William Hurt

There are some actors that for the life of me I can’t figure out why are so popular. And then on the other hand there are some REAL actors who I can’t figure out why don’t get the true respect they deserve. Take William Hurt for a moment. This guy, … [Read More]

Get Smart: The Movie

I remember as a kid watching the old Get Smart show. At the time I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Oh man I would crack up every single time he talked into that shoe. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Get Smart… think of … [Read More]

Superman Returns Teaser Poster

I don’t know if I like the growing trend of studios starting to promote films further and further in advance. But oh well… here we are talking about it and I’m sure that’s exactly what the studio wanted. The awesome folks over at FilmRot have pointed us to this dandy … [Read More]

Return of the Ninja

Oh baby! As a kid I LOVED the old school ninja films! For me, the best of them all was the first one I ever saw: Revenge of the Ninja starring Sho Kosugi. Kosugi starred in no less than 6 North American Ninja films in the 80’s. He was THE … [Read More]

Miramax And Disney Divorce Done

This has been a long time coming. There was a short period of time that I was starting to thing that Miramax And Disney were going to avoid going their separate ways… until that whole mess when Disney hypocritically forced Miramax to back out of distributing Fahrenheit 9/11 9-11. At … [Read More]