Top Ten Most Anticipated Comic Book Movies

Transformers-poster-2I love lists… if for no other reason that they spark great discussion. The good folks over at FilmForce have put up their “Top Ten Most Anticipated Comic Book Movies” and I thought I’d share it with you here. Read it over and then hop into the comments section to leave your thoughts.

10) Ghost Rider
9) Wonder Woman

8) Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer
7) Wolverine
5) Iron Man
4) 300
3) The Dark Knight (Next Batman Movie)
2) Transformers
1) Spider-Man 3

Ok, now just for fun… I’ll keep the same 10 movies they used… but here’s how I would personally order them:

10) Ghost Rider

8) Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer
7) Iron Man
6) 300
5) Wonder Woman
4) Wolverine
3) Spider-Man 3
2) The Dark Knight
1) The Transformers

Ok… what do you think?

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31 thoughts on “Top Ten Most Anticipated Comic Book Movies

  1. for me it is all about the dark knight and spidey 3. they are without a doubt the two best comic characters ever created in my opinion. and batman begins and the first two spidey movies have been the most entertaining and quality made movies of the entire genre. and it seems like everyone here agrees with that. if i had to pick spidey 3 is at the top of my list, by just a hair. if only for the reason i am a bigger spider-man fan and this movie has two great movies backing it up instead of one. as for the rest only wolverine, iron-man, and wonder woman interest me. transformers holds no interest for me, since i was never a fan, but i will probably be dragged to see it.

  2. Is that the Mark Millar book? I didn’t like that at all. Whiney nonsense. I was really excited about 30 Days when Sam Raimi was gonna do it but a lot less so now that it’s the Hard Candy guy.

    Does The Fountain even count as a comic book adaptation seeing as it was created out of the movie script when Aranofsky couldn’t get it made? Meaning they didn’t actually ADAPT the comic.

  3. 300 tops my list. I haven’t read the comic but Snyder knocked Dawn Of The Dead out of the park and the production diaries make it look very cool. Also, if this is as awesome as it looks then it bodes well for Watchmen.

    Spidey 3 will be great fun, I’m sure, but it won’t be vastly different from the first 2 so I’m not all that bothered about seeing it right away. All that stuff about it being darker is crap. It’ll be about as dark as an episode of Tom And Jerry.

    I’ve never been into Transformers very much but I’m excited about this movie. If there’s one thing Michael Bay does well it’s ridiculous action sequences. And I want some cool toys.

    Ghost Rider’s not getting much love, is it?

  4. I’m looking forward to Wonder Woman more than any of the other comic book flicks. Most of the upcoming characters could be done fairly conventionally… the basic put-upon male who kicks some ass. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but it’s a story I’ve seen many, many times.

    I’m still looking for the cognate to that, and I’ll admit, I’m looking for the Buffy movie that never was. I want a smart, non-misogynistic treatment of a female superhero, and I think Wonder Woman has the potential to be just that (especially with Joss at the helm, natch).

  5. Well, the only ones I want to comment on are your top 3, John. I think, as much I agree Transformers will kick some ass, that between it, The Dark Knight, and the latest Spiderman movie, there’s going to be a close race for top film next year. There’s definitely going to be some big $$$$ with those 3 films alone, but I don’t think any of the others will come close.

  6. I want to see SECRET WARS! Anyone who remembers this story where some of Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains are transported to a synthetic world by The Beyonder who wishes to observe good and evil in action? This story would make a fantastic movie. I can’t wait too see these big battle scenes with The Avengers, X-men, Spiderman and all the good guys vs. Doctor Doom, Wrecking crew, Absorbing-man, Titania, Molecule man and all the rest. Well … I’ll guess I have to wait a couple of years for this one …

  7. The order of my list as pertaining to FilmForce’s list…

    10. Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer (I haven’t even been to able to watch the 1st one a 2nd time, so I’m not very excited about this movie.)
    9. TMNT
    8. Ghost Rider
    7. Iron Man
    6. 300
    5. Wonder Woman
    4. Wolverine
    3. Transformers
    2. Spiderman 3
    1. The Dark Knight

