2012 to spinoff to TV as 2013

So it seems that all along Ronald Emmerich has been planning his 2012 disaster flick to be somewhat of a cornerstone from which to build a TV Series?

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While on the red carpet for his new flick, Emmerich told Entertainment Weekly, “The plan is that it is 2013 and it’s about what happens after the disaster; it is about the resettling of Earth. That is very, very fascinating.”

“We said to Mark, ‘Why don’t you do a TV show that picks up where the movie leaves off and call it 2013?’ I think it will focus on a group of people who survived but not on the boats … maybe they were on a piece of land that was spared or one that became an island in the process of the crust moving. There are so many possibilities of what they could do and I’d be excited to watch it.”

With Lost trying to go out while the fire is still hot, there will be a void in the schedule for a good survival setting drama.

It seems so far that there is nothing supernatural about 2012 and I would be willing to give an episodic drama series about people surviving in the left over world.

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26 thoughts on “2012 to spinoff to TV as 2013

  1. Seen the flick on cable and considered how it could continue. My thoughts were the survivors on the boat eventually reach land and encounter the survivors on the land. An animosity To the boat people quickly develops as the boat people try to recreate society. The land survivors resent their attempts to rule seeing them as trying to continue to be a privleged class. When finally a division develops the boat survivors are deemed traitors to the human race for leaving so many behind and are hunted down to face a twisted form of justice. Not all stay together as some try to reclaim their property only to find thoes that trusted and worked for them have now laid claim and look for payback. The meek inherits the earth and aren’t about to give it back with out a fight.

  2. I honestly DO NOT SEE what there is to this movie that people would wanna see.
    The world is ending, shit gets blown up, everything is destroyed.
    Cusack tries to get onto these “boats” or something (which he probably does, gotta give the audience a happy ending with some hope in the end)
    But what real substance is there really to this story?
    I think a story of people trying to rebuild and survive after this would be more interesting.
    Just skip 2012 and make 2013 a movie.

  3. Stargate?………..YAWN…..James Spader?…..Yawn…..and the transvestite from “crying game” Didnt quite cut it for me thanks…..and they blew crap up in that one as well…just not enough crap.. theres a thin line……….I guess.

  4. He also directed The Patriot. Am I a bad person for liking that movie? It may not have had the lasting power of something like Braveheart, but it was still a well orchestrated movie!

    All through the 80’s and 90’s we were cram packed with movies that we would now call popcorn flicks. Movies with little meat to them that were merely roller coaster rides of fun and entertainment. Why do we now despise those same kind of movies that are made and released today?

  5. I think this planned “2012” sequel will make for compelling tv series. However, it might last a season or two. Let’s see. It might have a bit of “Lost” flavor on it. Let’s see how it does

  6. That’s basically “I Am Legend” without the virus…..well, the Sarah Connor Chronicles pulled off a Terminator spinoff, who knows? Maybe this might be good, as well…..

  7. I find it hard to believe that Roland Emmerich is interested in making this simply due to the fact that he can’t destroy anything when there is hardly anything left to destroy.

    This man loves his disasters.

    Now an Independence Day TV show…

  8. Jerimiah was a series on scifi about what happened to the world after everyone over the age of puberty died. i like these type of shows and movies but they don’t seem to last very long.

  9. Saw the trailer and pretty much saw everything I needed to see..

    I mean HOW MANY disaster flicks can one sit through and still be awed at the effects?

    I heard thet Nic Cage was originally set to play the lead, now we have John Cusack which I really like but not in a film like this, All Ronald Emmerich does is blow crap up and take out the white house.. Independence Day Blowed chunks and so will this.. yeah pretty to look at for about 2 scenes then all the noise and chaos doesn’t cut the mustard… Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt! (twice)

  10. Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot.

    And btw, they just gave the eding of 2012 away. People survive, the world DOESNT end, Jon Cussac still lives. Wow, now im DEFINITELY not watching this movie.

    And the show sounds stupid btw. 2013? REALLY?

    I cant wait for january of 2013 so i can point and laugh at all the people who ACTUALLY believe in this. Just like i laughed at 1/1/00 and 6/6/06

      1. LMFAO xD

        Its good to watch a movie and still have that doubt in you, but yes youre right.

        Irrelevant but i shall add this:

        I love movies in which at the end, the bad guys win. No fucking moral. I love movies in which EVERYONE dies. I think the terminator franchise would have been sick if they ended in T3 and every one died (i loved T4 btw)

        Ending with the narration from that ‘Are you in good hands?” black guy, saying:

        “And we never even had a chance, there were no heroes, no hope, we werent even close….. every single person here DIED. We could have ended global warming but we didnt, we doomed ourselves….THE END. Dont wait for a sequel to this”

        I tip my hat to those movies.

      2. I can think of at least one John Cussac movie where the ending is a lot blacker than most would expect, ie: almost everybody dies, and the person left wishes they weren’t.

  11. Wouldn’t that be like Jericho with less land and less places to go? Sounds boring. There wouldn’t be a conspiracy so it’d be a bunch of sad people who survived and are left with nothing or are there other survivors out there that they search for. Is this The Road even even less left? What can they really do with it?

    1. Show how society and government as we know it crumbles. Watch as people come together to form tribes that will rise from the ashes into a new world where anarchy rains supreme. A show that depicts how every day becomes a fight for survival. There is plenty that can be done with that.

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