W. Trailer Online

In the least friendly google searchable title category, the unofficial biography of the Bush family, specifically George W Bush will be brought to the big screen. And now a trailer has surfaced on YouTube.

I haven’t been a big fan of Dubya, but I also don’t stick my nose into foreign politics. I am just happy being Canadian. But in defense of this man, I can’t imagine how this will affect his public opinion (he can’t be re-elected anyways) but the portrayal, at least in this trailer, is that the US people have willingly voted for a man TWICE that has evolved from “is that all you are good for? Partying and chasing tail?” Without a clever nose-to-the-grindstone montage with inspiring music, the man becomes president?

I am not condemning or endorsing the actions of George W, but this trailer doesn’t exactly place him in a high regard. It seems there is a strong “This is the man you made president” feeling to the trailer, and it doesn’t sound like its congratulating people for it.

And I know this is fiction, and only based on real persons, but you have to admit that this WILL change people’s perspective on the man one way or another. Maybe there is a redeeming storyline, but this trailer seems to lean the other way. Hardly the way I expect he would want to leave office.

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41 thoughts on “W. Trailer Online

  1. Your discussions are deviating into political debate, which is not what this post was about.

    This is not a sounding board for conspiracy theories and pointing fingers.

    Please keep it on topic.

  2. Very easy,,,, but you find WMD’s in Iraq, and what’s the point of the occupation, its Mission Acomplished,, war over…

    Same thing with Bin Laden, they won’t EVER find him alive cause he’s the illusive villian in this production. They find him and its another game over sitch.

    The war on terror is the sequel to the Cold War, another way to use fear to control the sheep.

    Don’t forget how “tapes” of Bin Laden showed up 2 days before the last election. Scary Bin Laden, oooooooooohhhh I better vote for bush ??? So he can hunt him down. Yeah right.
    What a joke. !!

    Its funny how nobodys seen Bin in 8 years and the media still claims he’s alive. (How the hell would they know?). Proof of life is required at this point. Proof of life will come one day in the form of a bogus video tape, I would almost say expect one before the next election.

    Btw , even though he’s on video dosnt mean that’s actually him or that he’s even alive. (Keep an open mind ppl)

  3. using your same argument though, if the government had the resources and ability to orchestrate an event on the scale of 9/11, why couldn’t they fabricate some wmd’s in iraq? how easy would that be to pull off?

  4. Well, Sean, the popular mechanics article is a complete farse IMO, I havnt read the other ones. And yes FEMA does have that power, and its unconstitutional as hell in my opinion.

    Frankly, there are too many lies involved with this event. This administration has been caught in many more lies since. What makes you believe thay they would not lie about that day? About how it happened and why it happened.

    Basically if you watch building 7 collapes and don’t even suspect controlled Demolition ? You are firmly grounded with a very dangeorous delusion.

  5. Yeah Jon, I don’t have the actual amendment stats with me today, I do have that info written down somewhere,,, but I can’t pull it out on a whim at work.
    If I recall, its a Homeland Security amendment (to the Patroit Act 2) that was signed into law last year. It gives the president power to suspend the Constitution in a time of crisis and leaves the “Crisis” at the discretion of the President.(How convienant).

    So if there’s another (staged) terror attack or national emergency, bush and any other president after him, can step in, declare Marshal Law and do whatever.

    Its all part of the Patriot Act that was created after 911,,,,

    Jon you can also google this topic and get alot of info on the subject, I urge everyone to do there own homework on this.

  6. Jon, that is not the Patriot Act.

    But US law says they wont change leadership in the middle of a war, which would keep him in office til it was done.

    Fortunately they are not in the middle of a war.

  7. 790, please post the clause in the Patriot Act that trumps the constituion and allows a President to stay in office during a war. I call Bullshit!

  8. Let’s just hope bushe Jr. leaves office without going into Iran. Or we may get him for a few more years under a clause in the Patriot act that would leave him in power while a war was on.

    Pictures of a Turbine, Mr Death, do the homework, those Turbines don’t match a 747 plane. (Conspiracy= group plotting in secret to plan their own adgenda). Sure this was a conspiracy, I have no doubts.

    First of all the 747’s used in the “attack” are impossible to steer off course and fly. They are controlled by a auto-nav program that won’t allow for the plane to be taken off course. Even if 5 Achmeds are all pulling the control stick. (These planes were guided right into the buildings by remote.) There’s no other way.
    Not saying thay bush even planned this, but he sure as hell went along with it. What were seeing her “Sports Fans” is the slow destabilation of our Constitution and our Civil rights, not to mention the sovernty of our borders and economy.
    The Patriot Act was brought in as a way to fight Terrorists buts it really a way to label American citizens as “Terrorists” so that “they” can strip them of their rights and do whatever they want to Americans.
    This is all part of a long plan that has been cooked up decades ago by papa bush and a number of 4th Reich american/nazi’s. Remember papa bushe has been running this country for big oil and big buSINess for decades !!!!

    Anyone that’s watched Loose Change and still thinks this was a terrorist operation , didn’t watch the film or can’t handle the truth.

    Cris and Black you guys are right on!!!!! Take no shit!

    The rest of you remind me of step children that deny step dad rapes you on the weekends.

