Rocky Racist?

Racism, Prejudice and Sexism are all horrible things that are a stain on our culture and society. While things have improved a lot over the last 100 years, no one can deny that they are still problems being faced every day and still need to be addressed.

However, a lot of people in the media (as I’ve pointed out with the recent Mel Gibson circus) like to use these horrible things to try to sensationalize stories, demonize things or people we don’t like, and turn up the “hype” dial on a story to try to get more people interested. I’m sure that I’ve probably done it myself at some point.

But this recent item just takes it to a whole new level. You see, if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to, you can interpret and spin almost ANTYING OR ANYONE in such a way to portray them as biased, racist, sexist or in some other way prejudice. So, if you don’t like someone or something, you can FIND a way to label them one of these things.

So here comes this ridiculous article from Guardian (a great site by the way) that attacks the latest Rocky Movie, and the Rocky franchise as totally racist. Here is their justification for it:

“Cheerfully moronic, imbued with an almost infantile racism to which Stallone and the film’s enthusiasts have long purported to be oblivious, Rocky lionizes a small-time South Philly hood who somehow manages to wangle a bout with the reigning heavyweight champion of the world, and thereupon gives him the fight of his life. The champion, Apollo Creed, is a motor-mouthed African-American punk who shows no respect for America”

Ummm… ok… wasn’t Apollo portrayed as Rocky’s best friend? And ummm… in Rocky 4 didn’t Apollo fight Ivan Drago to stand up for America? Didn’t he come into his fight decked out in full stars and stripes with James Brown singing “Living in America”? Punk? Wasn’t Apollo portrayed as civilized and classy compared to Rocky being an uneducated idiot?

“Thirty years later, Stallone’s merry abuse of African-Americans continues unabated. This time, he will duke it out with Mason “The Line” Dixon (played by real-life boxer Antonio Tarver), an undefeated black man who, though prodigiously gifted, has never really been tested. That’s because up until now he has only battled tough black men in their 20s, but has never had to face the ultimate test: a 10-round bout with a decrepit Caucasian restaurateur pushing 60. “

Ummm… I don’t recall ever seeing in Rocky Balboa that Mason only fought black fighters. And even if he did, it is a fact that the majority of the best fighters in the world in the heavyweight division are black fighters… so what is wrong showing that? And isn’t Rocky Balboa showing Mason, a black fighter, to be the very best in the world? That’s he’s sooo good, people hate him for ending his fights so fast. And that Mason wants to test himself… to better himself? That’s racist???

Hell… why not say the Rocky films are anti-white racist? After all… Rocky… the white guy… is portrayed as a bumbling idiot who can just throw good punches. Uneducated, undignified, can barley talk “Ay Yo Adrian”, while they portray a guy like Apollo as educated, refined, classy. Yup, the Rocky movies are all ani-white racist.

See… you can make anything look a certain way if you want to. And we all (me included) do it.

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15 thoughts on “Rocky Racist?

  1. Where there’s hate, there’s money. This writer is trying to get his article read (ie. SOLD) to get his name out there. We can argue all day and night about this topic, but suffice it to say, it only revolves around money.

  2. Oh that’s right “BegsTo Differ”. Because the act of one country or government or even one man paints the brush for all of humanity. You really should think before you speak.

    And to say “Things have improved over the last 100 years” is 100% true. That doesn’t mean that exactly 100 years ago everything changed. It means that slowly, gradually, with some horrible tragedies and set backs along the way… things have improved to the point we’re at today. A point that is still not finished, nor good enough… but improved over the state of 100 years ago.

    Think a bit before you

  3. “things have improved a lot over the last 100 years”

    Um….when was it that six million Jews were killed?

    You know John, you really should stop and read what you write before posting it.

    Ok, faithful minions of Campea — attack!

  4. i agree with the this article totally being a black man, i can see the film as it is and not racist. Apollo creed was a legend and was potrayed as such. rocky rules

  5. Hey Lou,

    Too late about the LOTR movies. There is a small contingent of African Americans who have started a conspiracy theory that the “dark(i.e. black) look of all the villains and evil creatures(except Saruman go figure) in the films is supposed to represent black people.

    These are not crackpot pot-stirrers either. I know several black people myself who have latched on to this theory and I don’t consider any of them to be “militant” or paranoid in any way.

    These classic Fantasy stories were created in a bygone era where all the characters were white. The fact is there are many great modern fantasy stories that have broken those barriers and contain characters of all races and cultures.

    It is just that none of these stories have been made into films yet.

    Robert Jordan’s the Wheel of Time and Greg Keyes The Briar King are examples of modern fantasy tales that encompass many cultures and peoples. There are many more.

  6. I’m so tired of the race card being thrown. If I say, for example, say I dont like P. Diddy acting in movies, I must be racistand automatically thrown in conjunction with a bunch of retarded hillbillies in white robes that burn crosses and then claim that what they do is “God’s blessing” and that it’s “in the bible”! You know what, I fuckin’ hate racism. I hate it when a legal immigrant here in the states is treated like an idiot just because of his or her accents. Hell, I hate it when I see racists in movies. And if I could go back and beat up a bunch of slave traders, I honestly would in a heart beat, because this world already has enough hate in it.

  7. Also remember that, in Rocky V, (white) champion Tommy Gunn was also criticized for never having really been tested/challenged, which is why he went after Balboa under any circumstance (street fight) to get some credibility.

  8. Well, if they said there was politics in Rocky IV, that’s one thing. That film was shameless in sterotyping the Russians (and Olympic athletes at that- it is suggested that Drago took steriods)

    The sad part is that this theory put out does not explain how Rocky’s main opponents, other than Drago, happen to be black, but all fights are in a professional boxing ring. When Rocky fought his first street brawl (V), his opponent- his protoge- was white. Go figure.

  9. I totally disagree with that article, I think it’s disgraceful that he accuses Rocky of racism, but I just want to point out that even though it appears in a British newspaper, the author Joe Queenan is an American writer. This week Stallone appeared at a Premiership football match in Liverpool and was treated as a hero.

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