Live Free or Die Hard

Ok, I’ve said before on The Movie Blog that the title of a film isn’t really all that important when it all comes down to it… but it’s always nice to have a good one. But folks… they’ve just announced the official title for the next Die Hard film… and it’s NOT Die Hard 4.0 (which I actually thought was a great title). The title for the next Die Hard flick is…

Live Free or Die Hard

What the FUCK!?!?! Are they serious? Let me check the calendar…. nope… it’s not April 1st. They must be kidding me?!?! That is one of the stupidest titles I think I’ve heard all year. What the hell are they smoking?

Ok folks… seriously… is it just me? Am I the only one who thinks this is an insanely dumb title for the movie? What am I missing here?

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47 thoughts on “Live Free or Die Hard

  1. OK John,
    All I’m saying is that I think they (the producers) had a hidden reason for wanting this guy of middle eastern descent to play a good guy in a movie about terrorists. I found that interesting! It immediately caught my attention when I watched the movie and got me to think a little. Why would they do this? Why do you think they did that?

  2. Hey Soo-Zee-Cue

    You said:

    “it’s too soon after 9-11 to make them look like the “good guys”

    Ummm… who is “them”? People of middle eastern descent in America had nothing to do with 9/11 anymore than you did.

    Here’s a thought. The terrorist who blew up the federal building in Oklahoma was a white Caucasian dude. Does that mean they shouldn’t have any white caucasian heroes in movies too? Would that make “them” look like heroes?

  3. I know there are lots of Americans of middle eastern descent, but it’s too soon after 9-11 to make them look like the “good guys”, (I think). Why not a Mex. American or Afro American? I think they had a hidden agenda.

  4. Ok, enough about the title. I AM NOT A RACIST!, but I would like to know if anyone was offended that the guy in charge of the FBI trying to crack the case is a male of middle eastern descent? WHY!!

  5. Correct. Its a stupid title, that sounds like it was a child that made it up. I would understand if the meaning was that we should laugh, but ofcause they are serious.

    Lucky for me they dont write songs too. That would really piss me off.

  6. Just think of the title as a clever pun on the phrase “Live Free or Die” not a horrible 9/11, make the country happy title. Besides, if it’s Die Hard it can’t be that bad.

  7. First of all. How could Willis make another one of these lame movies.
    He has long since showed that he is a better actor than “Die Hard” gave him credit for. If he reaslly wants to make another sequel than why doesnt he make an “Unbreakble 2”, now that would kick ass. But I just havent cared for these dumb ass Die Hard movies since he the original one, but since they are making another one at least its not abt two gay terrorist, becasue Im really sick of all the movies being abt gay people.

  8. I Think that live free or Die hard is a good title fuck you anyone who thinks different Live Free Or Die Hard as a nice ring to it
    I am looking forward into seeing Bruce Willis portraying John Mclane.

  9. Live Free or Die Hard is an okay title, however, I think they should have carried on like the series was before but that would be difficult as they have already done hard, harder, hardest. You gotta admit though, this is Die Hard we are talking about. The best action film series there has even been. We shouldn’t judge it by its title because if it’s anything like the other films – it will be fantastic.

  10. Guys you need to understand the basis of Die Hrad. The films are all about John Maclane trying to stay alive. so better than Die Hrad 4.0 which is a very typical american name. Live Free od Die Hard is a perfect Name. Cause it explains itself Jonh Maclane will either Live free or Die Hard.

  11. what pisses me off is the fact that its gonna be “America” or “americans” kicking ass, taking credit away from John McClane.

    what kind of bullshit is that? you have three awesome action movies with one hero who saves the day. now its like, “oh yea HE saved the day but go America”

    i will go see it, but probably not at my own free will. i’ll be dragged to it at a group outing or some shit

  12. i think that we should “never judge a book by it’s cover”
    people are already posting negative comments about this film when it’s not even been released.
    for those of you who are saying the title does’nt fit in with the movie, how do you know? when you have’nt seen the movie!!!
    i personally think the title is great to start off with and i’m sure the film will be great all it’s self packed with unbelievable stunts, laughs, and non stop action.
    after all BRUCE WILLIS is starring as JOHN McCLANE and we all know BRUCE is the greatest actor ever, wether we choose to accepted or not.

    (count me in. i’ll be watching this baby the day it’s released)

  13. Honestly who cares about the title or anything you cant judge it until you see it. Die Hard is by far one of the best trilogys ever and im sure whoevers making the movie knows what he or she is doing so lets leave it to them. You nerds just keep bloggin it up.

  14. I think it’s clever, actually.
    You don’t want the number 4 in the title. The 4th sequel is always bad and people know it. Well, except for “Star Trek 4: The One with the Whales,” but that was a fluke. (HA HA! fluke! whales! get it? ah never mind….) And the “four point oh”? Sounds like it’s trying too hard to be techno-geek cool. They stopped that in the 90’s.

    But the whole “Live Free or Die Hard” plays in to the post 9/11 mood of the country. Heck, it’s basically Bush’s foreign policy summed up in five words. It fits the year 2007 a lot better than “4.0.”

  15. you know, I am inclined to say it sucks balls, John.

    But when all is said and done, “Die Hard With a Vengeance” wasn’t that great of a name when IT came out. I remember thinking how crap it was. Now I can’t think of Die Hard 3 without thinking of it by it’s given name.

