
Ummm… The Warcraft trailer is very… pretty?

I want to stay positive about this one. I know there are like 15 million people who used to invest like $2000 a year to play the game that this film is based on and I don’t tick of the wrong anonymous people so I’ll TRY to stay positive. This film trailer shows the wonderful aesthetics that Weta has created to bring the World of Warcraft to life. They have produced a tech demo trailer to show what’s in store for audiences when they pay money to see this movie.

Where the fuck is the plot. This movie has some wonderful designs but it just looks like it’s made up of deleted scenes from the Hobbit trilogy. Now it’s not entirely crap as, again, it’s a gorgeous trailer and I get the sense that this trailer is intentionally trying to put the films’ best foot forward and people will go in droves and support something that they know nothing about simply because of the branding.

What do you Warcraft fans think? Is it enough to get excited for a film although there’s no plot revealed for the movie they want you to give them money to see? Also, Do you buy clothes without trying them on too?

[Universal Pictures]


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