Superman Returns Videogame Trailer

Superman-Returns-Game-TrailThe happy folks over at Blue Tights have put up a trailer for the new Superman Returns Video Game. Ok, here’s the thing. The trailer doesn’t really show all that much… it doesn’t even look all that good. BUT, I watched it like 12 times because it gave me fantastic chills up my spine.

No, the chills weren’t caused by the great graphics (they’re ok), or some kind of great action (there really isn’t much), but rather the chills running up and down my spine were caused by the MUSIC! Oh man, hearing the Williams Superman music actually set to Superman (even if it was a CG one) made me realize how much I’m looking forward to seeing the greatest Superhero of them all (like him or hate him… you know no one can take Sups in a fight) on the screen again. And seeing Superman flying around in the trailer set to the WIlliams score made me giddy.

To take a look at the Superman Returns game trailer you can just go here. Oh, and turn up your speakers.

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12 thoughts on “Superman Returns Videogame Trailer

  1. I read in game forums that there is actually in game footage in there (A few scenes of the camera following behind Sups) but the vast majority is fancy cg cut scene material.

  2. Outside of the two close ups of Superman, the game trailer looks pretty good. I will pick this up for my Xbox 360. The updated theme song kicks. That said, its amazing how bad even a console game version of Brandon Routh looks. The people that run WB must be kicking themselves for allowing Singer to badly miscast the lead. Especially if his likeness is going to hurt the games and toys. I can’t really understand the logic there. I figured they had a choice of either getting an experienced actor who might of not looked 100% like Superman but could act and make people believe he was Superman or getting an unknown who looked like Superman because if he couldn’t acted, who cares, he looks like Superman. Instead they went with someone who couldn’t act and doesn’t look remotely like Superman. Routh looks like he should star in a biography of David Spade. Clue to Hollywood: taking any generic white guy, putting them in a blue suit, dying their hair black and giving it a single curl does NOT make that person look like Superman. Seeing the game trailer just made this fact so clear. Oh and the suit still looks blah in motion.

  3. I agree with John Campea, Superman can make ANYBODY his BITCH!! Except for Super Goku (I’m not a Dragon Ball Z fan; your insults are encourage).

    As for the WB and “Superman Lives” or whatever the hell they were going to make, THEY ARE ASSHOLES. Yet we bash on FOX for X3. Oh, and FUCK YOU JON PETERS, YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FUCKIN’ BABY I HAVE EVER KNOWN!!!! Also, it was wise for Burton to stray from this; he has no taste for this. He is much better off with movies that could work under his vision, like a darker X-Men; only if he doesn’t FUCK UP! Also, please don’t ever try to change Superman into somekind of Action anti-hero, it just makes you guys look like the corporate greedy fuckers in some other movies.

  4. The game looks all right. It really matters how it looks in the “gameplay”. I’ve seen trailers of video games that present the game beautifully, but the actual game looks “Supercheezy”.

    As I was watching the trailer, I don’t know why, but in back of my mind I was thinking “Here we go again…again Superman doing the same old thing of saving the good people…again and again.” I’m sure the movie/game is going to be entertaining, but the idea is kinda getting boring. **Yaawwwwwn**

    I’m going to take a shot and guess a villian besides Lex in the film. It’ll be the cyborg, the name isn’t coming to me. Lex Luthur is going to make a cyborg and it’ll fight Superman in the movie.

    The game has given something away. :o)

  5. I don’t care which is better, as long as they’re good.

    BTW, anyone who is interested, go to Wikpedia and type “Superman Lives.” On the bottom of the page (underneth “External links”) is where you should click on “Superman V: The Sordid Story,” explaining what WB originally intended (in 1993 to 2004) before Singer was chosen to direct. It is bizarre, it was ugly, and EVERYTHING is true in this story. Let’s just say it involves a Tim Burton/Kevin Smith’s Superman Lives that never happened (Note: DON’T LET THEM SEE EACH OTHER FACE TO FACE, EVER!).

  6. I hope the CG in the movie looks better than that crock of shit. Oh by the way… no tingles here John. John Williams’ great score or not, that just looks too bad to be exciting.

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