Audio Edition – December 7th 2006

Sharon-Audio.jpgOn today’s installment of the mid-week Audio Edition, Jesse Bonner and I are joined by Actress/Comedian/Writer and now Movie Blog corespondent Sharon Dewitt as she visits us from Los Angeles. See… she’s not fat at all! (listen to the show… you’ll know what that means). Together we discuss:

1) More details on the Films 4 Food Fest. Make sure you join us!

2) What is a spoiler?

3) Blockbuster vs. Netflix

4) Sharon has a SERIOUSLY good idea about the next step for Blockbuster in their war with Netflix.

5) What’s the state of Vin Diesel?

6) Idiocracy

7) What will the reaction be to Eddie Murphy Delerious coming out on DVD in todays’ PC climate?

All this and a few things more


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57 thoughts on “Audio Edition – December 7th 2006

  1. The humour is fine, I think it’s just a matter of personal prefrence. Great job guys, you really should have your own show. Anyways can’t see the keyboard anymore…blinded by Sharon’s hotness.

  2. Agree 100% with Drewbacca.

    I listen to your audio edition to hear a discussion about movies. I want to be entertained and I want to be informed. This edition did neither. What, exactly, does Jessie bring to this show? And for crying out loud, can you be more disciplined? Stick to your agenda and be less long-winded and rambling. Your Monday show is still great but I turned this one off after 40 minutes.

  3. Netflix is killing blockbuster right now. These moves sound real desperate to me. My loyalty is with Netflix but I will take advantage of the blockbuster perks.

  4. Although I’ll probably be crucified, I kind of agree with the first commenter on this thread.

    Although I’m not as much of a dick about it, I did notice that not once did Jesse say anything movie related when asked throughout the entire AE. When asked about spoilers, he talked about porn, when asked about Blockbuster he talked about exposing himself. These jokes are fine, but then after your joke, be serious for a second and contribute an actual opinion.

    I couldn’t care less about “bad” words, but at least Doug contributes to the conversation along with his jokes. Sorry. Just some constructive criticism.

  5. By the way, Netflix doesn’t have customer service either (as John mentioned with his Canadian rental company’s service). You can drive yourself crazy saying you won’t do business with a company that operates like that or you can just quietly fume and use the service. I don’t like the business model but the price, convenience,and selection works well for me so I use it anyway. Netflix has created a better way (for me) to get DVD’s that I don’t need to own.

  6. The movie with a pizza is great and has been tried but unfortunately has failed. I think the costs were prohibitive and staffing was an issue.

    Maybe some would pay the price a business owner would need to cover costs but I’m converted to the Netflix price model. I rent enough movies from Netflix to get them around $2 each. I rarely drive to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video for spontaneous rental for about $5 (and I can afford it).

    It would take a sophisticated software system to “reserve” a copy of a particular title before someone else requested a copy. Another issue would be as a customer, would you decide not to go ahead and order a pizza if none of the titles you wanted are available at the moment?

  7. I’ve used Netflix since it came out. Most of us change our expectations, over time, away from running out to the store. I have the “three DVD’s out” option (there are others). I have a movie coming to my mailbox every day or so. Just to clarify how your comment sounded John, you don’t have to return all three to get the next three. They send the next one on your queue when just one comes in. I know you didn’t mean to give that impression but that’s how it sounded on the audio.

    We change our habits with technology. Netflix and TIVO/DVR change the way we receive and watch much of our entertainment. I still buy DVD’s but the new technology gives me great new options.

    The big spoiler I recall was hearing the end of “The Crying Game” the day I finally got around to seeing it. I think spoilers only occur with movies like that and “The Sixth Sense” where you can ruin it for someone who has yet to see it in the first couple of weeks. After that, the ending will be part of common knowledge and you can’t expect to not find out accidentally.

  8. I came to this site to make comments on some of the things you guys mentioned in the mid-week podcast (which is awesome and you should definately keep it!) but it seems everything I wanted to say has been touched on by many of the other comments.

    Thanks for the great shows, I love the Movie Blog and Audio Auditions!

  9. Dammit Sharon! I came up with that idea years ago!

    It’s a food/movie place, the logistical problem is returning the movie.

    Do they pick it up when you rent the next thing? What happens is you never rent another movie? Etc…


  10. Ha! You win this round Campea. Kaiba-Go-Campea. Nice photoshop skills on Sharon’s pic. Not bad dude. oh wait, nah, she lost all of it in a week, right?

    Max enters the apartment and see’s his old college roommate.
    Max: Oh, hi john.

