75 thoughts on “The New 300 Trailer

  1. Best.Trailer.Ever!

    Damn whats with all the soap opera crap? Although South Africa is always a few weeks behind which bites but I am there for this movie.

    It’s bound to dissapoint with my expectations being so high tho :-(

  2. Hey Chris,

    “and the 300 trailer looks like Lord of the Rings minus the gayness had sex with troy and rapped by sin city and did cocaine with the special effects of star wars”

    f–kin’ priceless, dude

    See, I get funny. Funny is fine. Just dont be hateful for the sake of being hateful.

  3. Dude,

    The video tape is my reason also.
    How am I supposed to be scared of a video tape?
    The only part of that movie that was even remotely scary was the end when she fell in the well, but even that lost a lot of it’s bite due to everything that came before it.
    (This is all just my opinion. I am not saying that you are stupid if it did scare you)
    Blair Witch….
    Man, I just didnt like that movie. The last scene was pretty creepy, I’ll give you that, but the rest was just nonsense. It looked like five film students got high and decided to play make believe. I understand the concept and I get what they were going for but it just didnt grab me.
    Let me put it to you this way…
    I do not go in the ocean or into lakes and I do not get on boats for any reason. Why? Because of unseen creatures that inhabit bodies of water. Like sharks or pirhanas or barracudas or stingrays or friggin’ jellyfish even. I’m scared of all of them because of Jaws and the idea presented by Jaws. Shit in the water will kill you. I’m with you on this one Kristina.

    The first Elm Street movie?
    God yes, that was scary.
    It’s too bad they turned Freddy into a comedian after that one. Totally ruined the franchise for me.

    Lets see… what else?

    Deadly friend w/ Kristy Swanson. Where she was this guy’s friend and she died and he put a microchip or something electronic in her head and brought her back to life. Fuck, that movie scared me.

    April Fools Day. That movie left a scar on my tender young mind for years.
    Sleepaway Camp. All I can say is “mindfuck”. That shit was scary through the movie and then the end happened and just freaked me the fuck out.
    Chopping Mall. I know it sounds crazy to say that but when I first saw it… it just scared me, OK? Screw you and your judgemental eyes.

    Friday the 13/Jason movies…
    How can I put this? I like them but only a few of them ever scared me.
    Maybe it was age, maybe it was the quality of the product but after part 4, they ceased to be frightening.

    Poltergiest scared the living shit out of me and I dont care who knows it. That movie was a masterpiece. Still holds up as far as I’m concerned.

    Halloween. 1, 2 and 4 were good but it went downhill after that. As a side question for any horror junkies that might know the answer to this “In part 5, at the end, what ever became of the man in the cowboy hat and what was he supposed to do since they just forgot about him in part 6?”

    Alien and Aliens both really got to me. I remember sneaking in to see Aliens after buying a ticket for something else (I was 12) and getting kicked out 10 minutes into the movie. I later saw it with my parents and spent the next week sleeping under my covers balled up in the fetal position. Yeah… that scene with woman in the coccoon that they thought was dead and she just pops open her eyes and says “Kill me!Please kill me!”
    Whoo-wee that one did a number on me.

    The Romero Zombie movies never really scared me but they did creep me out.

    The original Wicker Man and The Amityville Horror movies were creepy atmospheric type movies. Not really scary but left me with a really weird, uncomfortable vibe.

    And just so you dont feel lonely…
    Lake Placid and Eight Legged Freaks are two guilty pleasures of mine.

    I cant go.
    There is no way in hell my wife is letting me go to Canada for the weekend. Plus, I’m too far away to drive and airplane tickets cost an arm and a leg. I would love too but unfortunately it’s just not in the cards.
    Sorry brother

  4. scariest movie experience was watching the ring while high and the remake of house on haunted hill. the insane visuals and monster design stuck in my head for weeks…jacob’s latter and the highway scene in final destination 2 are close behind.

  5. i agree with alfie, blair witch scared the shit out of me when it first came out. living in maryland, i thought it was actually based on actual events. lol. i actually thought it was REAL footage of these college students. also SCI-FI channel did a great mock-documentary about the kids and the witch. i feel into all the hype but was disappointed by the finished product…

    and the 300 trailer looks like Lord of the Rings minus the gayness had sex with troy and rapped by sin city and did cocaine with the special effects of star wars…..fuck yea. lol. awesome trailer.

