New Friday the 13th Poster Online

New Friday the 13th poster is on the loose. I thought I would let you know in case you hadn’t already dismissed it in passing.

My problem with the poster isn’t the minimalist design. I can deal with that. Designers are not paid by the colour. But in this case Minimalist doesn’t portray the movie one bit.

See, in Friday the 13th, the date has one significance. It is the day that Jason died. In the original, his mother returns on his anniversary and exacts revenge on the free living teenagers that are partying in the campground. They just represent what she hates so it’s on. In the new incarnation Jason himself is opening the can.

There are not 13 of anything. This doesn’t happen 13 years later. Its a date. Aside from that it has no impact on the plot or the movie. So why are they throwing this 13 up like it is supposed to stand for everything this movie is about. Oh, I get it. Its written in blood. How clever. Its still a number that has little or nothing to do with the plot.

A bloodstain on a calendar marking that day? That might be a better use of the number on its own. But really a picture of Jason with a bloodstained axe or machete would have been far better placed.

I’m not impressed.

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13 thoughts on “New Friday the 13th Poster Online

  1. Didn’t they already make this movie like 20 years ago???? Why do they keep making movies that have already been made. Hollywood is getting lazy and running out of Ideas. This is ridiculous I hope it doesn’t make any money. But then again people are so stupid that they will go watch it. I know I wont.

    1. “Hollywood is running out of ideas” is the lamest excuse to avoid a remake. Yeah a lot of them suck, but if they were not popular and if they did not make money they wouldnt do it.

      Besides, it is actually HARDER to make a remake than an original idea. Much harder to please an existing audience.

  2. It looks like they hired a 5 year old to create the poster or maybe an avant-garde painter who thinks any and every crap that he paints is true beauty and he’s expressing his deepest feelings through that thirteen.

  3. LOL, wow, people actually get paid to make crap posters like this? I thought people who make movie posters go to school to learn how to be creative, not lazy with there art work and stupid as hell…

  4. I recently went back and watched all the original films and I can say that I am looking forward to this regardless of how bullocks the poster looks.

  5. Then I stand corrected. Its his birthday then…. even more irrelevant to having a poster with the number 13 on it! lol

    The poster seems to be holding too much of the identity of this franchise around a number instead of just the date.

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