Dear John

HenrythomasWe have news about an a new infidelity drama aptly titled Dear John. We get wind of this film from the divorce caves of Yahoo:

Henry Thomas, of “E.T.” fame, has joined the cast of “Dear John,” a love story based on the Nicholas Sparks novel. Lasse Hallstrom is directing for Sony’s mid-budget Screen Gems division.

The story centers on a soldier on leave (Channing Tatum) who falls for a woman (Amanda Seyfried), but then re-enlists after the September 11 attacks. Thomas plays an older man whom the woman falls for while the soldier is away.

Mowing a soldier’s grass while he’s off at war is about as un-american as you can get. This is up there with burning the flag and pissing on an apple pie left to cool in someone’s window. Such actions make the ghost of Abe Lincoln cry.

With luck this movie will end in double murder, and the soldier will flee to the woods where he will live out the rest of his days as a forlorn drifter, and friend of the deer. If the other man doesn’t get murdered for his affront to freedom – this movie hold no interest for me. I certainly don’t want this film to be a big discussion about feelings and relationship issues. If I wanted to see domestic issues, I would get a coffee at the mall and watch couples fight there.

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8 thoughts on “Dear John

  1. Very good attention to detail Sue. What a croc of shit that movie sounds like if they can’t get that stuff right. Am i right in thinking Pearl Harbor already covered this love, my man died in war, date his friend, love him again storyline?

  2. The movie was great until the emotional scene with John and Savanah having dinner together and she’s married to Tim. HIS RANK INSIGNIA WAS UPSIIDE DOWN. When I saw this, I couldn’t take the scene or tha acting seriously. Where were the military consultants to the movie when the shot this scene?

  3. I have read the book myself. The man does know that she has a boyfriend in the story. Infact they were friends for years growing up. So if you havent read the story you should and you have no idea whats going on with the girl (Savannah). All i have to say is that you should read the story to get whats going on. Also it isnt just about the girl leaving him. Mostly it has to do with John and Savannah’s love growing

  4. If you haven’t read this book you should…it is wonderful, one of my fav’s from sparks. As always though i beleive the book will be better than the movie.

  5. I am assuming the dude knows she is taken. If the soldier’s lady is keeping her dude on the DL then the new dude is unfortunately participating in an evil in which he is unaware.

    The blame in that case is hers alone.

  6. While i DO agree with you Mr. Nagy, that KNOWINGLY “Mowing a soldier’s grass while he’s off at war” is not very gentlemanly… Doesn’t the woman take 99% of the blame?

    So you’re out at a bar, see a fine young lass, and ask her out. Is question number two supposed to be “Uh… before we go out, you dont have a man who recently went off to war, do you? Because i have no intention of plowing the fields of some loose, unamerican whorebag. Just Asking.”

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