  8. Yeah Transformers isn’t a comic book movie, shame on film force for that…but here’s what I got

    1. Spider-Man 3
    2. The Dark Knight
    3. 30 Days of Night
    4. Transformers (Just to go along with the list)
    5. Sin City 2
    6. Wonder Woman
    7. 300
    8. Wolverine
    9. Iron Man
    10.Fantastic Four and The Silver Surfer

  9. Your list order is more in tune with mine thought I’d still put Wonderwoman further up my list and as much as I liked the frist 2 Spiderman flicks, I’m not all that excited to see the this last one. I’ll see it in theatres but I’m just not excited about it. Not yet at least.

  10. To respond to darren seeley, here’s what I want to see happen one day…

    10)Marvel presents Civil War
    9)Justice Leauge of America
    8)Batman & Superman: World’s Finest
    7)Christopher Nolan & Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns (Batman 3)
    6)The Ultimates
    5)Captain America
    4)The Mighty Thor
    3)The Invincible Iron Man (Iron Man 2)
    2)Fury (Nick Fury Movie…Starring Sam Jakcson as Fury)
    1)Superman: Apokolips Rising (Dude…APOKOLIPS!!!)

  11. 10) The Incredible Hulk
    9) Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer
    8) Wolverine
    7) Sin City 2
    6) Ghost Rider
    5) 300
    4) Iron Man
    3) The Transformers
    2) Spider-Man 3
    1) The Dark Knight

    Okay TMNT and Wonder Woman are not worthy of my list. Joss Wheadon is a great filmmaker, but Wonder Woman isn’t very interesting right now. Once we get a cast, maybe. TMNT will never be interesting.

  12. The following is based on the order you have put it in.
    10) Ghost Rider – Retarded
    9) TMNT – Retarded For Kids
    8) Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer -Retardedx4 (Silver Surfer is cool, he can stay)
    7) Iron Man – Iron Man = Retarded but Iron Man movie for some reason != Retarded (would like to see Silver Surfer vs. Iron Man)
    6) 300 = So Awesome it’s Retarded
    5) Wonder Woman – Retarded with Boobs
    4) Wolverine – Not So Retarded
    3) Spider-Man 3 – Retarded if it is 4 villains
    2) The Dark Knight – Couldn’t be Retarded if it Tried
    1) The Transformers – Lucratively Retarded

  13. I’m going with…

    1) Spidey 3
    2) The Dark Knight
    3) Transformers
    4) Wolverine
    5) 300
    6) Punisher 2 (if made)
    7) Fantastic 4 sequal
    8) Ghost Rider
    9) Iron Man
    10) TMNT

    I just have very little interest in the whole Wonder Woman movie…unless they cast Kate Beckinsdale, in which I’d then rank it around #4.

  14. 1. TRANSFORMERS-I have gotten really into Transformers and I honestly can’t wait for two giants robots kicking each otheres metal asses.

    2. SPIDER-MAN 3-Man oh man everything about this movie I’m loving, expect non-Goblin Harry thats why I would put it after Transformers. The whole Harry story was built for two movies and it’s kinda a let for me not having him as any sort of Goblin.

    3. THE DARK KNIGHT-This could have been #1 for me but I have not seen any pictures or trailers yet so I’ll have to wait and see. But I’m glad Ledger is the Joker.

    4. GHOST RIDER-Loved the teaser. Everything looks badass in it and I like the Cageman.

    5. FANTASTIC FOUR AND THE SILVER SURFER-I loved the first FF movie. I ammit I loved it and I can’t wait for the sequal.

    6. THE INCREDIBLE HULK-This is what I’ve been waiting for a smash’em up Hulk movie. I want him to be pissed and creepy…..Old Hulk movies scared me.

