Spider-Man 3 Trailer Online Thrusday

I wasn’t all that thrilled with the initial Spider-Man 3 teaser that was out a while ago… but I didn’t hate it either… and I know many many many people out there absolutely loved it, so this should be considered good news by just about everyone.

Apparently, the first fill Spider-Man 3 trailer will be airing on TV and showing up online on Thursday. The good folks over at ComingSoon give us the following:

While the new Spider-Man 3 trailer will be shown on TV during MTV’s “Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel” at 10p.m. ET on Thursday, you’ll be able to watch the trailer online at iFilm at that time as well! The trailer will then play in theaters with Casino Royale starting November 17.

Even though I wasn’t thrilled with the teaser, I’ve got to admit I’m really looking forward to seeing the full deal trailer. I’m one of the few people who actually thought Spider-Man 2 was even better than the first one… and I’m anxious to see if Raimi can keep the up swing going with #3. Time will tell. May 4th is getting closer every day.

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13 thoughts on “Spider-Man 3 Trailer Online Thrusday

  1. There was a question if this is the last Spidey film. I got two answers for that. Yes and no.

    Yes, as all reports have thus far suggested, it will be the last film for some of the actors.
    No, as this film will rake in the dough and the series will move on until the well is dry.

    The Lizard.
    Spider Slayers/Smythe.
    Jonas Harrow/Hammerhead/Willow Wisp
    Black Cat

    Take your pick. I think folks wanna see Lizard or Kraven m’self though. But we shall see..

  2. John, you have every good reason not to like the teaser, and don’t let the fanboys say otherwise.

    But, as a fan of the Spider-Man franchise, I’ll just state my opinion in a professional manner…


    Okay, I’m done. Later.

  3. Spidey 2 was better, but I saw that flick once in the theater and never felt an urge to watch it again. Can’t wait for the trailer. I’m tired of watching blurry-ass Comic-con footage.

    Word to the nerds-next time there’s a big-time trailer playing at CC and you sneak in a camera, FOCUS THE BITCH. Thanks.

  4. from what i know most folks preferred Spider-Man 2 to the original.
    that film worked on so many levels.
    as a film for the uninitiated.
    as a comic book brought to life.
    as a fine piece of cinematic storytelling.
    that shit raised the bar for comic to film adaptations.
    only Sin City has matched it since.
    Batman Begins came close but didn’t quite catch the bar.
    & if you naysayers will amit it,there are a few things wrong with it.
    i predict Raimi will raise the bar even higher with Spider-Man 3.
    let’s hope Chris Nolan does better with Dark Knight.

  5. They showed quite a bit in first trailer, I thought alot for a “teaser”. I wonder if we we will see Venom at all. Is this the last film or will there be more?

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