Routh Promises More Action in Superman Returns sequel

One of the big complaints about Superman Returns was that there just wasnt enough action. Now personally for me, I dont mind that provided there was a good story to fall back on. I don’t think there is anything wrong with some mindless violence to feed my inner adrenaline urges, but if you are not going to do that, then you need a good story. I think Superman Returns fallowed through on that. But a lot of people disagree.

So for those vocal masses who have complained about the lack of Superman kicking some ass, MovieWeb quoted a Routh interview:

“Bryan [Singer] said at Comic-Con they were going to add some more fighting elements and stuff like that,” said Routh. “That might be kind of interesting to throw some punches or throw something, I don’t know, a little more active.”

Routh is going to have to hit the gym again to get back into fighting shape, but not just yet. “I think I’ve got a while. We probably won’t start for another at least six months. They’ve got to get things written so I’m still in the gym. I still work out a little bit but certainly not as much as I had been.”

Now since Superman isnt a ninja or martial arts master, he doesnt need to do much to “fight”. He doesnt have a lot of reason to learn to block considering the surface of his eye can stop a bullet. I dont see any need for him to get in better shape, but it would fit the Superman Image to be a big bigger. Not a big deal though.

More action would be cool. Again, I didnt hate the story driven Superman Returns, but to see some action woudlnt be a bad idea.

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15 thoughts on “Routh Promises More Action in Superman Returns sequel

  1. Kristina:

    The plot consisted of Lex Luthor trying to make a bunch of money in real estate while engaging in a terrorist act that is related to geological activity.

    Wait… Wasn’t that the Plot to Donner’s Superman?

    Yeah… And it was the plot to Singer’s Superman as well.

    Originality was not one of the strong suits of the SR crapfest.

  2. The problem with SR wasn’t lack of action, it was lack of excitement. Except for the plane sequence (which was for only the first half hour of the film), there was no sense of urgency to any of the action. Oh sure, they tried to have that (with Lois in jeopardy etc., but the execution of it was poorly done).
    There were many faults with this film. Saying that there’ll be more action in the film is really not going to fix a lot of the problems that were part of SR.

  3. You thought Superman Returns had a good story? I’m a superman fan, yet I admit it didn’t have the best plot. It was better than previous Superman movies, true – other than that, it was average.

    Superman fighting is awesome. Punching a guy a mile, throwing boulders, fighting in mid-air – all that stuff will be awesome to see.

  4. Hopefully the kid will be relegated to the background and we wont be seeing much of him.

    Dear God, please dont make me watch any super-kid heroics in the sequel.

  5. The gossip monkey says we can look forward to a Zod-less sequel.

    Per Clint at –

    “For those that think the villain in ‘Superman Returns II’ will be General Zod – think again. Its someone you haven’t seen before – and they wanna cast big!”

    Oh please be true, please be true, please be true…

  6. They backed themselves into a corner with that whole angle with the kid. How can you have a bunch of action when Supes will be taking his kid to Chuck E Cheese?

  7. I’m a big Superman Fan, and I’ve loved almost every incarnation of Superman. Comic Books, 1950s TV show, radio shows, Lois and Clark, the animated series of the 90s…I loved them all.

    I hated almost every moment of Superman Returns. I don’t think it would be hard to make the next movie better. That’s like making the next Batan movie better than Batman and Robin.

    But I think they need to stay away from Lex Luthor, Zod, or any other villians used in movies before. I also think they need to get a more mature Lois Lane.

    And simply not even referencing Richard or Super-Baby would be an improvement too.

  8. more action would be great for “returns” but in all honesty. this more needs less homage and more “a superman film for the 21st century” feel. the throwback feel of returns was the main reason I didn’t like it, that and the whole horrible “real estate” plot. the movie needs to be alittle more mature.

  9. This is one instance where I can see the sequel doing better than the first…Or the Second third doing better than the second first…whatever. But I loved Returns, and Im excited to see what a more action packed sequel will be like (something I believe the sequel would have been no matter what). Singer has said he was thinking of this story as a trilogy, and I believe the best way to set up a trilogy is with good storytelling. Like Star Wars, looking back “A new hope” had the least action of the three, but the characters were all established very well, and you cared about them, moving foward.

  10. Routh promises more action…

    How could you have less action?

    I think the average screen adaptation of a Jane Austin novel has more action that the last Super-Stinker had.

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