  6. Those movies you listed are okay as far as scares go, but for me, Jaws is the scariest shit EVER. That movie did a mind trip on me. I will not go out into the ocean any further than my knees. I’m terrified.

  7. well it mightn’t have been the scariest film I have seen in years but you see I am terrified of flying. Haven’t been on a plane in over 10 years due to my irrational fear. The last thing I needed to see was a film in which the plane was definitely going to crash!!

    I did like the film though…I found it very intense as opposed to being actually scary…I recommend seeing it…It was not the overly patriotic rah rah god bless us kind of film I thought it might have been…..I thought it was very well done….it didn’t make the terrorists out to be monsters…..it didn’t make the passengers out to be more heroic than they probably were. It just everyone as the people they were in that very moment. They were the first group of people to be living in the post 9/11 world if you know what I mean and I found it incredibly even handed and it effected me in a way I did not expect it too….

    I found Wolf Creek scary….

    Rosemary’s baby, to me, is still the scariest film ever made. A great film.

    The Blair Witch Project terrified me intially……..lame I know but hear me out … a friend of mine had scored a dub of it well before it was a big hyped up thing …before i had really even heard of it…all I knew about it at that time was that there was this documentary coming out sometime that was apparently all real about these people who went missing or something….that is all we knew at the time…..we had no idea if it was real or not….the quality was not great as it was a dub of a dub…..which added to it watching this old third generation dub of this film made on old filmstock and handycams…..
    and it scared the fucking shit out of us………when I saw it again in the cinema I couldn’t believe how unscary it was…..

    although that very last segment when the guy is standing in the corner of the room and the camera falls over etc etc is legitimitely a great piece of horror cinema that stand amongst some of the best. That one segment alone is worth it. That final image of the guy standing in the corner facing the wall is a very scary image.

    ….Audition freaked me out as well….

    although I never fell for the ring. Neither the original or the remake.

    I know we are supposed to suspend or disbelief for movies – i just couldn’t suspend it enough to be scared of a video tape.

    Theres a tape..if you watch it you die. hhmmm…
    don’t watch the fucking tape. Quite simple. I know that isn’t the point but thats why they didn’t scare me. I couldn’t help but think “stop watching that fucking thing!!!”

    The same reason I never found candyman scary either…say his name 5 times into a mirror and he comes to to kill you….o.k. so stop saying his fucking name into mirrors then!!

    The first elm street works though…..before freddy became the james bond of slashers with a one liner and a wink for every kill he was a truly scary modern day boogeyman.

    Everyone needs to sleep and if you did you would die. that is such a great horror film concept and the original is a great horror film. It hasn’t aged that well sure but as a horror film I think it still works.

    The problem is freddy got watered down to the point where you went in rooting for him instead of fearing him. You should have been shitting yourself not cheering his arrivival. Although some of the kills in the later films are very funny yet meanspirited….the pin drop deaf guy head explosion??? great stuff….

    I agree with kinger…this year has not been a great one at the movies….
    It hasn’t been terrible but it has been very average.

    oh and that primeval is apparently a gianty crocodile movie so as silly and as awful as it looks that is one I will be there for…. Movies about giant killer animals or swarms of insects etc etc and i can’t stay away…..

    that was lot of random thoughts flowing there,,its the middle of the night…I can’t sleep….

    and now i am a bit scared as I keep picturing the guy facing the wall in blair witch!!

  8. Primeval?

    Now that movie looks ridiculous judging by the trailer.

    I think as we get older it becomes harder and harder to get scared by a movie. The last movie that even remotely “scared” me was the feeling I got during the first 10 minutes of the Dawn of the Dead remake. And I cant even think of what actually scared me before that because it’s been so long.

    What’s the last movie that scared you?

  9. it sure does. unbelieveable…I do wish sometimes when i see a really bad film that I could have been there watching the dailies during the shoot..just to see what they thought they were making!!

  10. i don’t find it silly at all. i actually think it will be very entertaining! but i see what you’re saying alfie, just like i find most horror trailers (and eventually the movies themselves) very very silly. take primeval for instance. now that looks very very very silly!

