Anna Nicole Smith Film In The Works

thumbsup.jpegThe body is still hot in the ground and it looks like they will be making a film about the life of Anna Nicole Smith. We get the news from Monsters and Critics:

Busty, blonde singer Willa Ford, best known for her stint on “Dancing With the Stars” and her pop tune “I Wanna Be Bad” will resurrect Anna Nicole Smith on the big screen in ‘Anna Nicole.’ Jack and Joseph Nasser are producing while Koni Waxman (‘The Highwayman’) directs.

Movie was announced in March after Smith’s death February 8th but producers claim they had been planning the movie for over two years. They also said that film will not center on Smith’s “trashy” life but concede that there will be nudity in the film.

Let me just go on record to say that Anna Nicole Smith ruled. She was a lewd, crude, trashy pinup god, and we loved her for it. She used what she had, and then got massive fake tits to wrestle success into her shitty life. It is a modern day X-Rated fairy tale, and I just hope they do a film that is true to her story.

I am concerned that they don’t want to to focus on the “trashy parts of her life.” This is a woman that got high wearing clown make up when she was pregnant – she partied hard and I want to see that on the silver screen. This a woman that probably sucked a dozen cocks each rung on the ladder of success – we need to see that. This is a woman that managed to become an international sex symbol and a household name, using the ancient weapons known as T and A.

You may not agree with what she did for a living or how she lived her life; but hers is a story that should be told. We all know what Anna looked like in the high gloss magazines and in the public eye – what we need to see is how she got there, and how she lived day to day. They need to focus on the trash, because that is where the story lies (as far as I am concerned). Like archaeologists we need to find treasures buried in the dirt.

It will be interesting to see how the film develops, I think Ford can be made up to look like Anna, (although I think she should get implants before the film begins) I just hope she has the acting chops to do a decent impression. I would of preferred Scarlet Johanson, Charlese Theron or another well known bombshell veteran, but it looks like it is too late for that. I love stories of people that make a living through unpopular and/or illegal means. I personally am interested in a bio pic about Anna – I just hope they don’t chicken out and do some feel good bullshit.

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7 thoughts on “Anna Nicole Smith Film In The Works

  1. Christ, I thought once she OD’d, we’d finally be rid of this dumb pathetic sack o’ silicone. Stop the insanity! I hope they lose millions on this just to teach those bottom feeders a lesson.

  2. They should do a trilogy.

    Maybe the first film could be called Anna Nicole Smith Begins.

    And to give it some artistic integrity Paul Verhoeven can direct.

  3. I’m sorry if I don’t share Doug’s (and the int’l friend) enthusiasm for this project. Given the fact that it was official the other day (April 10) that Larry Birkhead was the baby’s daddy, and that there is still tthe contreversy over Anna’s late son Daniel, there are these questions to ask:

    Whose story will this movie tell? Anna’s? Howard K Stern’s? Anna’s mother? Anna’s half sister now cashing in her chips? The family of the oil baron? Would we get a fair and honest look, or get a two hour tabloid? Yes, the irony of getting a good actress to play a bad one isn’t lost on me, but, aside from her Guess? days, in all fairness, how does this film NOT become sensationalized?

    I can’t stop folks from making this, I can’t stop folks from wanting to see it.
    I can, however, not support it.

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