Riddick Quatro In The Works?

Riddick-FaceIt appears that Riddick may be venturing forth to a fourth film! We get wind of two possible sequels from Vin himself via Latino Review:

“David Twowy right now is writing the scripts. The only question is whether we take a page from the ‘Lord of the Rings’ guys and try to shoot the two chapters at the same time. There are two more in mind,” he said of Riddick, the Furyan warrior first introduced in the 2000 film “Pitch Black.” “‘The Chronicles of Riddick’ was presented as a three part trilogy that would answer ‘Pitch Black’ in the same way that ‘Lord of the Rings’ answered ‘The Hobbit.’”

“Everyone knows I love the Riddick character and I’m always working on it,” Diesel asserted. “It just takes five years to make another one because David Twohy and I are so precious about it.”

I didn’t mind Pitch Black, but at the time I certainly didn’t think the film would become a franchise of four. It remains to be seen if the plan will come together on this one, I would guess that funding is taking just as much time as their precious panning and meticulous script crafting. Serious scripts are chiseled out of wood, sandalwood to be specific.

If they do land funding, filming both films simultaneously makes perfect sense. If four films get made, I must have a Riddick day in the future where I watch all the pictures in order. It will be cause for celebration and much talk of eye polishing will be thrown about.

The true test of any franchise is if they make lunch boxes with the hero on it (I still have my Star Wars lunch box from kindergarten). Let Riddick be judged by the luncheon council.

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37 thoughts on “Riddick Quatro In The Works?

  1. I think I’d like to see a prequel and have it based on the Cole Hauser character Johns.

    Now I’m not a big Cole Hauser fan but I thought Johns was a somewhat interesting character, and as bounty hunters go in the PB/COR universe he’s certainly not as dumb as the others.

  2. I am in complete agreement. The Riddick story is not complete yet. It will be interesting to see what Riddick does now that he is Lord of the Necromancers, has shown in the last film. Also, it can prove to be a great trial to see this man (CREATURE ?) who was or is a Stone cold killer grow into a concientious human being and leader of a great race of people. I expect political intrigues on the scale of I, Claudious and a great deal of action. But it must not lose sight of what people have been interestted in from the beginning, The ingenuity of the Riddick character in impossible circumstances.

  3. Riddick one is Pitch Black. Two was the animation. Three was the chronicles of Riddick right? Heck we not only want a 4th, we want a 5th until every loose ends are tied and every possible mystery angles are answered. Riddick all the way!

  4. okay PB was decent, and in cor they did make riddick to be slightly more invincible than he is BUT i loved CoR simply for the backround story it actually set the stage for the universe rather than in PB where it was like heres a bunch of random charecters have fun, and as for in the sequel i would love to see them try and reestablish the furyion race as hinted in dark fury riddick isnt the only survivor (see frozen statue) something like a cadre of furions vs the rements of the necros like riddick said “they dont know what to do with just one of me”

    1. yes that idea is good but that would ruin the whole thing of riddick being the only one of his kind. matbe bring the furyions in as a small group of survivors and kill them off in new films and riddick being the last one and keeps his supiriority over evrybody else.

  5. All I can say is this.. Pitch black was awesome. Dark Fury was cool though i didnt care too much for the animation. COR-rated PG-13 version was ok. It could have been better. COR Unrated version was awesome sauce. They fixed the problems i had with the original. So people, before you start bashing COR see the unrated version. It is SO much better and fixes the sort of oddness the film has by filling you in more.

    all this boils down to this. YAY SEQUEL!!!! I wanna know what he does with the army.

  6. Pitch Black was pretty good & a third of COR was good – when he was on that prision planet) but the other 2 thirds of COR sucked ass imo.
    Basically the character is good when he’s in interesting situations so more of that in these sequels and less of the Masters of the Universe garbage please.

    1. I remember seeing an interview with Colm Feore who played the Lord Marshal in COR, what a terrific interview. I couldn’t believe how much he ridiculed the film, he was apparently of the opinion that these sorts of films are basically crap and ridiculous. He smiled a lot and shook his head, repeatedly stated that it was ridiculous nonsense, but hey it puts food on the table and pays for his kids to go to school.

      Nice to see an actor whose honest and tells it as he sees it, certainly we all know these sorts of films are basically SFX heavy/leave your brain at the door escapism, but you rarely hear an actor state it so blatantly (well except maybe for Harrison Ford who feels that his Star Wars dialogue is basically unspeakable crap!).

  7. @Doug

    I was cleaning up the garage today. Guess what I found?
    My slightly dinged up Empire Strikes Back tin lunchbox from my childhood days.

    (okay, it was always in plain sight on a garage shelf and I kept nuts n bolts in it since, but let’s just PRETEND that I found it by complete accident!)

    By the way, we’ll know if Riddick is real popular not when the character appears on a lunchbox, but rather a collector’s drinking glass from Arby’s or Burger King.

    Yes, Roast Beef and cheese.

  8. lolz, understood.

    it would be sweet if he fought some giant things, mech-like alien war machiens would be boss.

    my favourite scene of riddick was the necron assault on the planet…that scene rules, and you never get to see large scale scape/ground battles like that. i thought it was fucking dynamite.

  9. I thought PB was great (vin diesel not so famous) but COR sucked something hard (Vin too famous for his own good). If he does fight against some huge machine I hope it’s a giant spider in the third act

  10. Some folks count the animated DVD “Dark Fury” as the ‘third’ pic in the Riddick pictures; but, int’l friends, didn’t you read the post? Didn’t it say TWO pix back to back? Maybe I misread it.