  11. off topic but early box office reports say apocalypto has won friday at the b.o. and if it continues this way it will take number one with around 15-16 million.

    thats more than braveheart…but braveheart was never a huge box office smash anyway but considering this has no stars, is in a foreign language and mels controversy that is a pretty good showing….these are early reports and if they are true then i am a little surprised…..it deserves it though. good film.

  12. I’m not policing you, because I am working with you as opposed to against you.

    The argument was the same. I took it to the extreme to prove my point. I thought about putting in “obviously this is not what you said but I am using the same argument and that’s the point” but I had faith in you. I will make it clearer the next time.

    I am not telling you that you are stupid. I am not saying that you are insignificant. I am not saying that your opinion is insignificant per se. But I am trying to open your eyes to see what I see.

    None of you has recognized the factual things I point out, and none of you have commented and confronted these things, and explained why it would make the movie worth watching. All you have done is say “This is badass. AWESOME. Best trailer ever!”

    I did not say: “This movie is bad, and if you can not see it then you are dumb.” I realize however, that if you want to get that from my posts, it’s possible.

  13. I wasnt comparing this movie to a McLaren F1, I was giving an example of a gutteral feeling. A purely emotional response.

    Jesus Christ that just proves that you read what I wrote but in no way did you comprehend it.

  14. And you think “that doesn’t mean I can’t try and open your eyes” isnt derogatory and insulting?

    So if I dont see things your way I must be walking arould in an ignorant, blissful daze, right? Since obviously I dont possess the intellect neccessary to know when something sucks. Right?

    And no, I dont consider it provocation. I consider it a personality type. There are some people that go with the flow and there are some people who feel the need to swim upstream. Neither of these traits are an insult or a compliment. I applaud you for your way of thinking. I am, however, not quite as arrogant as you to think that my opinion is so absolutely faultless that anyone who doesnt share it must have thier eyes closed. How can you be so conceited?

    Me calling you someone who likes to go against the grain is in no way comparable to “Jay knows nothing. Everything he says is idiotic and unworthy of anybody’s time. He should be killed for being so extremely stupid. But that’s his right”. I said basically that you dont accept whats “popular”, you think the way you think regardless of concensus. How in the hell is that anything like calling you stupid and saying that you deserve to die?
    And again, you zero in one sentence with no regard to everything else I said.

    And the fact is that it makes no sense to YOU. That doesnt mean it couldnt possibly make sense to anyone nor does it make people who appreciate it wrong and in need of having their eyes opened. Are you so convinced of the superiority of your ideas that you think it’s your burden to enlighten the mindless masses and finally make them all see the world as you do?
    Gee whiz, Henrik…
    Who does that remind you of?

    I must admit it is a little surprising that the person that made this comment “How about you just concentrate on making yourself a better person, instead of policing other people” has the nerve to follow it up with this comment “that doesn’t mean I can’t try and open your eyes”. Seems to me like that’s you trying to police other people’s ideas and feelings.
    But what do I know? I’m just an ignorant, feeble minded drone without the ability to see the appaling mess in front of me without the help of someone superior in intellect and taste.

    I got nothing against you, dude.
    I dont think you’re gay nor do I care if you are.
    I certainly dont care about the size of your penis and I dont think anyone else does either.

    I think I have explained adequetly that my thoughts were not intended as insults and if you read it that way then I am sorry for the misunderstanding. I hope you are cool now but if you decide to attack me some more then I’m just going to tell you right now that I wont be responding to anymore of that foolishness. To be honest, I dont know why I’ve said as much as I’ve already said. I just thought we were cool and you would know that I wasnt trying to insult you, just engage you in debate.

  15. Henrik, you’re such a hypocritical ass

    “I’m not surprised that people who love shiny cars will love this movie though. But that doesn’t mean I can’t try and open your eyes.”

    You drone on about how you don’t appreciate how people treat you when you don’t share their opinion, and yet you then come and say a stupid ass thing like that.

    Where is the respect for my opinion? Oh, that’s right, I’m just a stupid girl who likes shiny cars and my eyes are blinded. God good you are so full of yourself.

  16. The cock comments are just the next step in the intellectual debate. Happened the last time I chimed in on something. I didn’t say you made the comments.

    My comments regarding that were not specifically targeted at you. I dealt with what you said in the previous paragraph.

    “just because Henrik has an uncontrollable desire to rebel against the status quo and fight everything “popular” doesnt mean he’s not entitled to do so.”

    You call that ‘no provocation’?

