yet again, to the whole motion capture movie thing. His newest is the classic A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey as his lead.

Anyway, they’ve just put out the new poster, and even though I’m not excited about this movie yet… I’ve gotta say the poster looks fantastic. Check it out:

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14 thoughts on “First Christmas Carol Poster With Jim Carrey

  1. Yay… Lame poster, lame take on this classic story by getting Carrey to play Scrooge, and Disney already did A Muppet’s Christmas Carol years ago with. Which was in my opinion one of the best Muppet movies. To redo it now with all CGI people just seems wrong and pointless. Maybe the trailer will sway me, because I did love Beowulf. But I dought it.

  2. A pretty neat poster. While I can understand the – for the lack of a better term – fatigue that some people are feeling over the news of another Zemeckis motion-capture film, I’m looking forward to this film, personally. Like John, I wasn’t amazed by Polar Express, but I absolutely loved Beowulf. It’s one of the few films that I’ve seen four times or more in the theatre, and definitely one of my top 20 favorite movies of all time.

    Now, despite being a pretty big fan of Jim Carrey (and as interested as I am in seeing this movie), I’m pretty skeptical about him being in multiple roles in this film. S’pose we’ll see how it turns out.

  3. Why is no one asking WHY we need ANOTHER Christmas Carol? Unless they’re doing something completely different with it, we’ve seen it all before 1000 times.

  4. i wanted to see this more when i thought it was gonna be either live action or full CGI, but these live action/CG hybrids suck. its like they’re too lazy to go live action, build sets & get costumes, etc. but they dont want to go full CGI & lose the likeliness of the actors.

  5. You know that neighborhood weirdo who thinks he’s the funniest guy ever and tells really terrible jokes? The guy who turns into “that dude” at every party, creating awkward moment after awkward moment?

    That is what this guy has become to me. I don’t find him funny at all anymore, and his insistence upon doing th esame tired shit that I gave up on in 1996 frustrates the shit out of me.

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