    Part I: The John Campea/Max Chronicles

    John: Max, I don’t mean to be mean, but if you do not wash these dishes I will rip your balls off. I mean I would do themselves, and I can understand why you would not want to do them, but I have to go watch a movie right now, okay? btw, your dusting – 1/10.

    Max: ‘Not O-fucking-Kay’ Graaaaagghh!!!!!!

    *Max leaps on Campea and beats him up*

    Campea: I’ll do them. I was just aboot to apologize aboot all that, it was a joke. g’day, consider it done.

  11. Eddie Murphy/Delirious (1983). I just remembered something. Eddie Murphy has gone on record in the past, and has ‘apologized’ for most of his early routines, specifically those that mentioned AIDS and gays.

    Jesse Boner brung up a good point…and a timely one. The PC police is alive and well. In the aftermath of Micheal Richards, two comedians recently cracked jokes and made passing reference to it and the n word in general.

  12. I do take objection to equating liking Vin Diesel’s films to the Jackass movies. I wasn’t a big fan of Triple X, Knockaround Guys was more Barry Pepper’s film; A Man Apart was alright, nothing exiting. But I thought he was great in the Pitch Black films; and I have to say…I’m glad, thrilled, give a round of applause to you saying that Fast 3 was ‘awesome’. Vin was in there, three, four seconds? Film was good without Paul Walker or Vin.

    And Find Me Guilty was NOT “heavily marketed” and it did not open wide. What in the hell are you talking about? The indie studio that distributed Sidney Lumet’s film had no “heavy marketing”. The only time I saw anything on this picture was two years prior when the Academy Awards honored director Lumet. That’s it.

    Also, Pacifer didn’t bomb. Did I see it? Well….no.

    But I do take objection to the equasion, John. And I STRONGLY disagree with Sharon’s assessment as well. He’s not toast. I think unless Vin comes out with Riddick III (not counting Dark Fury) he needs to do other things; it should also be pointed out he co-produces some of his films.

  13. As for the video on demand 30 minute guarantee…I was with you all until a point. Unless the driver drives a van…look, he’s got X amount of pizzas and x amount of Superman Returns, Miami Vice and Shark Attack 3…evelopes, change wallet…kid needs to drive dammit! Cut him some slack- freakin’ hobos go out to the freakin’ video store.
    Ye vipers, slackers ;)


  14. Lookout, run for cover, here is the whirlwind.

    First to Rob Williams: (?) Maybe this podcast was Much Ado About Nothing, and maybe Jesse Boner isn’t as wild and funny as Doug Nagy. Maybe he’s just more deadpan/Steven Wright-like. Different style of humor, might take some time getting used to.

    Second, to the int’l friends who spit on Rob: hypocrites, ye pool of vipers! :P
    No, seriously, his comment wasn’t about the Not Suitable For Sailors content of the show; he simply said in his opinion, the show dragged and he didn’t find Boner funny. You all should respect that. Shame on you. Shame. Shame. Shame. Tsk, Tsk.

    Third, he’s wrong, and no one put a gun to his head to listen to the AE. Yes, a bit long on pizza and Netflix, but in theory, one *can* skip over such things with a drag of a mouse. Correct? Feel free to try that. Might work.

  15. Hey hey! About the delivery service (you know this thing they talked about having your movies delivered immediately like pizza)… I live in Mexico City and we used to have one service just like this like 10 years ago! You subscribed and got a HUGE catalog (like those thick yellow pages phone books) and your movies got delivered just like pizza within 2 hours or so. It was called CINEXPRESS but…… guess what? It went broke AGES AGO!!!! I know we don’t have the same market as you guys and i would totally like blockbuster to offer this service… but i can’t help but wonder, why didn’t it work?

  16. Bonner, you’re my fucking hero. Love you on the show. I’m flying out of DC just so I can buy you a drink. Hey Campea this midweek edition is great, don’t scrap it. Keep it up guys, and who is this Vin Diesel cat/ Oh and Bonner, HOOD LIFE SOOON!

  17. It doesn’t bother me whether or not John is gay…
    It is because he his Canadian! Come John, join us in
    Seattle, joooooin uuuusssss, joooooiiin uuuuuussssss.
    John all kidding besides you have a show I wish I had thought
    up first. Good job.

    (Buy the boat house on Lake Washington that they filmed
    Sleepless in Seattle at. I’ll bring food to a film food fest…)

  18. It was a little interesting, and I know you don’t want me to say anything Bad about any of it, but, seriously though with the swearing, I’m no stranger to it, I hear plenty more at school, but why? Does it make them EDGY, or FUNNY, or HARDCORE! I just want to hear about movies, this IS the movie blog right? Sorry John just a little constructive criticism, and I know you probably can’t do anything about the swearing anyway.