    It’s fine that you think I have the right to do so (thank you for allowing me by the way. I feel empowered) but that doesn’t do much when you belittle it in such a childish way at the same time.

    It’s like if I said “Jay knows nothing. Everything he says is idiotic and unworthy of anybody’s time. He should be killed for being so extremely stupid. But that’s his right.” It’s ridiculous.

    It’s not all opinion though. Fact is there is alot of stuff in this trailer that makes no sense. A shot of lesbians kissing. A guy having wooden arrows stuck in his brass shield, that didn’t break upon impact, but can easily be broken up just by running a sword through them. A large stoneyard that has a big hole in the middle. A young woman dancing in slow motion with windy fabric blowing about. It get’s ridiculous.

    I’m not surprised that people who love shiny cars will love this movie though. But that doesn’t mean I can’t try and open your eyes. Even if it means getting told that I am gay, and ultimately that my cock is small, borderline non-existent.

  17. Jay,

    I never said it was an insult, or that people couldn’t judge something only by how cool it is.

    I simply said I don’t, which is why I’m not happy with the trailer. Don’t worry. I’m not criticizing anyone who liked it, or telling them I don’t think they should.

  18. “Badassery” is just a euphamism for thinking something is cool.

    What’s wrong with thinking something is cool and letting that be a part of the reason why you feel the way you do about it?

    Why is that an insult?

    Is it any more or less acceptable than to give “too many marketable ideas” as a reason to not like it?

    Of course thinking something is cool or visually arresting or badass is an acceptable portion of the way someone critiques a film.

    Bad ass is viceral. Bad ass is a gut feeling in the pit of your stomach that just speaks to you.
    It’s like the feeling you get standing next to a McLaren F1 or a Bugatti Veyron. (if you dont know what cars those are, look them up)
    The giddiness that wells up inside you. That is caused by how bad ass that car is. The look, the speed… everything. It denotes a certain unquantifiable reason. Pure emotion. Not why your brain likes it, but why your heart likes it.

    That to me, is one of the most applicable and neccessary ways to judge a film.

  19. For once… I actually agree with Henrik.

    I will say right off the bat that I absolutely For once… I actually agree with Henrik.

    I will say right off the bat that I absolutely <3 the visual design and composition of this film (at least from what I have seen in the trailer). But these are only two of many formal strategies of film, and I can't appreciate a movie on just these. Now I may be surprised. The film may have far more going for it than I realize. But from what I can tell, these trailers are only winning over the following groups:

    - boys ages 13-29
    - comic book fans
    - Sin City fans
    - Zach Snyder/Dawn of the Dead fans
    - people who think "badass" is a good factor to critique a film with

    And the funny thing is... I am four of these five things. And this trailer does nothing for me. Unlike the standard, I do not get off on testosteronal warriors, slave girls making out just for kicks, or cool ways to die. These things can be just fine in a movie... provided they aren't there just to draw in the above five crowds.

    I predict at this moment that I am not going to like this movie. But like I said, I cannot judge a film by its trailer. I may be surprised, but right now, in my opinion, the trailers are only doing a good job at showing off "badassery". And that turns me away.

  20. who gives a rats ass what those 2 think? if you like or love something than good for you, don’t let someone else ruin it for you. don’t waste your time trying to convert/convince them. i would love to see the film do great, but hey, a better chance of me getting a great seat.

  21. And Jeff,

    If we have to go all “WE ARE SPAAAARTAAANNSSSS” on either Zach Snyder of Michael Bay then god dammit you better bring some snacks for the plane because those f–kin’ pretzels dont do a thing for me.

  22. Sorry about this, Henrik

    But I felt you were attacking me without provocation.

    By the way,
    Dont tell me to grow up when all I did was express my thoughts on how you are looking at 300 and try to give an insight as to how it’s making me feel. My thoughts were neither hateful, aggressive or immature.

    Man I frickin’ loved that trailer, dude.
    I dont know how to say it any other way…
    I just frickin’ loved it.
    Can you at least admit that if you were perhaps a few years younger and maybe still seeing things with the wide eyed abandonment of a kid you could see how frickin’ cool that trailer looked?
    Man, I wish we were both 14 again and going to see this. I think you might see it differently then.
    We get old and life sours us a little. We dont see the world the way we used to. We dont hope the way we used to.
    Oh well…
    Life goes on I guess.

