The Town

Ben-Affleck-1It appears that Mr. Affleck is set to direct scribe and star in The Town. The film will be based on the book PRince Of Thieves and is said to be a “dark heist-romance hybrid.” We get the following scoop from the bounty caves of yahoo:

The Warner Bros. project involves a high-tension love triangle between a female bank manager, a longtime thief who stole more than her heart and an equally smitten FBI agent trying to bust the crook and his gang before they can pull another big job. It is based on Chuck Hogan’s novel “Prince of Thieves.”

A good heist film will hit the spot from time to time, but I certainly don’ t want to see romance thrown into the mix. Romance is thrown into far too many films where it need not be. When I am watching a movie about a thief, I care more about the ins and outs of their profession than I do about their personal love lives. This news immediately places the film into the “meh” category of my brain.

If any of you have read the book, we would welcome any insight you may have. Is the story a quality one that makes good use of romance, or will this be a waste of time?

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7 thoughts on “The Town

  1. Haven’t read the book… but I will say this, “After watching Gone Baby Gone I am 100% convinced that Ben Affleck should quit trying to be an actor and just be the AMAZING writer/director that he really is. He should leave the acting to his brother who is very clearly a way better actor.” All my opinion.

    If Ben Affleck directs something I’ll go see it. Also, I don’t have any problem with love interests in this type of film (or any type of film for that matter). I think that will only hope that it makes the story a thicker and more gel-like film. Plus it is always good to help get the story more interesting for everyone to enjoy. That way it’s not just a story for (mainly) males or females it can be more roundly and widely followed and enjoyed.

  2. Romance stuck into a story for no good reason is a bad move but i think this story is about the romance, more of a chick flick with a heist than a heist flick with romance

  3. He hasn’t done anything decent since Boiler Room. And he was only good in that because he played an egocentric prick… which isn’t acting for him.
    Anytime I see Affleck I think “no thanks”!

    This goes right along with John and Doug’s live comments about moviegoers needing to stop going to see crappy leads if Hollywood is going to give some new talent a shot. Just say no to Ben Affleck movies!

  4. I haven’t read the book, but I’m with you about unnecessary romance. They throw shit in there to appease women, when we don’t need to be appeased. Most of us(the good ones) love watching action sequences just as much as the guys do. We don’t need some garbage love crap taking away from the story. The love crap took a big chunk out of the Ocean’s 11 remake that could have been spent getting to know the team members better. i want to see heists and shit, not watch The OC with a bank robbery as a backdrop. Come on.

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