Dragonball Is Still A Go


It looks like rumors of Dragonball’s cancellation were untrue. Fox has responded to news that plans were set in motion to scrap the picture as hogwash. We get the scoop from superheroflix:

The film was completed a while ago, and the reasons for moving the film’s release date from this summer to next spring was to insure that all of the needed special effects were completed. We have a source that is very close to the film. And he/she says that the first edit is done, and that it has been shown to those “higher ups” at Fox. And that they love the finished film. Our studio contact, who we aren’t allowed to name at the moment, worked on the production, and has seen the completed movie. Everyone involved seems to think they have a hit on their hands, and he even went on to say that it was “pretty darn awesome. There is certainly talk about a sequel. I have no doubt that it will happen. I’m sure that it will be a trilogy.”

There you have it folks, Dragonball is still a go. For those of you that are fans of the franchise and looking forward to the film, I hope I made your day as the bearer of good news. I thought this news may be too good to be true when I heard it, even if the film sucks studios usually have no problem throwing shit at us in order to make their money back.

As far as the rebuttal goes, it seems overly positive. The quality of the film can only be determined once the gates have been opened and the fans are able to share their thoughts. Avi Arad also killed any hope of me ever believing a studio news release ever again when he said “Galactus will not be a storm cloud.”

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14 thoughts on “Dragonball Is Still A Go

  1. I’d say that so called rebuttal about the movie being awesome’s just another feeble attempt by Fox to fool people that they’re making something watchable.
    Besides, this rumour revealed that the majority of people worldwide are acutually expecting this flick’s going be so terrible they won’t be surprised if it does get cancelled, and they’re going to be overjoyed and throw celebrations if it does go under.

    @Mr Chris
    Stephen Chow’s actually isn’t involved in this cinematical obscenity, so you might as well give up on this movie and boycott it instead

  2. i like james marsters as piccolo. I am bothered by some of the changes, but i believe in the film, though the trailer will be what strengthens or destroys my faith.

  3. okay, does anyone REALLY think this will work out! I’m holding out a pittance of hope but with the guy who played spike on buffy the vampire slayer as piccolo, it doesn’t appear all is well in DB world

  4. I’m actually one of the people that’s looking forward to this, weither or not it’s good. I just want to see what people try to do with the source material.
    And do you really think Fox was really going to stop this? Remember, they’re the ones who gave us Star Wars prequels.

  5. I’m just psyched for this movie because I imagine Stephen Chow’s producer influence is going to pour over into the fight scenes. I couldn’t give a crap if they change anything else. The original show itself made a mess of things when it switched over from fantasy to science-fiction, so I can only hope their changes ground the show a little better in reality than the flying cat or giant monkeys ever did.

  6. well, if they are going to release it, wouldnt it be dumb to come out & say, “ya, we were thinking of scraping it cause it looks really bad”

    if you were making a movie, you would tell everyone that your movie is the greatest movie of all time, & that people have to watch it

  7. No suprize. The rumor was rediculous anyways, and for all the fans that were completely up to date on the dragonball news wouldve known it was false.

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