Bolt Sneak Peek

The youth phenom known as Miley Cyrus takes us all on a short journey of dog discovery in the following video. We get this look at Bolt thanks to our friends at slashfilm:

This is the a very small peek into the world of Bolt; we don’t really get to see much. I will say that I like the look of the dog, and the lightning mark is an appropriate touch. I am not sure what his friend is, I think it may be a gopher and/or a guinea pig.

International friends, what are your thoughts on Bolt? Are you expecting much? Do you think he’ s handsome? Will he put Miley back on the straight and narrow and save her from her whorish ways?

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2 thoughts on “Bolt Sneak Peek

  1. @ Robert: It’s a Disney Channel show.

    The dog and the animation look cool, but everything else doesn’t look like it will interest me in the slightest. I think this will probably be Homeward Bound.

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