    Anyway, I loved Pitch Black. Yes, it has its roots in Alien(s), (even Towhy had a crack at writing Alien 3) but I don’t hold it against the film; at about this time the Alien franchise was on life support. We got treated to new outerspace creature meanies and a new “Snake Plissken” like character in Riddick. (meaning bad ass MF)

    I liked “Chronicles” to a point; I liked that they got into Riddick’s back story, I liked that the “Universe” got expanded, I loved the fact that it wasn’t the same rehash of the previous picture. I kind of got into the subplot of the conspiring Nercromongers (played by Karl Urban and Thandie Newton) and the action was decent.

    What I DIDN’T like was the idiotic bounty hunters and the re-introduction to Riddick which shows him as not one, not two, but three steps ahead of possible dangers. I also despised the offing of two other survivors from the first film, but I forgave the film in the long run because that effected the Riddick character.
    Sadly, that also means two of the best actors in the Riddick film series -Keith David and Alexa Davalos won’t be back; and two of the worst (Urban and Newton) just might…


    1. Technically it will be riddick 4 but the 2nd film (dark fury) wasnt that great and most of the people who have watched it, think its not worth watching and shouldn’t be added in the sequel.

      In my oppinion its crap dont ever do it again.

      Make a 4th and forget the 2nd.

  11. Liked Pitch Black; thought it was entertaining, but Chronicles of Riddick I loved. I thought it was a quantum leap forward from Pitch Black and it set up a very interesting mythology for the Riddick character and his universe. I Will be in line if they come out with a third flick cause I really liked the way CoR ended.

  12. I enjoyed Pitch Black. CoR lost a lot of fun, but I’m sure the unrated version is better. Never wasted money on the animated one. We NEED something fitting of a sci-fi action flick: evil aliens! Something like a cross between Predator, and the bugs from Starship Troopers. I’d like to see Riddick done in an INTERESTING story for once. Character good; story BAD! Don’t give us another reason to have Vin Diesel.

  13. I for one would love to see another film dealing with the Riddick character!

    I loved “Pitch Black” and I really, really loved “Chronicles of Riddick”. Well, I should say that I loved the unrated and extended director’s cut of “Chronicles of Riddick”… it fixed almost all of the problems I had with the theatrical release(it had better editing, better pacing, and more violence). Seriously, that film never should have been edited down to a PG-13 version. Bad Universal Studios… BAD BAD BAD! Shame on you guys! If Universal had released the version of the film that is on the unrated DVD when it came out in theaters, I really don’t think that it would have the bad rap that it does.

    Vin Diesel is a seriously underrated actor who takes a lot of undeserved shit from the online film community. He’s actually a fairly decent actor. Don’t get me wrong, he’s been in some really, really BAAAAAAAAD movies. If I were to criticize him, it would be more for his choices when it comes to choosing films, not in his performances.

    So anyway, yeah… bring on some more Riddick films. I’ll happily fork over some hard earned cash to see them.

  14. Well said Kristina!
    And Mr. Chris I think youve nailed it right on the head when you say ” pit Riddick against some big-ass aliens”.
    That is what this franchise needs, BIG-ASS aliens!
    Now just to get that “epic” sci-fi story and were laughing!

  15. I loved Pitch Black, but CoR seemed to have a very generic action film feel to it, almost like a sci-fi version of Blade, but with way too much politics involved. If they do move ahead with sequels, I hope they can raise the stakes a bit and pit Riddick against some big-ass aliens and machines.

  16. You know what? I enjoyed BOTH feature Riddick films, never played the game and never saw Dark Fury. I would TOTALLY go see another Riddick movie based on what I have experienced in the past. That could change depending on what was produced.

  17. I don’t know, I loved Pitch Black, yes it was a HUGE Alen rip off, but it was a lot of fun. Naturally when C.O.R. came out the previews looked good to me, so I grabbed some people to see it with me the opening night. I’m not sure how, but a lot of people knew that movie sucked ass before I did, I have seen a lot of bad movies and a lot of flops in the theater, but never have I sat in a theater so empty on opening night. I just don’t think people are interested. Pitch Black didn’t really offer that much to make the sequel. That being said, maybe they should get the Video game people to write the script, I thought that was very good.

  18. pointless?!

    his epic quest for revenge had just begun! the hated leader of the necron empire had truely met a worthy opponent in the form of this lowly criminal, the last of the mighty FURYAN warrior race!

    would riddick prevail? or would the entire universe be destroyed to make way for the new UNDERVERSE? what perils await our mighty anti-hero on his treck back to NECRON controlled space?!

    more suited for a kid’s saturday morning cartoon? sure.

    slightly ridiculous? possibly.

    terrible names for things? definitly.

    pointless? not so much.

  19. This all depends on whether people want to see this, because let me tell you I don’t, well not really!
    Chronicles of Riddick had some good moments in it like the scene where they run like crazy to beat the sunlight but after that it went pointless.
    Not sure about the luncheon council it might be the Golden Raspberry award council!

  20. i am one of the few people i know who is hoping for more riddick.

    i am always down for epic science fiction in a new universe. bring it on i say. riddick for all!

    1. i agree with miles. lets have another riddick. i loved both films,not sure with the cartoon (dark fury)but lets have another riddick film.


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