  9. A couple things about 9/11. No freaking way was it a conspiracy. Just putting it out there, not going to get into a huge argument about it. (But there are pictures of the airplane turbines at the pentagon after the crash, plus tons of eyewitnesses)

    Anyway, the trailer. Nothing spectacular, I just want to see Richard Dryfuss as Dick Cheny

  10. I’ve been following this movie for a month now, and even though I’m not a Bush supporter in the least, I think it will be a decent, if not good, film. What I’m intrigued by the most is, not only that Oliver Stone directed it, but that the trailer gives absolutely nothing away as to what tone it will take.

    My only complaint is casting Thandie Newton as C. Rice. She’s such an annoying actress who probably shares the same agent as Keanu Reeves (Although his acting skills are actually improving) because she’s had a decent amount of roles she’s destroyed.

    I’m unsure and quite apathetic as to how this will do in the box office, the amount of money a movie makes and the actual quality of the movie are barely of any correlation. I think this will definitely be a movie worth watching and I have a feeling it’s going to surprise all of us.

  11. it isn’t crazy to say that bush and his cronies benefited from 9-11 at least at first, they’re still making money and there’s a shit load of contreversies that are unanswered for, and how do they get away with it… they simply say : I DON’T RECALL.


    black water, Dubai, IRAQ, white house emails regarding the firings for political reasons, wire tapping, the FEMA response, the pentagon video(which if you say you see a plane, then you’re a fucking retard cause there is no plane in that video at all– and if they don’t care to show two big ass towers getting hit with planes, and ppl falling to their deaths, im sure they wouldn’t mind releasing the dozens of tapes all showing 1 plane slamming into the pentagon) you know, if you don’t see the many fuck ups that occurred since that idiot took the seat, you’re blinder than my 90 yr old glaucoma havin’ grandmammy!

  12. Uh-uh. Nope. I don’t see this being any good. It may change people’s POV on the man, but I have a hard time seeing this as anything other than a high-school skit taken to the big screen. I agree with Carlos – what’s the tone, here?

  13. “…but you have to admit that this WILL change people’s perspective on the man one way or another.”

    Probably about as much as that Reagan movie convinced people that he was a bumbling fool. Or Stone’s own JFK convinced us that the CIA killed Kennedy.

    Hollywood has bit of a credibility problem when it comes to fictionalizing politics.

  14. Its still a pretty bold statement to implicate the president in an act of terror.

    The kind of statements that have men in dark glasses showing up at your door with a number of pointed questions.

  15. Carlos, I agree entirely on the casting choices. Though, the guy playing Rove does look eeriely close to the real guy. He’s a bit too skinny, but it’s not that bad.

    Otherwise, this movie will either be one of the greatest criticisms of a president in cinema history, or the biggest turkey of the past 10 years, if not all time.

  16. well from what ive read and seen…he didnt push the button himself but i do believe it was an inside job…..too many things stand out and too many things just dont add up is all…..just an opinion, a strong one indeed, but a valid one…

    i like these discussions rod….

    and that was sincere….not tryin to be an asshole

  17. I think there is even MORE of a shitstorm coming around your assumption that BUSH was the one who blew up the towers.

    Thats a pretty strong accusation, and one that would make people step away from you.

  18. LOL that looks great….really they stole the first election and we gave him the second…..but alas he did fuck up alot of shit…and he blew up the towers…so, yea gotta see this

    and the shit storm surrounding this flick will be the stuff of legend…mark my word…legend

  19. I don’t get the tone of the trailer, is this a comedy? Or a drama?
    A parody, maybe?

    I think it’s a parody, I was laughing-out-loud as how all the actors look nothing like their real-life counterparts.

    Even the actor who played Bush in Meet The Spartns actually looks like him more then this.

    Josh Brolin looks like a white Obama…

  20. Austin, your entire argument hinges on the fact that you assume people wont want to see this.

    Bush has been the most controversial President who didn’t get arrested or impeached. And even those are more popular than him.

    Its not a pretty big assumption that people will want to see it. Its the throwing vegetables mob mentality. The trailer makes it look like Bush is being portrayed as a slacker undeserving of his accomplishments. The anti-Bush crowd will love that.

    But then there are moments that make it look like there is something that changes, but its downplayed with all the “look at him fail” stuff. The pro Bush people will want to see that.

    And again you presume no one will want to see it. Even if not many do, people will talk about it. And even if it is fiction, you KNOW that it will impact his public image. They can put “based on real persons” thing and people will still view it as real.

  21. The shit blizzard that’s going to come from this movie is going to be intense. This isn’t like Stop Loss or Lions before Lambs there is going to be some big talk in this movie.

  22. …but you have to admit that this WILL change people’s perspective on the man one way or another.

    You’re making a pretty big assumption: that people will see this movie. I’m standing by my earlier prediction(s) of dismal box office failure. This one was stamped “MONEY PIT” in big red letters from day one.

    It seems there is a strong “This is the man you made president” feeling to the trailer, and it doesn’t sound like its congratulating people for it.

    Ah, yes – the old “insult your audience” gambit. Stone sure knows how to get people in the seats, eh?

    Hardly the way I expect he would want to leave office.

    Being slammed by a movie that no one wants to see? Perhaps not, but I wouldn’t hazard to guess it weighs on him.

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