Dead Like Me: Life After Death

I had wondered what was happening with the Dead Like Me movie was going to come out. Ellen Muth mentioned at the Polaris Con in Toronto that it was on its way, and yet it managed to slip from my notice. So I googled it and found out our friends over at FilmJunk had the skinny:

TV Shows on DVD reports that Dead Like Me: Life After Death will finally be released on February 17th, 2009. And for people who have never seen the show, you’re in luck because Dead Like Me: The Complete Series will also hit stores on the same day.

I guess other gems like Bryan Fuller’s Pushing Daisies have been preoccupying my time. But the Dead Like Me movie, despite the show being created by Fuller, will not have any of his involvement.. The real guiding force of the show was Rube Sofer played by Mandy Patinkin, who will also not have any part of this movie event. Much of the plot seems to be revolving around the Reapers getting back into their old dreams and the lives they left behind.

I do hope that the film has the same feeling and style that the TV series had. I doubt that it will be enough to get the show back on the air.

Here is the trailer for the movie, that will be released this February.

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26 thoughts on “Dead Like Me: Life After Death

  1. I loved the movie for a DVD release. Theater release? No, it isn’t that kind of movie. It’s a small movie. BTW, I finally “got” DLM. It took a while. The whole thing, series and movie, is a metaphor for Corporate America. The movie is priceless in that regard. I was hoping it would not be the same as the series. That ended in the graveyard with George walking away after seeing her sister on All Saints Day. The movie needed to break with the series or it would have been just another DLM show. It isn’t. BTW, Britt McKillip is gorgeous! She is turning into a stunning young woman.

  2. i love the show and really wish that it would come back on i caught it on sci marathon the other day and spent the day watching it all over again. I just finished watching the movie and it was really good but they replaced daisy with another actress which made it a bit odd. I really wish they would put the show back on i would watch it again for sure. I liked the movie but it left me wondering what was gonna happen next. Hope there is more to come.

  3. big disappointment.
    I love the TV show, it was great, I have just hope the movie would give a nice ending to it.
    Daisy Adair, one adore, polite, very classy lady character has been replaced. I wish the character hasn’t been replaced, yet, if it has to be done this way, let it be. However, since Ms. Laura Harris has already built a well-known character on Daisy, shouldn’t Ms. Sarah Wynter try to react how Daisy should be in the TV series? Instead, Ms. Sarah Wynter has rebuilt a brand new character to Daisy, and all the sudden Daisy is a new character to us, fans, who are deeply disappointed.
    The plot is very not clear on why it has to bring out Cameron and what is the point of him. I believe that each grim reaper would know why they shouldn’t go against the rules after their first few reaps, according to the first few episodes on the TV show. It not making any sense that they would go try something against the rules this days. Even so, they do, there got to be an explanation for us, let us know what on earth is Cameron trying to do. None of that has shown up. Or it did, I have not paying attention 45 min after it started. Yes, it’s that bad, I don’t want to bare with it, I want to fast forward already.
    Ms. Ellen Muth, I don’t know what happened to you, but you really did age a lot, you need to take care of yourself, if by any chance you get to see this.
    Lastly, I regret that I watched this movie.

  4. This was in NO (when I say no I mean “NO!”) way the same as the SHOtime TV Series. It is horrible! I can’t believe this even got the name “dead like me”. Daisy isn’t even daisy anymore. She is now played by an actress that CAN NOT ACT! Half of the crew is not the same. I don’t even think George is the same. It’s bad, I wish I never seen it. It ruined the show. I have no words on how bad this was. All I want to say is that I want a refund!!!!!

    1. Just finished watching the Movie version. I was very disappointed. Might as well have burned the $20 I spent for the DVD. The script was very poor. Where were the quirky ways that people died or interesting characters? This reminded me of the Brady Bunch reunion. If there was any chance of reviving the series, this movie will put the final nail in the coffin.

  5. the movie was ehh… to say the least. the daisy charater was terrible. and there was little chemistry between the dead like me “movie world” and the series. i loved the series and have watched it many times. and i will watch the movie bc it is different. much more of a look at the ‘normal’ day to day life of a grim rather than the shows flawless attempt at showing what life has to offer from a distance. over all i give the movie a 6.5 overall

    8 story
    5 cast

  6. I just finished watching the movie, and my reaction is that I’m severely disappointed. Daisy Adair as played by Sarah Wynters is a COMPLETELY different character retaining none of the traits that drove her character through the series. The new Cameron character doesn’t make any SENSE. None of the regular characters even act like themselves.

    Frankly, I thought the series ended quite well – anyone catching up on them can just skip this movie.

  7. We don’t have that channel in the states. I can’t see it until February. So then was it Laura Harris in the movie or the other chick? I sure hope you watched it. I want to know sooo bad.

  8. Rube is now apart of Criminal minds and has been for a while. Weather he was offer a role or not, I do not know? I like that they changed the character altogether instead of trying to just use a different actor. It is too bad they did not do that with Daisy. The new Daisy is not nearly as charming. The only question I have is, in the comercials on the super channel they are naming January 1st as the release date for the movie? I am pretty sure I am taping it then… If you get the super channels they have been re-running the entire show every day for the last month or so, the last episode being Dec 31. Check it out!

  9. Melissa, i saw that to and was thinking the same thing. would depend how much of the film she would have been in, could be a reason, would be nice if they had re-shot with her, altho im not holding any hopes. also i thoguht the reason why mandy was not back was cause he was in somehting else.

  10. Has anyone checked out the IMDB page lately? I happened to check it last night and discovered it no longer says Sarah Wynters is playing Daisy. It nows says Laura Harris. IMDB isn’t often wrong but I can’t find anything else about it. Has anyone heard any thing of this? It would help explain why it took so long for a release date if they had to do reshoots.

  11. I really dont like that they changed the person who plays Daisy. I hate seeing different people playing the same characters. And that they got rid of Rube. He was awsome.

  12. Nope they don’t. They changed that in the second season. I guess it was both a move to cut costs (no need to keep the other actors around that were doing nothing but looking into mirrors and stand in during scenes like George’s family) and make it more likely for George to get romantic storylines (since in tv-exec land only pretty people get to hook up with pretty people for some reason).
    It was changed to some sort of “charm” that prevented people they had known in their old lives to recognize them (and had to “recharge” on Halloween). In all of season 2 there isn’t a single scene where you see the “dead faces”, I am 100% on that.

  13. @Three, you might want to watch the second season again. They still have the “dead faces” and appear as different people to the rest of the world. Only the people watching the show saw them for who they really are.

  14. The first season was brilliant, and could have been even better if Showtime execs had kept their noses out of it and let Bryan do his own thing. When Bryan left after the first season to do Wonderfalls the show took a turn for the worse, changing a lot of the mythology (replacing the “dead faces”, where undead would appear to the living as a different person, with some sort of charm that would prevent them from being recognized, for example). It also lost a lot of the zing of the first season.
    I wasn’t sad to see the show go when it did. Yes, I would have liked more closure, but hey…

  15. The TV Show was not over hyped. If anything it was underhyped. It didnt get watched. I didn’t even see it until it was in the on-demand section of my cable service.

    It was canceled because people were not watching it. How is that over hyped?

    It was a brilliantly written show, but that doesn’t mean the movie will be. I hope it still sticks to the spirit of the series.

  16. I really enjoyed the show, but the trailers do not seem to do the show justice. the grim nature of the show seems to be gone, as does the subtle humor. i hope the movie is not as obvious as this (and other) trailer(s) seem to be.

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