Now you can listen to movies at work

headphones.jpgIt’s good to have friends around the internet to tell you what’s new and cool, today it is listening to movie sound tracks and commentaries online while you work. The kind and generous folks over at gave us this treat for today:

Listen to a Movie, which just recently launched a new beta site…Listen to a Movie literally lets you listen to the the entire soundtrack to a movie, played through any web browser. You’re there along for the ride…it has tons of films uploaded that you can listen to (TV shows, too) and some of the films even include the director’s commentary tracks. They even have a cool “stealth” mode that turns the audio player window into a fake spreadsheet, to fool your boss

I love the internet, it has problems for sure but it makes up for them with great ideas like this for the average computer worker to benefit from. Thankfully with a boss like John Campea I’m one of the lucky ones who won’t need the stealth mode while I’m working.

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3 thoughts on “Now you can listen to movies at work

  1. Sure…Let’s make the workforce lazier and less productive than it already is! I’m game! I mean, imagine having to wait after calling customer service because some knob is “listening” to a movie! Ingenious!

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