New Cowboys and Aliens Featurette

Somehow somebody caught up with both Steven Spielberg and Ron Howard and managed to have them chime in on their upcoming production of Cowboys and Aliens by director Jon Favreau. Oh, and Jon talks about it too, check it out below:

Via: The Movie Banter

Man, Steven’s getting old. I forget how many projects this guy may actually be a part of at any given time and with his upcoming production of Transformers 3 and Tin Tin I actually forgot that he was a producer for this movie as well.

I was initially bummed that Robert Downey Jr. couldn’t take on this movie but I am really enjoying the imagery and scenes showcasing Dan Craig in the role opposite Harrison Ford. Something about his chiseled good looks just seem rugged and appropriate despite his British background. Yeah, it’s still on the ‘radar’ and it’s slow simmer is starting to raise to a boiling point!

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