    Also, just a little complaint about the length, most shows are 30 min tops, and I thought, maybe you could shorten it or maybe, give the times at which each topic starts so you can get to it right quick?

    Don’t mean to burst anyone’s bubble, still cool though!

  19. I don’t know when you guys last watched delirious but unfortunately the gay jokes do not hold up..I have seen this in the last few weeks. the film is still funny in general but the gay stuff isn’t tounge in cheek or ironic…it really is just nasty homophobia….. I was surprised as I grew up on the film and have always loved it but the gay stuff didn’t seem so harsh when I was 10 years old…but it was a different time…doesn’t make it any less unpleasant to hear now….

  20. John,

    I’m on your side with the ‘Spoiler’ saga, but I’m just curious about something.

    I just watched X-men: The Last Stand for the first time and during recent discussions about the flick, I can’t recall you ever mentioning that scene that happened AFTER the credits rolled. I guess I can say it without it being a spoiler because it’s a very similar situation to the one with Barbosa in Pirates.

    At the end of X-men when you find out that Charles Xavier is still alive. Surely that’s not a spoiler, it seems almost identical to the situation here. Just wondering how come you never mentioned in previous Audio Editions when you were discussing & reviewing X-Men 3.

    PS. I don’t really have the time to go back through all the Audio Editions to see if you did, but I’m pretty positive that you didn’t say anything. So if you did mention it, I sincerely apologise.

  21. John, I don’t think the Pacifier bombed. It did 198 Million for its Thatrical run (Foreign and domestic) at a budget of like 70 million (Production and Marketing). So, Find Me Guilty Bombed but Pacifier was actually somewhat successful. You are right about the other movies he did though.

  22. There is a better solution to the “go to the video store with your girlfriend” debate.


    Seriously. It’s not that hard. Not only will you save time renting movies, you’ll probably be happier in life in general. Why in the world would you want someone you’re supposed to love being somebody who doesn’t like similar things to you?

  23. You guys were quoting a lot from RAW….but this is dated material that is a master piece…would/should you edit anything from a classic in any media?…Would it translate well to today, hell yes…Look at Chappelle same kind of humor

    “ha ha very funny motherfucker!”
    “your mothers got a wooden leg with a kickstand, motherfucker!”

  24. Alright, I don’t want to sound like an overboard fanboy or anything, but seriously Campea, how the hell are you not on TV? You always get the most interesting mix of people together and make movie topics interesting to hear about. As KRAWLER said above, you are indeed the man. This show is amazing.

    Sign me up for dvd delivery service. No one will care about the homophobic stuff in Delerious at all. Everyone already knows it, and like you said, it was done in an era when things were differnt.

    And my final thought, WOW Sharon is hot!

  25. #2: Different people have different opinions as to what constitutes a spoiler
    #3: Who cares? I dont rent movies, I buy movies. Yeah… that’s how I roll.
    #5: He’ll be back. Just you wait. The Fast and the Furious 4 will put him back on top. (Sarcasm implied: but I dont think he’s gone for good)
    #6: The next great cult film.
    #7: With open arms, John… with open arms.

  26. Krawler here–

    awwwww. Rob W, don’t want to hear bad words,awwwww.
    Then go watch blues clues.. and get one. anyway . Great show John
    you guys rock and man like i said you are the man. LISTEN TO YOU ON MON . TAKE CARE MAN.

    The Krawler–>
    (only tasty in milk)

  27. Ignore the pretentious arrogant american asshole (and I’m american) john. I’m impressed you don’t delete those air head comments.

    Yeah, no way that Barbossa thing was a spoiler, but you’re right, I can see how some may see it that way, but in reality it just doesn’t measure up to what a spoiler is.

    Blockbuster vs. Netflix, I love the moves BLockbuster has been making, but I just don’t know that it’s enough to beat the roll Netflix is on.

    I love Sharons’s idea about home delivery service for movie rentals. If a DVD shop in town started doing that, they’d instantly get all my business.

    Eddie Murphy Delerious will get a massive backlash, mark my words. I hope not, but it will.

    Great show as always guys. Can’t wait the the FFFF!

  28. Poor Rob Williams. Hey Rob, there’s this great little show that’s perfect for you, it’s called Sesame Street. No nasty stuff for people over 12 on that one.

    Wicked show guys! Nice to hear Sharon back.

  29. It’s definitely possible for a movie to spoil itself! a la “The Village”. Everyone knew the ending halfway into the movie, after that turning point I was just waiting for the movie to end.

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