Captain America Plot Synopsis

America-Fuck-YeaWe have the released synopsis for the upcoming Captain America film. The following hookup was made available thanks to our friends at movieweb:

Born during the Great Depression, Steve Rogers grew up a frail youth in a poor family. Horrified by the newsreel footage of the Nazis in Europe, Rogers was inspired to enlist in the army. However, because of his frailty and sickness, he was rejected. Overhearing the boy’s earnest plea, General Chester Phillips offered Rogers the opportunity to take part in a special experiment… Operation: Rebirth. After weeks of tests, Rogers was at last administered the ‘Super-Soldier Serum’ and bombarded by ‘vita-rays.’ Steve Rogers emerged from the treatment with a body as perfect as a body can be and still be human. Rogers was then put through an intensive physical and tactical training program. Three months later, he was given his first assignment as Captain America. Armed with his indestructible shield and and battle savvy, Captain America has continued his war against evil both as a sentinel of liberty and leader of the Avengers.

The plot synopsis sounds good to me. The usage of the shield is what’s going to make or break this film for me. I want to see him throw it lots, smash it against foes and hold it high as a banner of hope to other soldiers in need of motivation. If cap’s shield gets no love, my feelings for the film will swiftly fade. It pleases me to know end that he will have a shield – and I have high expectations that it will be employed for maximum awesome.

It looks like they are going to have the Cap fight Nazis, probably freeze him and then thaw him out in time for the Avengers. That suits me just fine. The avengers can start like the Search for Spock. Upon rediscovery of such a hero, the time to form a supergroup around him would be ideal; Avengers Assemble!

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28 thoughts on “Captain America Plot Synopsis

  1. Cap needs a powerful opponent, however not sb. to battle in a fistfight, rather someone he has to outsmart in order to win…. like the joker in the new batman….
    I think that CHRISTOPHER WALKEN! is exactly the kind of actor who could give the Red Skull an extremly powerfull and frightening presence…

  2. It would make no sense for him to be already frozen and already have the super human powers when in the Hulk film they have not mastered it yet. He just needs to be frozen, but no super soldier powers yet.

  3. I know that marvel studios will get the right guy for the deal. I heard they might get leanardo decaprio to fill the spot. To me hes a good actor he just needs to get buff midway through the film and then I will be satisfied. But this movie has to be epic, he is the hero of all Heros.

  4. Jon Hamm from “Mad Men” would make the shiznit Captain America with Fiennes as the Red Skull that would be complete fandom. I really, really hope they get this right. After Iron Man and The Dark Knight this summer my faith is restored even though remnants of comic book movie past make it a fragile expectation.

  5. idk bucky has to be in it as a member of his squad…its the story man…..and idk i would think the shield in this one would be the badge style one of old……i mean not like starks built a time machine and sent him back a vibranium and adamantite shield with a good sheen on it haha….anyways RED SKULL is a must for the bad guy in the movie…and have castles and shit…and like i said bucky needs to be in it cause he marries steves girl….then he can go see them when he is in the avengers and there old.

    ps bucky is the HOT ROD (Transformers) of capt america world hahahaha

  6. yeah i htink the ultimates had the triangle version of the shield? hazmat did not like that….

    but i did enjoy the ultimates dont get me wrong

    hazmat= hates bucky

  7. The shield needs to be the circular version. And Bucky doesn’t have to be an official sidekick, maybe just another GI who ends up helping Cap on one of his missions, or something like that. And I hope the villian in the WW2 movie stays in that time period and doesn’t find a way to make it to 2009.

  8. Yea, I agree with everyones comments here about good acting is the key to Captain America. I think there is one thing they are going to have to address to make this legit as well, Caps Shield needs to look more authentic this time around. In every cheesy Cap movie they have made to date, they have used this clear plastic shield that just is not believable as Caps weapon.

    Come on Marvel, upgrade the Shield and make us believe!

  9. fine.
    do the whole scrawny rodgers buck private takes super soldier serum
    in the first ten minutes and gimme ww2 and the nazis and the red skull!

    and if its good maybe more cap vs nazi and the red skull movies after that.

  10. Rumors on the internets say that Howard Stark may be the one who invented the shield. A small way of tying it to the Marvel Movie Universe before the obvious ending of the movies where he’s frozen and the obvious start of the Avengers movie where they find frozen Cap.
    Maybe Tony Stark has had this shield in his vault all this time.

  11. actually i would liek to see the guy that played voldemort in harry potter as red skull
    he was in en brudges (cant spell it-sorry)

    hes also in johns top 10 actors list

    idk…i just think hes got a perfect face..put make up on him and he looks evil as fuck.

    just my opinion

    (anyone know who im talking about/hisname?)

  12. I really like the synopsis sounds like it is staying true to the comic. I agree with what everyone has been saying also, the shield needs to be its own character. I cant wait for this to come out

  13. Sounds like the Cap I remember from my comic-reading youth–when comics were .12 cents, and 80 Page Giants (DC) and the super specials and Marvel’s Annuals were 25 CENTS! Verrry excited on this news! Sorry, but Bucky was part of the mythos kids. He can appear mid-film….

  14. I’m digging it. Of course I hope there is a setup for him to be put on ice at the end setting up Cap’s re-introduction into the present day for the sequel.

    And bring on the Red Skull!

  15. I’m excited for this movie. It sounds like the ideas are all right and good and there… But I am also very, very worried. I want it to be really good and not cheezy at all. I want it to be powerful and I think that the film should be made from more of a propaganda vantage point than from a simple Superhero one. It should be a gritty WWII movie at heart that just happens to revolve around a Superhero. She shield, I AGREE WHOLE-HEARTEDLY must be it’s own character. (JUST LIKE IN “THOR”, the Hammer “MJOLNIR” MUST BE A CHARACTER).

    I also hope they do it right and have him fight Red Skull (a.k.a. ADOLF HITLER)

  16. im glad they ddint say anything about freaking bucky…

    omg i got the ironman dvd and i replayed the shield part and the shield was made of fuckign glass it seemed! it looked sooooo sick!!!!

    and yeah it was deff his shield..i saw it on HD

  17. I have been saying from the word go, that Cap’s Shield has to be it’s own character. Cap IS the offense, his shield by nature is the defense, but when Cap sees fit to hurl his mighty shield… Enemy’s beware!

    Also, The shield better have a unique and fantastic sound when ricocheting or deflecting. If I hear the sound of an old trash can lid being hit by a stick, I’m going to be pissed!

  18. sounds like a winner to me!!! Very true to the comic and already sounds infinitely better than the direct-to-VHS original back in the 90s. I’m curious how the outfit will turn out. Looking forward to further announcements!

  19. You are right, the key to the success of this movie revolves around good acting and meaningful use of the Shield, both in action scenes and as a metaphorical device.

    The synopsis works for me. Simple and straight.

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