Nicole Kidman is the highest paid woman in Hollywood

nicole.jpg For a very long time Julia Roberts was the most well paid woman in Hollywood, but now that she’s raising a family and doing Broadway Nicole Kidman has been kind enough to step up to the bank. Money is the name of the game and Kidman gets plenty of it according to

Kidman is the highest paid actress according to the Hollywood Reporter’s 2006 list. The Reporter states Nicole Kidman earns between $16 and $17 million per movie. Oscar winner for Walk the Line, one of last year’s best films to be released, Reese Witherspoon came in second, with $15 million per movie.

Renee Zellweger, Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz placed third, fourth and fifth, respectively, with $15 million for each movie they play in. Renee is an Oscar award winner herself, for Best Supporting Actress for her role in “Cold Mountain” she starred alongside Nicole Kidman.

Other actresses in the list are Halle Berry ($14 million), Charlize Theron ($10 million), Angelina Jolie ($10 million), Kirsten Dunst ($8 million to $10 million) and Jennifer Aniston ($8 million). Halle, Charlize and Angelina are also Academy Award winners.

Nicole Kidman? Really? Well I guess if the last highest paid actress was Julia Roberts then this is a step up. But I’m rather surprised at this list on a whole.

It just goes to show that a good agent can really help you out. Because I think that we can all safely agree that Kate Winslet (the only actor to have 4 academy award nominations before age 30) is a bit more advanced than Kirsten Dunst, yet who is getting a bigger cut of the action?

But hell, they don’t call it show business for nothing, and obviously Nicole Kidman is the smartest at business in this town. Also it looks like if you want to make money in Hollywood the best thing you can do is divorce Tom Cruise.

Katie, take note.

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10 thoughts on “Nicole Kidman is the highest paid woman in Hollywood

  1. About Kate Winslet and Kirsten Dunst…….Dunst may be getting paid some shit due to her involvement in Spidey(although she stunk up the joint), but Kate’s getting royalties for life off a little flick called Titanic. Don’t think Kate’s gonna have to worry about her light bill anytime soon.

  2. I disliked Kidman from the git-go in Days of Thunder, Far & Away, etc. but have since become a fan as she has matured her look and been in some great movies. She can act with the best of them, and seems to be getting more gorgeous with age. She deserves it, for now.

    I agree though, WTF is Dunst doing that high? I guess it’s better than if Lindsey Lohan had been up there too. Just below my dreamwoman Angelina Jolie, oh the sacrilege!

  3. “Also it looks like if you want to make money in Hollywood the best thing you can do is divorce Tom Cruise.”

    No quite, Sharon. The best thing you can do is marry Tom Cruise. Outside of Australia, who the heck knew who she was before that move?

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