New High-Res images for Joss Whedon’s ‘the Avengers’

A few more high-res images for Marvel’s ‘The Avengers’ have been uncovered and this film has once again put the fanboys in a mild to catstrophic frenzy. I’ve yet to see anything disappointing about this movie, thus far. Take a look at these new images:

Via: We Are Movie Geeks

This film still seems incredibly impressive. I don’t believe anything unseen in the past is revealed in these photo’s other than the fact that Hawkeye has some thick veins in that photo with Black Widow. And just for the hell of it, let’s take another look at the trailer:

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

2 thoughts on “New High-Res images for Joss Whedon’s ‘the Avengers’

  1. i kind of hate the fact that in the trailers and the promo pics, captain america isn’t wearing his mask… hawkeye too… i understand the actors want face time on screen. but the audience knows who they are and would much rather them have their masks on and stay true to the character…

    Imagine if in Chris Nolans Batman movies, they went this route and never put his mask on… It would be blasphemy. I hate that they will probably do this in this movie.

    1. Kind of makes me think of Stallone Judge dredd. I cringed every time we saw his full face in that movie. When Captain America is in action, in the costume, one should see the mask, not the face. Same with Hawkeye. Actually, it should be the same with any hero or villain that wears a mask. The mask, the so-called hidden identity, is part of the of the mystique, part of the seperate identity of the costume’s character. Even those characters that don’t wear a mask, but still wear a costume, have a different identity when in the hero’s costume. Yes, I am definitely one of the ones that agree with the ‘never be seen without the mask while in costume’ rule.

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