The Fallen Revealed!!

Just a few days ago we posted a picture of The Fallen toy from the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. All I can say is that it was the CRAPPIEST adaptation of a vicious Transformer deity I have ever seen. Of course I can say that now that we have the real thing to show you.

I love the appearance of this badguy. He truly looks intimidating, downright demonic. The unique physiology is humanoid bust still monstrous. And yet still very much in line with the Transformers themselves.

Screw Megatron. This bastard is going to be a real threat.


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22 thoughts on “The Fallen Revealed!!

  1. i think it looks amazing….

    i like how his “hat” looks and the spikes around his neck

    it looks JUST like what the pharaos used…

    so im guessing that they dressed the way they did influenced on what he looked like

    pharaos in ancient egypt used hats just like that and their neck covers had stripes just like the ones on the fallens neck…also the wrists look exactly like some of the forearm designs they used to use

    now all they have to do in the movie is point out some weird ass hieroglyphics and pretend tht egyptians were trying to draw transformers


    This guy looks AMAZING! Blends in nicely as a “devilish” (ie. EVIL) character and will be utterly ready to destroy everything in his path!

    Can’t wait, can’t wait!

  3. I mentioned Grevious :D I imagined the Fallen to be big heavy badass and really scary. This one is skinny orange mistyrious and glowing^^ but his face is scary

  4. Hey Guys is this really THE Fallen? It is another toy website! That Fallen guy is kinda skinny isnt he? i mean look at him he doesnt look like he could beat the crap out of Optimus! Does he have any powers? well we will see… personally I’m not very impressed by this picture he reminds me of Frenzy which also had this skinny look. Or think of General Grevious! He looked cool but this Fallen guy? The only thing i like about him is his color! Hey dont get me wrong I’m still hot for this movie as an Helium Atom after a hydrogen fusion and thats fuckin hot so… its just that he is so skinny!! i hope he is at least cool with a cool voice and cool powers lets hope the best… I mean we all trust Michael i know i do

  5. Ohhh shit I love this guy now. The figure doesnt look anything like that. I love how he looks like a simple bio-mechanical being than say an average cybertron transformer. Makes me believe he is older than the other auto-bots and decepticons. I just like to know where did he come from. I hope he hasnt been on earth the whole time cause that would be stupid as hell to have the All Spark, Meagatron and The Fallen all be on Earth.

    1. well that’s the thing Chris. I’m sure the fallen has crazy weird powers and some crazy weird moves which I’m guessin on because he has like four hands it seems all coming from two arms which would make for some tricky hand to hand combat. BUT anyways, I’m sure that’s why devastator is in the flick. so HE can beat everybody’s ass and the fallen can just sit back and enjoy the show. “I’m a hater, not a fighter” says the fallen. hehe

    1. They can come out with the bionicle movie when those grow up, and have kids of their own to drag to the theater. In the meantime let the gen’ xers have their fun.

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