  23. Henrik…?

    Are you ok, man?

    Half of my post was used to defend people’s right to have differing opinions.
    Jesus man, did you even read the whole post?
    Or did you see “Henrik rebels against the popular” and just lost your mind?
    Dont friggin attack me when I defended you. When I said I can understand how you see it the way you do. I even said that your opinion wasnt wrong for the way you look at it. Meaning, in essence, that your opinion is absolutely the right opinion for you, I just dont see it the same way.
    You wanna talk about growing up, why dont you think about the fact that you obviously have a problem dealing with people that dont think the same way you do or handle disagreements the same way you do.

    No Henrik, I didnt agree with you, but inreality I didnt attack you for feeling the way you do either. I said I may feel you are crazy for not liking it but that doesnt make you crazy. I said that I understand where you’re coming from but it’s not how I see it. My opinion is not fact and I know this. It’s just my opinion, and it happens to differ from yours.

    And what you view as me trying to be “enlightened” was just me trying to experess how I’m looking at the situation and show you how we differ in our viewpoints. How ultimately our futures will branch apart concerning 300.

    And I hate to be the one to break this to you but not everyone who frequents the internet and posts on movie websites in going to adhere to you “intellectual” standard. And nor should they, Henrik. Not everyone sees the world the way you do. Not everyone goes into situations and conducts themselves the way you do. (that’s not an insult, calm down) And to be honest, the world is a better place for it because my belief is that we need differences. We need to disagree to spark conversation and the development of ideas.

    “If you want to portray men as gods, how about having actual men in your movie, instead of computer created pixels?
    Do we need massive armies to see the accomplishments of man? No.”

    All you opinion, Henrik.
    Your just as entitled to think the way you think as others are to think the way they think.
    You dont see the nessecity of CGI armies.
    You know what? That’s absolutely fine.
    But you know what else?
    Just because you dont like it, doesnt make it wrong.
    It doesnt mean people who do appreciate the look of the film are wrong, beneath you, or are in any way lacking in taste or the ability to see and appreciate art. Art is subjective, Henrik.
    The taste required to aknowledge a certain piece of art is in no way less that the taste required to appreciate another type or style of art.

    And who the F–K said anything about large cocks, Henrik?
    The gay thing was obviously a joke but where is this large cock reference you speak of?
    By the way, My gay joke was directed at Alfie. So again… chill out.

    I’m not trying to be intellectual or seem enlightened, I’m just trying to express my views. Maybe show a little more in depth reasons why I feel the way I do in stead of just saying it’s too marketable. Maybe I was trying to give you more of an insight as to why I feel the way I do about the movie. Maybe I was trying to do more than just insult the people who do like it by calling them the “Jackass” generation of movie watchers.

    You say I was reducing ” it to “well, you just dont like anything that alot of people like LOL!1!”. ”
    With one throw-away line at the beginning when I also said “Not that being part of the mob is always the way to go” to show that I knew that the popular opinion is not to be misconstrued as the “right” opinion.

    Even Alfie said that he understands why people like it, it’s just that he doesnt share that opinion. You know… the same way I did in the post that you are attacking me for.
    But not you…
    You have to try to turn it around and make it seem like people arent intelligently argueing by saying that they just think you are wrong because more see it the other way. When obviously I gave way more reasons than that.

  24. If you want to portray men as gods, how about having actual men in your movie, instead of computer created pixels?

    Do we need massive armies to see the accomplishments of man? No.

    And I don’t rebel against anything that’s popular. Why is it that you people can not comprehend that somebody disagrees with you? You try and sound like you’re enlightened, but instead you reduce it to “well, you just dont like anything that alot of people like LOL!1!”.

    And you know the people who challenge your opinion are intellectuals when they start insinuating that you’re gay, or have a small cock. God knows, Straight people everywhere agree on everything, and the upper echelon of mankind who have large cocks, should be put on a pediestal and lead the way for the rest of our race, because they are the enlightened ones.

    Grow up.

  25. It’s cool when people like things and it’s cool when people dont like things. Just be mature about it.

    Is it gonna be ebtirely historically acurate…?
    I’m gonna go with a NO on that one Bob.

    But is it gonna be terrifically entertaining and utterly bad-ass…?
    I believe I might have to send you a Hell Yes on that one Bob.

