Liam Hemsworth joins the Expendables

Now this is a bit surprising. While scouring the interwebz for the latest and greatest news to share with the greatest audience, you guys, I noticed this little piece of casting news that just seemed pretty peculiar.

Source: Forces of Geek
Okay, he may not be an A-list action hero… yet, but he is Chris Hemsworth’s little brother. As in George Kirk/Thor Chris Hemsworth. Maybe this will remove a bit of the sting Liam most likely feels, considering he was the one who originally tested for the THOR role…

Liam Hemsworth just wrapped production on THE HUNGER GAMES and will surely have even bigger and better roles in his future, should these two roles prove successful. There is no word on Liam’s role in the film, though Stallone has commented in interviews that his roster of aging action stars might need a pair of young eyes on the team.

The sequel also stars Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren (from THE FIFTH SENSE), Mickey Rourke, Jet Li, Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzengger, and possibly Nic Cage and John Travolta. It shoots in Bulgaria this October.

See! Peculiar! I don’t mind the idea but the very news that someone Liam’s age is being included in the movie just forcibly made me do a double take upon reading. I’m not sure how I feel about this news as the cast is really really stacked in this entry so his involvement in the film is still up in the air. I’m looking forward to more news about this project more and more everyday!

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