New Moon Trailer Online

Ok, after typing in that title, this does seem a tiny bit misleading and cruel to Twilight fans. This is not a “New Moon” trailer but it is a trailer for a new movie that is awkwardly titled “Moon” which makes it difficult to put into titles.

That being said, check out the trailer for this mindtrip.

The Sundance Film Festival entry picked up by Sony will be getting its limited release on June 12th, and stars Sam Rockwell, and judging by the trailer… Sam Rockwell.

This looks like a delicious mind games movie that will have you struggling to guess what is going on and looks like it could be a great movie to get you thinking. But as with any movie like this I don’t mind the mind games as long as they let you know what was going on in the end.

Its those movies that have everyone saying “I think this is what happened” that just frustrate me to no end.


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9 thoughts on “New Moon Trailer Online

  1. This film looks top, Sam Rockwell is one of those actors who can just pull off any role and its great to see him in a new film, people seem to forget about him.

  2. I’m definately in the ‘can’t wait for this’ camp. havent seen a decent science fiction movie since the first two thirds of Sunshine… Sure, plenty of action movies set in space, but I’d hardly call THAT science fiction.

  3. I quite like some movies that don’t just hand you all the answers, at the end. Sometimes, I like coming to my own conclusions without the movie then saying “you’re right” or “not quite”. Leaving it up to some interpretation can be fun, because it often leads to debate, plus, personally, I don’t really like my movies to spoon feed me information (hence the reason I LOVE so many 70’s films). Some more recent films that come to mind are “No Country For Old Men”, “Adaptation”, and, argueably many parts of “Pulp Fiction” (not too recent, but more so than the 70’s). Those films would probably be pretty badly hurt, in my opinion, if they tried to answer ALL of their questions.

    But, Rodney, I THINK I get what you mean by the “I think this is what happened” type of movie. Do you mean like a movie that is just confusing for the sake of being confusing??? A recent film that comes to mind is “Synecdoche, New York”, while I enjoyed much of it, many parts closer to the end seemed to not have much, if any, rhyme or reason. Too much so, to the point of hurting the picture. Is that what you mean??? Because many great movies leave the audience saying “I think this is what happened”, but it doesn’t hurt the movie at all, in fact it makes them better. “2001” comes to mind at the moment…. That can’t be the type of movie you’re referring to, can it???

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