    So Henrik and Alfie seem to be the only two people on the internet that dont think that trailer rocked. So what. They’re entitled to their own opinions no matter how shit-house rat crazy they might seem to the rest of us. (Not that being part of the mob is always the way to go, of course) It’s all just a matter of opinion. Our opinion. Their opinion. Everybody’s got one and everybody has the right to it.
    In the same way that everyone has an opinion, everyone else has the right to question that opinion and try to figure it out. That understanding may never happen but we do have the right to try. As long as we are respectful and adult about it.

    Do I THINK that Henrik and Alfie are looney tunes for not liking that trailer?
    Yes… yes I do.

    Does that make them looney tunes?
    No… no it doesnt.

    There’s a part of me that can understand where Henrik is coming from with the edgy, marketable stuff but just because Henrik has an uncontrollable desire to rebel against the status quo and fight everything “popular” doesnt mean he’s not entitled to do so. Nor does it mean he is “wrong” in his theory. He’s right as far as his own viewpoint goes.
    Where Henrik and Alfie see consumerism and marketability with the complete absense of soul, originality or even historical accuracy I see a completely surreal take on historical fact. I see the mythical version of a tale told to the children of Sparta for years and years after the event took place. I see men that must have been revered as gods in the eyes of the kids hearing this tale. I see exaggeration, I see extravagance, I see fantasy in a story that would have recieved it over the generations that the story has survived. I see myth in the color and the backgrounds. I see an historical tale told with bombastic enthusiasm. I see the soul of a tale long since devoid of the need for absolute accuracy. I see it the way it was meant to be seen. Even Frank Miller himself said this was the way it looked in his dreams when he was writing it.

    Henrik and Alfie dont share my eyes or my feelings… and that’s fine. I feel that they are missing out on something amazing but when it’s all said and done, whether they enjoy it or not, I still get to experience something on a viceral level that they never will. They can say it doesnt matter and they have no desire to “experience” something that looks dreadful and silly but in their heart of hearts I know that on some level they wish they were feeling the same level of satisfaction, fulfilment and eagerness that I’m feeling. No one wants to dread something. No one wants to be displeased or aggravated with the way things turn out. Everyone wishes they would ultimatly be happy with the way things play out but it’s not always the case.
    I know that in the end, I win. I get to see a cool, entertaining flick that takes me to another place and time with these mythical, legendary soldiers fighting this battle made in history but told through the fantastical eyes of children. Henrik and Alfie sit to sit on their tuffets eating their curds and whey. No offense but I like the way my day’s gonna turn out a heck of a lot more that the way theirs is.

    And Alfie you cheating slut…
    You told me you were having dinner with your in-laws last night.
    How dare you treat me this way.

    (for the homophobes in this group, that was obviously a joke. I know Alfie would never cheat on me) ; P

  26. I for one am completed psyched to see this movie. I have not read the 300 graphic novel by Frank Miller, but I am fan of the time period. I highly recommend a novel by Steven Pressfield called Gates of Fire if you are interested in another fictional but immeasureably more accurate telling of the story of the battle of Thermopylae. I would love to see Gates of Fire made into a movie, but I find it hard to see how they could do it. Maybe a for tv mini series.


  27. john c. pushes a lot of movies, a lot of which I does nothing for me, but 300 is one i would have to give him credit for, in getting my attention and excitement about this movie.

    ever since he gave us a link about how the actors trained, i have been so pumped about this movie.

    i thought this trailer rocked just like the others.


  28. ……no words can describe how fuckin sweet that trailer looked. i agreed with alfie on most of the transformers stuff, but i want the haters to tell me what was wrong with the trailer. so far i haven’t heard any criticisms just random things like: it should be a comedy or it sucks.

    imo there is nothing wrong with the trailer, the cinematography looks amazing and the action looks amazing, what more could you want in a movie about 300 warriors fighting armies….nothing

  29. That was friggin amazing. I thought the others were great too but this one just tops the cake. They really need to push this thing hard cause it could be not only a great film but a huge commerially successful film too if they market it right. Sin City but better and you make 100 million easy thats all they have to say.

    I can’t wait anylonger.