    7. IRON MAN-Kiss ass armour…NUFF SAID!!!

    8. TMNT-The teaser was sweet.

    9. WOLVERINE-Wasn’t X2 a Wolverine movie? Anyway just want Logan to go ape shit.

    10. MAGNETO-Always kicked ass in the films. Not really into these spin-offs but hopefully they will work.

  15. My list:

    10. Ghost Rider (I like the character a lot, but this project looks pretty average at best)

    9. TMNT (I liked them as a kid… as I liked everything with ninjas. Who am I kidding, I still like ninjas. Probably more than ever =)

    8. Fantastic Four 2 (Hopefully it will be better than the first one…)

    7. Iron Man (Jon Favreau is a decent director so this looking moderately interesting. Personally I’d rather see a Captain America movie with nazis or a Thor movie with Asgard.)

    6. 300 (Haven’t read the comic this is based on, but Frank Miller’s involvement should be a good thing.)

    5. Spider-Man 3 (This is looking to be the best of the three. Bryce Dallas Howard as Gwen Stacy, count me in!)

    4. Transformers (Optimus Prime, ’nuff said)

    3. Wonder Woman (with Morena Baccarin as Diane, please… and with Monica Bellucci as her mother Hippolyta =)

    2. The Dark Knight (still not sure about Ledger… You’re right John, Hugo Weaving would have been a great choice. I have faith in Nolan.)

    1. Wolverine (My favorite character if written well. Hopefully a R-rated picture, but probably not.)

  16. 10: TMNT
    09: The Incredible Hulk
    08: Ghost Rider
    07: Wolverine
    06: Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer
    05: 300
    04: Iron Man
    03: Spiderman 3
    02: Transformers
    01: The Dark Knight

  17. Here’s my thoughts:

    1) Spider-Man 3
    2) Ghost Rider
    3) Batman The Dark Knight
    4) Wonder Woman
    5) Fantastic Four & Silver Surfer
    6) Iron Man
    7) Watchmen
    8) 300
    9) Wolverine/Magneto/X-Men related film
    10) Incredible Hulk

    And, just for kicks, here’s what I want to see happen one day:

    1) Morbius
    2) Green Hornet
    3) Iron Fist and/or [Luke] Cage
    4) Green Lantern
    5) Sgt Rock
    6) Captain America
    7) Namor
    8) Jonah Hex
    9) Punisher 2
    10) Howard The Duck remake

  18. FOr me….

    1)THE DARK KNIGHT (I can’t wait….He’s the BEST)

    2)SUPERMAN RETURNS SEQUEL( I would love to see him face off against Metallo throughout the movie and then towards the end finish it off with DOOMSDAY landing on earth and getting everyone excited for the third movie)

    3) spider-man 3(although i think he’s a sensitive little shit, there really aren’t any other movies i’m really looking forward to).

  19. For me it would be(from taht list):
    1. Spider-Man 3
    2. Dark Knight
    3. Wolverine
    4. Wonder Woman
    5. TMNT
    6. Iron Man
    7. Transformers
    8. Fanatstic Four 2
    9. Ghost Rider

    But if i am not going by that list
    1. Spider-Man 3
    2. Dark Knight
    3. Wolverine
    4. Wonder Woman
    5. Sin City 2
    6. The Incredible Hulk
    7. TMNT
    8. Iron Man
    9. Transformers
    10.Fanatstic Four 2

  20. I think it goes:
    1. Spider-Man 3
    2. Dark knight
    then anything else.

    I really don’t see the majority of the public getting that excited about Transformers. I am, but I don’t think everyone will be.

  21. I’m looking forward to The Dark Knight and Spiderman 3, but the rest I’ll take as they come. Wonder Woman, maybe, but Joss Whedon is so hit and miss, and it depends on who he casts as the lead. If it’s wee Jessie Biel, I’ll be there on opening day (possibly in an overcoat of some sort). Otherwise…

  22. 1) The Dark Knight
    2) Spider Man 3
    3) Wolverine
    4) 30 Days of Night
    5) James Cameron’s adaptation of “Battle Angel Alita”
    6) Sin City 2
    7) Superman Returns sequel
    8) Iron Man (major strike against it for Jon Favreau)
    9) zip
    10) zilch

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