Saw 2 Synopsis

Although not universally praised or considered the instant classic that it looked like it could have been, Saw was still a mildly entertaining film (in my opinion) that carried it’s fair share of “Freaked the Hell out of me” moments.

As most of you know, a Saw 2 is in the works and the good folks over at Counting Down have been kind enough to provide us with a synopsis of the plot:

“While investigating the bloody aftermath of a grizzly murder, Detective Eric Mason (Donnie Wahlberg) has the feeling that it is the work of Jigsaw, the notorious killer who disappeared leaving a trail of bodies – and parts – behind. And Mason is right. Jigsaw is at work again. But instead of two people locked in a room with only one unthinkable way out, there are eight. Eight strangers unaware of their connection to each other — forced to play out a game that challenges their wits and puts their lives in jeopardy.”

I’m a bit of a sucker for situational films. By that I mean “Here’s a no way out situation… how do they deal with it?”. I love the basic idea for this… now let’s just see if they can actually execute it properly.

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9 thoughts on “Saw 2 Synopsis

  1. Hope Saw II isn’t a flop, i mean the first one was great, but sequals tend to flop, plus its kind of a adaption of “House of Nine” with Kelly Brook and Dennis Hopper, but how many films are original these days.

  2. Hmm… 8 people, seems a bit complex but it could be interesting to see how they “work it out”, if the film crew executes it correctly. Just hope it doesn’t flop, decent mainstream films like saw 1 are hard to find these days.

  3. I very love the first one, i hope the second will be as good as or better than this first movie. One think that i very want to know is what happennd to Lawrence and Adam? Of course they’re probably dead but maybe it will be cool to see the “escape” of Lawrence. anyway SAW 4 LIFE !!

  4. Wow!! Eight! This movie is so gona kick butt! I LOVED the first one and i really do hope they tell what happened to Adam and the doctor! And maybe explain whats happening a little bit more! The setting (bathroom) in the first one really made the movie. The bathroom was so gross and disturbing it really gave you a feel for the movie..made you seem like you were standing in a cornor “obsorving (sp)” them–just like the Jigsaw killer!

  5. i loved the first movie “Saw” and i can’t wait for the next one.. as much as i feel that the first movie did not get properly represented.. probably due to the fact that it was extremely independent..

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