Tyrannosaurus Rex

We have a crazy poster for the upcoming Rob Zombie project Tyrannosaurus Rex thanks to our good friends over at moviesonline. Check it out!

Poster Tyrannosaurus-Rex

If this movie turns out to be a 70’s style trucker exploitation movie, I will cry tears of joy. Driving a transport truck and fighting dinosaurs makes for one macho action film. I need this to be real.

Not much is known about this project but I will begin a hunt! Stay tuned, breaker.

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11 thoughts on “Tyrannosaurus Rex

  1. Perhaps it’s named so because that main dude (in the middle) looks like a mother of a reptile straight out of the cretaceous period! Interesting attire on the lady I might add…definitely something that could have some possible entertainment value…

  2. @Darren
    The poster art is real and connected to Rob Zombie. Sure it won’t be hung in theaters because of the language, but is a promo for his upcoming flick. It’s the picture promo he has up on the T-Rex myspace page as well as his own.

    From the poster is looks like Danny Trejo, Sheri Moon-Zombie and Ken Foree have the staring roles …but until Rob says it is so …it’s speculation.

  3. Zombie wrote a blog entry on myspace which revealed very little.

    “My next live action feature is called TYRANNOSAURUS REX. I don’t want to give away any details yet, but I will tell you that it has nothing to do with dinosaurs.”

    A studio source tells us it is instead “something very special”. Whatever that means. Let the speculation begin…

  4. While it does have some art appeal and could very well be on a website connected to Rob Zombie, and two of the characters on the sheet do slightly resemble Danny Trejo and (who else?) Sheri Moon Zombie, I’m going to bring an army of ants to this picnic. Sorry.

    Because I say: phony mother-fucking bologna.

    The tip off is “motherfucker” and “son of a bitch” being part of the tagline. You can’t put something like that out in theatre lobbys.

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