Will Cloverfield 2 Be Named Aladygma?

CloverfieldThere is speculation brewing and bubbling round the web that the sequel to Cloverfield may be called Aladygma. We get word of these rumblings thanks to our friends at moviesonline:

Apparently from readers this is a new JJ Abrams project that is REPORTEDLY the code name for Cloverfield 2. It is however important to note that JJ Abrams has more then one untitled covert film in the works. He also has an untitled supernatural project in the works. So what is Aladygma? I have no idea but if you do shoot us an email.

So the word on the street is that Aladygma may be the name for Cloverfield 2; time will tell. I hope they don’t pull the same secretive marketing campaign this time around. It was fine for the first film, but now that we know what the skinny is – it would be nice to have trailers with the monster in it. I really don’t want to see a sequel for this film, I think once was enough. This movie had a very stand alone feel to it and I think a follow up is unnecessary.

I thought Cloverfield was a cool idea, but I wasn’t a huge fan. I wanted to see a movie about a monster and the war against it. I can appreciate a different take on a monster movie; but It did not move me to excitement. If they do make a sequel, it is my hope that the film is more like Godzilla than Cloverfield. I certainly do not want to follow another couple as they work out their relationship issues on the run.

We will be sure to keep you up to speed on the rumor surrounding the name Aladygma and all updates regarding Cloverfield 2.

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45 thoughts on “Will Cloverfield 2 Be Named Aladygma?

  1. the directors left it open ended for a reason… so there could be a sequel… its also not a stand alone movie there is too much unsaid… if there isn’t a sequel then there should at least be a book that explains ALOT

  2. Honestly, I believe that Cloverfield should have another movie. Sure, some people disagree because they didn’t like it, but there are so many unanswered questions about it. We’re all curious about the origin of the monster and why did it attack New York. Another thing is that if it is still alive like the ending credit’s message backwards says, then where will it go now? Aladygma is suppose to have ‘low budget filming’ like Cloverfield and it just might be the sequel of another person’s (probably the military, they have to know something) point of view in that faithful night.

  3. ALADYGMA…? COULD BE A SEQUAL, but everyone is really jumpy when a new word or website pops up.Cool thing is that this fact goes to show what a good idea Cloverfield was. “WHEN A FILM, A FAKED REALITY BURNED ONTO CELLULOID CAN GET PEOPLE TALKING THIS MUCH AND MAKE EVERY ODD SOUNDING THING GET SO MUCH ATTENTION, THAT IS A SUCCESS.” I really hope that there is a sequal. Cloverfield can’t stand on it’s own forever, there will have to be answers.If they make a Clover 2 and anyone from the production team reads this, J.J. you have got a great thing going here, but a film is a film, please just come out and say it when your gonna make it please.Most everyone wants a regular camera view now too.Please no more crazy cameras and character development.Just Clover, and other monsters if you would like to.You’ve got to get him out into the open.Give us Carnage, give us Chaos, Give us Cloverfield 2…vs. the Military. Done Normal, Cloverfield 2 could be the greatest monster movie in history. Godzilla has ruled long enough, let’s show em’ what a true Monster film looks like… through steady cams.

  4. Aladygma…hmmmmm…very confusing, why name a project that has a same name for a part of a human brain? F*ck knows, but i think cloverfield 2 is going to be a complete whole new different side of the story, which is maybe why they named cloverfield 2 “Aladygma”, a whole new completely different name. Im hoping Alaygma wont be the perspective of the American army, because they have no idea what the monster is, so im hoping its concentrated in the actual project of cloverfield. as we have all seen the oil rig incident in the atlantic, obviously it was the monster that destroyed the oil rig and clearly seen swimming away from the oil rig and obviously the monster was created underground at that oil rig station, possibly a human error occured and the monster escapes and sses the oil rig first and then goes for it to take it down, someone is behind this project mastermind of cloverfield in that chopper in the oil rig incident vid, there was a japanese man hand cuffed him self to a suit case, he is a suspicion to who’s behind this.
    At the last scene of the film something falls from the sky, people say its a satelite for the slusho company, people say its the monster, personally i think it isnt the monster because a 200 ft beast would look much much bigger than a tiny little black dot, and does enyone know when the release date is for cloverfield 2????

  5. Who is this guy and what is he on about?? i presume you didn’t enjoy the movie as they didn’t spoon feed you every little but of information rather than leave certain areas to your imagination and not answer questions that may potentially ruin the movie and turn it into an awful re make of godzilla!! In true style you want a mindless America rules the world movie and lets see mindless violence, lots of guns and lots of dead things! The fact that there was a story line worth paying attention to in a movie that had a monster was genius, i loved it. i know i’m right, so do you too :o)

  6. Is not at all anything to do with cloverfield. Some idiots have decided that all viral marketing is to do with cloverfield. WRONG

    This is infact someone, quite clever, making his own story through a blog and a freaky website.

