These Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance TV spots are hit or miss

A couple of TV spots for the upcoming Ghost Rider film are appearing on a small tube near you, and they have some varying tones to each of them. I’m wondering if Neveldine and Taylor know about these…

TV Spot #1

TV Spot #2

TV Spot #3

Via: Rama’s Screen

I like the first and the third one, but that second one just seems to be a bit below my age demographic although it is nice to know that there’s some humor to be found in this film. Art wise the movie still looks fantastic with a much dirtier, grittier look for the Rider and they ensure that they include Idris Elba front and center with the promos. Certainly looks good…

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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