New Redband Kick-Ass Trailer Online

Yup… don’t watch this trailer at your desk where your boss can hear you. Lots of fuckwords in this one.

This movie looks outright amazing. I hope they dont release too many trailers so we end up seeing the whole film, but I cant wait to see it.

And to add icing to the cake I have a strong feeling that the Cage Pendulum has swung over to “hell ya” in this one.

Bring it!

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24 thoughts on “New Redband Kick-Ass Trailer Online

  1. well this is another movie that has crossed into the fandom world…..hate that cause people will come out of the wood works and claim it to be so fucking awesome yet they havent seen it. This movie will have the exact opposite effect that Avatar had….people will herald this movie before it comes out because it has violence and kids cussing….im on the fence on this one till i see it in the movie theatres…though it does look fun.

    1. Technically, I don’t think any of the actors can be considered “kids” any more. Aren’t they all in their 20’s now? LOL

      Trailer’s are making this movie look amazing, but there’s that inside voice saying “be careful”. I agree with you Sampson, that lots of people are already heralding it as a great movie, and it’s going to get too hyped up. Time will tell if it turns into another Hangover or not.

  2. As funny/violent/cool as this looks… its the ending that was great

    And not because of the above^^^ it was actually kinda touching and you end up REALLY CARING about the characters, and they handled that so well that in the end of you want to see MORE of them, like to see what happens to them.

    And most of that is because of Nic Cage’s character, i wont spoil anything but he really does do a phenomenal job.

      1. “And most of that is because of Nic Cage’s character, i wont spoil anything but he really does do a phenomenal job.”

        So you were actually sayinfg his charecter and not Nic Cage?

      2. Well i didnt SEE the MOVIE… so i dont know how Nic Cage is in this

        But the character according to the script and the story, is really really good, in the last half i ended up really caring for him and Mindy, and the whole “situation” they were in

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