    Personally i love it, work of genious, so is cloverfield….but the open ending sucked.


  7. i jus wanna kno what happened at the end. the end was so suspenseful it left me shocked for the next 30 mins after. i would like to see it from the militarys pov. but having them jus wake up and deal with it again would do justice i suppose.

  8. Well if Aladygma does mean crippled or in pain, then it could be the name of the sequal. I the monster is a baby and I heard from somewhere that it is looking for it’s mom so yeah it could be that.

    @ all the people that don’t want a sequal: I personally think a sequal for this movie will be awsome and I do not think it will let us down.

  9. the word Aladygma means Crippled or in pain. i sorta agree when people remake movies they mess them up and then us the viewers will say ahhhh man that was stupid but the sad thing is they get there money. but yeah i am a fan of CloverField and i would hate to see this movie Go DOWN THE DRAIN!!!!!

  10. Aladygma means Crippled or in pain. i sorta agree when people remake movies they mess them up and then us the viewers will say ahhhh man that was stupid but the sad thing is they get there money. but yeah i am a fan of CloverField and i would hate to see this movie Go DOWN THE DRAIN!!!!!

  11. Aladygma means Crippled or in pain. i sorta agree when people remake movies they mess them up and then us the viewers will say ahhhh man that was stupid but the sad thing is they get there money. but yeah i am a fan of CloverField and i would hate to see this movie Go DOWN THE DRAIN!!!!! just a reminder Aladygma means Crippled or in pain…..

  12. Alex the monster attacks the bridge with its tail…If you look closely to its tail throughout the movie and then go back to the bridge sceen. You will clearly see that it is the tail.

    And aladygma has nothing to do with cloverfield. Same writer different stroy.

  13. i liked cloverfield, and people say they wish it would be more like godzilla, but hello, the whole point of the movie was to make a different style monster movie, so making it like godzilla takes the whole reason of making cloverfield away, and i loved the movie but i hated it at the same time, SPOILERS AHEAD! at one point a monster with tentacles attacks the bridge, but all the times it showed the monster i didnt ever see tentacles, everytime it showed the monster it looked different. I think there might be more than one, and the movie posters, go to google, and look up cloverfield and see the shadow over new york
    i heard cloverfield 1 the monster is only a baby
    i beleive it
    why else would the shadow poster have been made?

  14. I don’t think this Aladygma will be Cloverfield 2. Cloverfield 2 will plainly be called Cloverfield 2. They shouldn’t give it another name. Mebay Cloverfield 2

    That could be the monster’s name for the sequel, but I doubt it. This movie will probably be a first person account of a ghost story or something like it. Since Cloverfield was a first person movie that did very well, we’ll be seeing more movies the want to copy the feel of Cloverfield.

  15. Ok, so i have my theories, a couple of ’em actually.
    I don’t know why the “Eiffel” and the “Student Thomas” tough.

    But i did find a relation on the numbers displayed on those vids (211 | 2008), and the ones displayed @ aladygma.com:

    00 | 11 | 22 | 88 = 18-12-2008.

    It’s a date, and following the “movie release” theory, that date i believe is a Thursday, right? So the movies being premiered, generally on Fridays, and the legend “Coming Soon Next Day” on the website (right bottom)could mean that, if it actually is a movie, could be released on that date, or at least some will happen that day, i don’t know, it’s just a theory, i’m just gett’n started with it.

    I still haven’t figured out where the Tower, the Student Thomas and the “Follow the Whitespaces” legend fall in, so i’ll keep on diggin!

  16. I really think a sequel could be really cool if they did it from a soldier’s perspective. It would make it more action oriented, it could still be shot first person b/c of soldiers’ helmet cameras, and it would be fun.
    Seriously, a Cloverfield Action/War movie!
    This one could even have the conclusion!

  17. This sequel is specifically a Paramount idea and it is not being made in conjunction with Bad Robot, JJ Abrams, Bryan Burk, or Matt Reeves. This I know for certain.

  18. @ “I wanted to see a movie about a monster and the war against it. ”

    I agree in theory. But everything I’ve seen leads me to believe Holly Wood just can’t make that movie. Godzilla, ID4, Transformers. They always end up being about an endless parade of lame inconsequential characters doing boring stuff with the giant monsters falling to the background.

  19. I’m trying to think what it means. It could be the name of the beast waking up in the morning (Alady “Good Morning America”), it could be the beast’s roar with a case of sore throat (“Arrrgh”=”Aladygma!!!’) or the next cell phone user is…(that’s right-! A text message saying A lady’s gramma!)

    In the meantime, aladygma grave and lay in it if this goes through. Cloverfield does not warrant a sequel.

  20. i really enjoyed cloverfield, but these creators/hollywood really need to stop “milking” these certain movies, i’m so tired of unnecessary sequels. i get it, it made money, now do a brand new idea.

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