Things We Lost In The Fire

I’ve said this before, but I became a big David Duchonny fan after seeing him in "Return To Me" (a really underrated film in my opinion).¬† The scene where he comes home from the hospital after his wife dies was MAGNIFICENT!¬† It was the moment I sat up and thought to myself "holy crap… this guy can really act!"

Now Duchovny has signed up to appear in "Things We Lost in the Fire" where he’ll be playing second fiddle to Halle Berry and Benicio Del Toro.¬† The folks over at Cinema Confidential give us this:

Allan Loeb penned the story about a woman (Berry) whose husband (Duchovny) dies and invites his troubled best friend (Del Toro) to live with her and her family. In the process, he helps the grief-stricken family deal with their loss.

Ummm… sounds like the Del Toro is going to be helping Berry deal with her grief by letting her discover what’s in his pants. Kinda predictable. Hope I’m wrong.

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11 thoughts on “Things We Lost In The Fire

  1. Saw a screening of the movie last night….major issues with this movie

    #1. the plot was soooo slow, although clever with the editing…. (a lot of different scenes intertwined) it kind of threw you off…like you didn’t know what was happening…. one minute halle and david are making out and the next minute halle is grieving because he died

    #2. halle berry…she is slowly annoying me! she gets over dramatic at the oddest times….yes her “love of her life” dies….but I mean my god….it was too much

    #3 Benicio seemed lost and then all together at times….maybe because he was an ex junkie but still…

    #4. the whole plot was boring as hell….nothing was happening on screen to keep your interest, I was painstakingly dying during the first 35 minutes of this movie just hoping something crazy would happen and it never did….needless to say I walked out….


    don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

  2. Hey! Don’t forget about his older movies, like “Kalifornia”…and “Playing GOD”. Playing GOD was another underated movie. But maybe that’s just my taste.

  3. i’m looking forward to this one big time.
    Duchovney does know how to pick roles. and sometimes he surprises me with his range. He can convey pain like no one’s business.

    interesting to see how he and Berry will play off each other.

  4. Um, now this might sound shallow but….

    Any movie with Halle Berry love scene potential (plus the added bonus of not having Billy Bob Thornton in it) sounds like a good movie to me!

  5. Duchovny ruled in The X Files. Some of my favourite episodes are the ones where Mulder just starts goofing around. My favourite X Files moment ever is when Mulder goes on vacation to Graceland. And it’s just one scene in an all-Scully episode (the one with the guy with a tattoo who talks in Jodie Foster’s voice) but I was laughing for ages afterwards.

    We need another X Files movie, nice and high profile again so that Duchovny can get some more movie roles.

  6. I completely agree. Duchony is a brilliant talent. The man WAS the X-Files (with a little help, I’ll admit) but the show totally lost me when he left. I slowly just fell of the fan train. Still one of my favourite shows of all time but the last couple of seasons were bad, bad news.

    As for Duchovny, he has starred in some bombs but he’s really been outstanding in all of them. Personally, my favourite of all his movies has to be “Kalifornia” and actually, it’s also on of my favourite Pitt roles. Excellent movie.

  7. It’s a shame that Duchovnny hasn’t done much since the X-Files, he’s a rare talent. His very intelligent, very dry sense of humor is fun to enjoy during interviews as well.

    Another great role was in the original “Red Shoe Diaries” movie. He plays the faithful boyfriend to the incredibly sexy Brigette Bako and there are some scenes in the film where I’m stunned by his acting ability. Despite its T&A B movie stigma the original Red Shoes is well worth your time.

    I hope to see more of this talented actor!

  8. Mmmm, yeah sounds strictly formula that Benicio will be picking himself some Berry…..zzz.

    I just bought the last of the X-Files DVD sets (season 9) the other week and love remembering how brilliant that show was! I was a huge fan of that show and still can’t believe Duchovny’s decision to ditch it only to star in more than a few really crappy box office bombs…

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