More Toy Story 3 Abomination

The unholy hell child, Toy Story 3, is still being spawned. For those of you who may not know, the idiots over at Disney have decided to go ahead and make a Toy Story 3 without Pixar. Bad bad bad move.

This is an abomination against all that is good and nice. Everyone knows that Toy Story is Pixar… Pixar is Toy Story. Yes, Disney has the RIGHT to make this “movie”, but I also have the right to pour orange juice in my eyes… that doesn’t mean I should do it. The good folks over at Anaova give us this little bit about the release date for the Bastard Child of the original Toy Story movies:

Disney says it plans to release Toy Story 3 in the summer of 2008. The third installment of the animated franchise will be the first produced by Disney without Pixar, the company which originated the tale of the boys’ toys that have lives and adventures of their own, reports Variety.

Make no mistake about it. I WILL NOT see Toy Story 3 under any circumstances. I know that some people often say things like that and see the movie anyway… but I’ve never said it. I will NOT step foot in a theater that shows this cursed sin… at all. If Jesus himself appears to me and says “Yo John… this is a really good movie”… well… then MAYBE. But anything short of that forget it.

Note to Disney: STOP!

End of angry rant for the day.

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16 thoughts on “More Toy Story 3 Abomination

  1. Yeah

    Once again, the little guy gets screwed. Poor Pixar. Too bad Disney is such a power and money hungry company!

    I wish Walt Disney would come out of his grave and take revenge on all those who destroyed his companies good name. LOL

  2. Don’t sign a petition to stop Toy Story 3 from ever being created!

    Instead, sign a petition for Pixar to pick up and make Toy Story 3 and then send it over to them…maybe….just maybe….Pixar will hear our cries and decide to create an awesome sequal worthy of the name “Toy Story”!!

    All we can do is hope and pray! :(

    If enough names were signed…and I mean TONS…then Pixar might just listen.

  3. The interesting thing is that several years back, John Lassetter brought a proposal TO Disney for a Pixar TOY STORY 3. The Disney Powers That Be turned it down.

    I’m not sure what’s worse, the idea of Disney CG (the team that brought us DINOSAUR) doing TOY STORY 3 or the hideous idea that the Disney CG team might redo ALL their old classics (CINDERELLA, SNOW WHITE, etc.) scene-for-scene, except in CG…. *yough*

    Pixar’s leaving. Miramax is leaving. Eisner’s leaving. Well, maybe they’ll bring in a CEO with a clue to right the ship, but all signs point to a total implosion… btw, anyone check out ESPN these days? ugh, what a trainwreck THAT’S turned into…

  4. Well I’m not afraid to predict that this sequel will suck and that that’s the reason-along with the fact that I will always see this as a Pixar venture-I won’t be seeing it. And I think some folks need to google for the definition for what a blog is before embarrassing themselves (too late, oh well).

    Just sayin’. :)

    I’m off to cry now.

  5. The Chicken Little thing looks okay, but why would Disney attempt to do something without its original creators. Oh I know! TO MAKE MONEY, or attempt to in this case.

  6. I’m with John as well.

    The only reason I would see this movie, is if I heard that it turned out good. (which it won’t)

    Disney just screwed themselves over, and gave themselves a bad name.

  7. “Toy Story without Pixar is just a cartoon!” AMEN!

    I’m with you John! I share your outrage and will also boycott this project! The first 2 were fantastic, but Disney, on their own, hasn’t put out anything really worth watching since Aladdin.

  8. This will be difficult to NOT go and watch as i have been a big fan of 1 and 2.

    Chances are when the film(and subsequent hype) is upon us in 2008 I will end up going to watch it even though i agree with john that this is a pixar baby. Won’t be buying any relevant merchandise, i know its a small token, but if i am honest then thats about all i could resist.

    Still think it will be massive world wide and Disney will count the rewards. sigh.

  9. Hey Penniless.

    I think you misunderstood my point. I’m not saying that I’m not going to see this movie because I think it will suck (which it probably will… but who knows). I’m not going to see this movie because it’s wrong that Disney is making it at all. Toy Story (if not legally) belongs to Pixar. Toy Story is Pixar’s baby.

    Yes, Disney is legally entitled to make it without Pixar. But just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right (in my opinon). So I won’t support Disney in their efforts by buying a ticket.

    Also, I post about it because I want to share my rage (perhaps too strong a word, but it’s the only one I can think of) about this with others… that’s what a blog is for.

    Also, I want other people to get ticked off about this too and boycott the film (not boycott Disney… just this film).

    I think I’ll start the “Toy Story without Pixar is just a Cartoon” campaing. Who’s with me?!?

  10. well at least you know what you are not going to do … shouldn’t you view something before you judge it. I agree that this is a dumb-ass move but to be so …. I WILL NOT …. and if you really feel that way, why not post nothing about it all together.

    — Penniless B.

  11. How could this happen, our worst nightmare has come true once again. Isn’t their something this site can do to get a petition going against the movie? Or at least something to Pixar to ask them to animate it at least? All Pixar movies have a child like vibe to them with a good sense of humor, great stories which are always fun, and a certain feeling that can’t be described other than the fact when you watch a Pixar film, you know it is a Pixar film. They were the first in full computer animated movies and will always be the best. Now Disney has been doing anything for money these past years and Pixar has been the only thing keeping them alive. Oh good old Walt is rolling over in his grave while having an epileptic seisuze right now. I am going to pound my fist into the object neaest to me when if I find out this movie is a direct to DVD release.

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