Ghostbusters 3 Gets Writers of The Office

When I heard they were considering another Ghostbusters movie, I hoped that they would get the original cast. But I half expected them to pokemon the series and give a new generation of Ghostbusters taking up the proton packs and ignoring the previous generation completely.

Well now we hear that Columbia Pictures is moving forward on a new Ghostbusters movie, but it will be a sequel and they hope to include the original cast!

Yahoo Says:

The studio has recruited “The Office” writer-producers to work on a new installment of the 1980s franchise that starred Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Harold Ramis as bumbling ghost-hunting scientists.

The original filmmakers, including director Ivan Reitman, and cast are aware of the project and involved in its development. Some original cast members might be involved, but not in central roles.

Stupnitsky and Eisenberg, who are nominated for an Emmy for the NBC sitcom “The Office,” already have the support of one Ghostbuster in Ramis.

This is fine news indeed. Ghostbusters was such a big success in its day and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know what you are talking about when someone says “When someone asks you if you’re a god, you say “YES”!”

The original cast was a perfect blend and I can’t wait to catch up with these guys 25 years past the first movie. Bill Murray was inspired in this role (originally meant for Bellushi) and they all played off each other to produce something special. Even the silly theme song by Ray Parker Jr was awesome (expect an updated cover by someone hip and popular) I hope that involving them (even if not centrally) they can keep some of the same chemistry while passing the torch.

The humour found in The Office is something that Bill Murray would fit right into, so having the same writers taking on this project, I hope we see a next gen worthy of carrying on the franchise.

I am going to celebrate by watching them tonight.

Who ya gonna call?

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26 thoughts on “Ghostbusters 3 Gets Writers of The Office

  1. I think the 2 brothers from white chicks/littleguy would make a good start on the cast. And possibly the guy from green lantern.

    Have to keep the same music. The original is still excelent even to this day.

    Cant wait.

  2. Working on sequels from movies over 20 years old has not served the movie industry well. Indy 4 was a flop, the star wars prequels were special fx shows, dirty dancing havana nights? I think the cash cow has been milked… its quite geriatric, no prune juice or bengay will help it. Building upon a plot established so many years ago only serves to stroke the memories of the people who saw it in 4th grade when the flicks were magnificent at the time. Trying to make it smirky with quips reflecting The Office is just a testament that the producers and actors are themselves hoping to relive the experience. A great GB sequel will either need to be super campy or a darker reinvention that can sustain a new story line. Hell, put Nolan or Whedon in as the director, kill off the old cast either mid film or in flashbacks, and enjoy watching NYC plummeted into a ghost-Armageddon for three movies. Watching 2 dorky scientists, a slacker, and the black dude play paternal roles, or relive the 80s is going to as big of a flop as a 3 mile Twinkie falling from the sky.

    1. So what happens when a studio DOES put out a movie 20 years later that is awesome? You would forego that chance because you dont think they can?

      Considering that Hollywood measures Success with dollars, Star Wars and Indy4 were very impressive comebacks. Furthermore, for Star Wars it opened up an entirely new generation of Star Wars toys and marketing that wasn’t there before.

      People criticize that there are “no new ideas left in hollywood” but then criticize that if they try something new on an old property it cannot be creative.

      Even you who mock that they shouldn’t even try have a pile of ideas off the top of your head that could make it “good”. But remember, no matter how good you think it is, someone is going to think it sucks.

      Do too much tribute and its people trying to swim in nostalgia – and it sucks. Or do something original to rejuvenate the franchise with a different tone and its just attempting to monopolize on the existing fan base with something that is nothing like the original.

      You can’t win. But they can try.

  3. I’m in support of a third film after I enjoyed the recent Indiana Jones. I’d prefer it be written by Ramis and Aykroyd but the other two are good writers as well. I could even learn to like the younger ghostbusters but I hope if this one is made, end it there. People have been talking about a third for 25 years. Don’t have them talk about a fourth for another 25!

  4. FUCKING A! Bring on the Goddamn Ghostbuster baby! I’ve only been calling for this sequel for years now. I’m even ok with if they pass on the torch to Carrell & Company, just bring back the original 4 for at least some of the movie.

  5. I’m looking forward to a Ghostbusters 3 with the original cast! I recently bought the first two movies on DVD. :) I don’t want the cast from 40 year old virgin in this movie but instead some other people coming in as the new generation. I agree with Karma that the “updated cover” will be a lame cover. :( Just don’t make a cover at all and keep the same song intact!

  6. Grave, they have already said this is a continuation, not a reboot.

    Thats why they are trying to bring in the original cast again. To pass the torch and try to give a longer storyline to it all.

    Just because they got new writers, doesn’t mean they are ignoring the past.

  7. Its funny that Columnbia is thinking of doing a 3rd movie only after seeing how excited everyone is over ( now in publisher limbo) game. Which the story of the game was written by Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis. Both have gone on record to say the story from the game was orginally a script for a 3rd Ghostbusters movie. If the studio is looking for diffrent writers for a new GB movie then Im guessing its not going to be a sequel but a reboot. On that note, the game does re join the orginal cast. Even the guy that played Walter Peck from the EPA.

  8. Uh… Bill Murray maybe?

    The post says that the movie will be a passing of the torch/next generation story. So if any of the original cast return, they will play their old roles. If any decline, I would imagine they simply wont be in the movie (written out of the script)

  9. I’m probably the biggest Ghostbusters fan around. The first two movies are still great, it’s hard to beat comedy that great. I really hope this happens and that all the original cast come back or at least make an appearance.

  10. Unoriginal guy. Considering the original UK Office had three seasons and the US is on 5, I don’t think they lifted much of anything. Granted the US version did copy alot of the success of the UK version, but its gone beyond that now. Not bad for a “cheap copy”

    And either writing team had the same style of humour, which is the point. That style will fit well with the Ghostbusters team.

    And I do hope they DONT bring in the 40yrold Virgin cast as the replacements. Get someone funny and new.

  11. The Office like the original UK series or the cheap carbon copy US version? Does that need writers, didn’t they just life the UK dialog 1:1?

    Anyhow… Ghostbusters really needed a fresh start. If you watch the original two they are really dated now.

    They should have gone out and got some really fresh young comedy actors, a really good writing crew (e.g. Joss Whedon) and tried to remake the original.

    Bring back some of our favorite elements (Marshmallow Man) and remove some of the less enjoyable moments (Sigourney Weaver pretending to be either attractive OR a sexed up dog thing).

    Oh and if they change the theme then I won’t watch it. Either as Ghostbusters 3 or a remake.

  12. I dont know if I would want to see the original cast back fighting ghosts since their all close to 60 year old, but with Rambo 4 and indiana jones 4 the actors did a pretty great job.Maybe for a good scenario they can train 2-3 younger proteges and they can build up more movies with the proteges, if the third is a success keeping the original too. Either way im sure its gonna be great !!

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