  30. I was kinda hesitant (as i always am) on seeing this movie. It shares the same battle, The Battle of Thermopylae, of The 300 Spartans (old movie, i know, but i still think its one of the best. Finding a DVD of it is pretty rare). News of it all was kinda iffy for me, but by god, its not the retelling, but the Frank Miller angle to it. The dialogue so far has been everything i expected- and that final shot of them standing in front of that wall of bodies was… so creepy… SO COOL. Sent shivers up my spine.

    another movie on my to-see list.

  31. Alfie you sound like “Clinton” when that fat chick was giving BJ’s. Anyway, I too was a little dissappointed about this trailer. But I won’t bitch about it or call the Director a “HACK”. I shall wait and until March 07. Maybe then we will all be happy, be it the film rocks or sucks. I’m sure either way some people will be over the moon…

  32. I had know idea….now feel a little gross….so it was a bad joke.to clarify I have not now nor ever made love to henrik….

    glad we cleared that up….

    anyway…I didn’t realise that we are only supposed to post on films we like and only say good things. I didn’t realise that no one was allowed to have their own opinions..jon (not campea)and mike seem a little cross that i don’t share their enthusiasm…..

  33. So Jon, I guess anybody who disagrees with you should shut up? Great disposition.

    Or were you saying that anybody who disagrees with the general consensus should shut up? That’s another great idea.

    How about you just concentrate on making yourself a better person, instead of policing other people?

  34. Hey alfie, have much fun sharing opinions that no one fucking cares about? If you didn’t like it then don’t post. It looks fantastic. oh and John, checked out the graphic novel and it looked great.

  35. I hope this flops because apparently this guy wants to do Watchmen after this movie… An impossible task. Would taint the book forever. Bad idea.

    If you’re into comics just read Watchmen. Rest will be insignificant afterwards.

  36. i can see why you guys like it. and appreciate it.

    but i think they should be marketing this more as a comedy because it looks fucking hilarious. there hasn’t been a decent comedy in while so maybe I will see it after all :P

  37. does nothing for me wahtsoever. I wasn’t even going to post as why should since I won’t see the film but jay called me on it…

    I agree with henrik..he nailed it exactly….

  38. I agree a little with Henrik, but people should know going in that there won’t be alot of historical accuracy other than the main plot.
    The history of the battle of thermoplyae doesn’t mention alot of what happens in the trailer.

    It’s an action movie, for example: Windtalkers (not a very good movie) was based on World War 2, but had Nicholas Cage and his friend dodging THOUSANDS of bullets and killing bad guys with ease.
    Or We Were Soldiers where Mel Gibson’s character is talking on a radio with one hand, and Kills 2 soldiers while shooting a RIFLE with the other!

    Even William Shakespear’s play Julius Caeser had more drama than the actual events, but it is a play after all.

  39. I guess this is the sort of “brilliant” movie that Jackass 2 can only hope to be… Along with Transformers this will save us from becoming like the people in Idiocracy.

    Whatever. This looks like the ultimate expendable movie. Ridiculous plot, plenty of computer action, lesbians, new age-dancing… You’ve seen the trailer. Could they possibly cram more marketable shit in there? I doubt it.

  40. Holy Shit Holy Shit Holy Shit Holy Shit Holy Shit….

    somebody please pass me a diaper, cause that was the most wicked fucking trailer I’ve seen in a while, and I got sooo excited I dirtied myself.

    Holy Shit I’m amped for 300…more than I am for Transformers (and I’m super amped for that one)…I just cant describe how I feel right now…its like I’ve been completed.

    Jay, I’m buying us two airplane tickets so we can go cave in some skulls with our bare fists if this is a bad movie, and we can declare, as we stand over their bloody, mangled bodies..”WE ARE SPARTANS!”

    Alfie, I gotta agree with Jay on this one, where you see something awful, we see nothing but pure beauty!

  41. The scene where he cuts all the protruding arrows off his shield…
    That was so cool.

    Alright… you get the picture.
    I’m pretty pumped about this movie.

    Sorry, Alfie, if that doesnt sit to well over in whenafilmlooksawfuliwontwastemytimeville but I dont see awful where you do.
    In fact… apparently I see sheer, unadulterated awesomeness where you see awful.

  42. Alfie,
    No offense but if you dont see how f–king great this movie is gonna be then there are no words for how sorry i feel for you.
    I know you dont want or need pity but you have mine brother if that didnt grab you by the balls and tear ’em off.

    God Damn, that movie is going to rock!

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