German ToyFair gives us a Hint of the Summer Blockbusters!

I never grew up. Not fully. I still collect toys when my wife is not looking which is why this news about the German Toyfair has me excited about the most anticipated movies and TV shows. Germany gets to have their International Toy Fair before North America does, so they get to see all the good things we have coming to us.

AICN posted:

This year a lot of movies will find their merchandise in toys and videogames In Nurnberg Pixar’s Wall-E ruled in terms of licensing. But there was also a lot of Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Marvel. Usually the companies who actually bought a certain a license, show their partners and press contacts some inside glimpses of what’s coming up.

The article also covers some of the Star Trek toys like Spock’s ring and a dress up playset with vulcan ears. But if the toys are any indication, it looks like the uniforms they wear in the JJAbrams reboot will be classic duds and Uhura is stepping up as the token eyecandy.

Hasbro has the Ironman and Hulk toy license, which makes sense cosidering the grander crossover scheme to make an Avengers movie. The spy was also exposed to a scene from the movie with Stark testing out the final suit in the movie and a scene from Hulk. Bit of a spoiler if you worry about the little details.

He caps off his report with a confirmation that the new Star Wars animated series Clone Wars will be in theatres and not just England. He is reporting from the Germany ToyFair, so I don’t know if he meant it will be in Germany too, or if he was told it would be a North American release as well.

I just can’t wait for all the toys.

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