Christianity Ads Before the Movies for the UK

AlphaCourse.jpgI HATE commercials before a movie. I like trailers… but I HATE commercials. My emnity for all those responsible for them is great… and my wrath as a consumer is swift and sure (I actually make it a point to try to not buy anything from any company that shows their ads before a movie).

Now here’s an interesting twist… it seems some Christianity groups have gotten together to purchase ad time before movies in the UK. The good folks over at M&C give us this:

The 60-second ad will feature a model, a soccer player and a sportsman who promote the Alpha course, a 10-week introduction to Christianity, reported the Daily Telegraph Saturday. The ad was made by The Mob, a production company that makes commercials for Sony or Nike. It is believed to be the Britain`s first advertisement for religion.

Now let me make myself clear here… I totally respect religious freedom and freedom of speech. Religious groups have just as much right to put an ad up before a film as anyone else does… so bravo for them. However….

These idiots are now wasting more of my time (well… not mine… because I don’t live in the UK) before a show starts. I HATE that. HATE HATE HATE. Personally, I will not be be attending any “Alpha Course” in the UK when I visit there… that’s for sure. Stop the madness!

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