    Perhapse we’ll come to include “Live Free or Die Hard” as a new catchphrase for all asskickers everywhere…perhapse we’ll just be cool and call it Die Hard 4 out of retaliation for the crap name…

    …whatever the case, the important thing is THERE IS GOING TO BE A FOURTH DIE HARD MOVIE!!!

    and let’s put this all in perspective…to most U.S. viewers, until the Die Hard movie come out, the phrase was mainly used to describe car bateries.

    so hey. yeah. it doenst really matter. But look…the name got us all talking about it!!! So maybe it was a good choice after all.


  16. Sucky title. What, are we gonna see John McClane hugging fucking trees or something? Are they gonna try to force feed us some goddamn Pixar-esque moral at the end? Die Harder and Die Hard With A Vengeance are cheesy as all hell but at least they fit with the retarded action movie that they’re attached to. Live Free… Jesus. Could you ever imagine John McClane going to see a movie called Live Free And Die Hard? He’d make some dirty joke about it and then go gete drunk in a bar somewhere and watch Natural Born Killers on the TV.

  17. Whatever happened to using good old numbers and roman numerals? Columbia Pictures have kept it nice and simple with the Spiderman movies – Spiderman 2, 3 etc.

    This movie has no hope of being any good because it’s got a shitty director in Len Wiseman, a shitty concept about cyber terrorists, and now a shitty title. They might as well go all the way and cast Paris Hilton in the film, and it will be a pile of shit of legendary, Michael Winner proportions.

  18. I hated Die Hard 4.0. I actually like this title. Sure, it’s a bit cheesy, but as others have said, the previous titles weren’t exactly classics to begin with.

  19. My only complaints about “Live Free or Die Hard” are that it’s too long, and that it doesn’t start with the words “Die Hard.” Other than that, it’s great.

    I like it. If you look at the series, all of the titles have been pretty bad. “Die Hard” itself is a pretty cheesy title. The only reason it’s any good is because, in a weird way, it fits the movie, but I couldn’t possibly explain why. Then you get “Die Harder,” which is basically the standard parody anytime anyone needs to make a joke about a sequel (ie. March of the Penguins 2: March Harder). “Die Hard with a Vengeance” is probably the worst title of the three, but it’s still cheesy and dumb in a way that’s kind of cool. It’s also the perfect Trilogy sort of title, in that it kind of “one-ups” the other two.

    As for how it fits the movie itself, just look at the previous two titles: neither of them have really fit into the movies themselves that well. Was #2 that much “harder”? Was #3 really good enough to warrant “With a Vengeance”? I think that the goal of titling these movies isn’t to describe them, so much as it is to make a cheesy pun on the original title, and that’s what “Live Free or Die Hard” does. So I wouldn’t expect waving flags and bald eagles to be flying around, just expect McClane to be kicking ass like always.

  20. New titles…Mclean on Plane. Die Hard 4: Not dead yet.Die Hard:OMFG HACKS!!!!.Die Hard 4:Because Hollywood has no imagination. Jon, what do you think?

  21. Horrible title, and this movie will likely suck as none of the sequals were even close to being as good as the first. This is an example of a franchise that should stay dead.

  22. Ok so…. with a title like this, It’s pretty obvious, they’re basically making this into some kind of half-assed, post-9/11, ameri-fest. Lets take down the terrorists!! lol.

    Seriously though, this is total lame-ness. I can see the teaser poster now, with John MacLane with a torn up tshirt, looking all dirty after a fight, standing behind a giant waving american flag. And I’m sure they’ll somehow incorporate a bald eagle into the logo.

    Here’s one movie I wont be seeing. I’m glad a corporation is wasting more money on this film than I will ever make in my entire life. Outstanding.

  23. Horrible title… granted that Die Harder or Die Hard with the Vengeance aren’t that great either, but they are better than this s*it. This title approaches the Phantom Menace territory in stupidity.

    Are people going to even know that this is a Die Hard movie if they see just that title?

    What wrong with Die Hard 4 ? It’s clear and simple.

    Die Hard 4: Hard Again =)
    Yippie-Die-Gay 4

    The possibilities are endless…

  24. This new title brings a lot of cliché in my mind. Wasn’t a big fan of Die Hard 4.0 either but this one is just worst. A title needs to reflect the essence of a movie. Snakes on Plane indicates just that, it’s a bunch of snakes on a plane, dumb, crazy and fun. Now if the next Die Hard is called Live Free of Die Hard there needs to be serious consideration for it to be about some sort of liberation and not some “Captain America” freedom from terrorism.

  25. It totally depends on the script. If the film has John Maclane fighting terrorism or for some kind of freedom cuase, then it totally makes sense. If it revolves areound computer hacking (like you mentioned in a previous AE) then it should be 4.0

    I don’t think it’s great, but I think you’re over-reacted just a tad.


  26. No, John, it’s the GREATEST TITLE OF ALL TIME!! Bear in mind this is from the series that brought us the previous owner of the GREATEST TITLE OF ALL TIME!! – Die Hard 2: Die Harder. Die HARDER!!

    My greatest wish now is that they make a fifth Die Hard and call it, simply, Die Fucking Hard.

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