Paramount Won’t Mine any of Dune’s spice

It’s been a rough road getting made, and now it seems the remake of Dune….will have to wait a little longer. Paramount has decided to pull the plug out of the stillsuits. Worsst Previews reports:

Paramount Pictures has been trying to bring another “Dune” movie to the big screen for the last four years. But now that the rights to the Frank Herbert sci-fi novel have lapsed, the studio decided no to renew the option.

Producer Richard P. Rubinstein, who owns the rights to the Dune franchise, is weighing his options. His estimated budget for the film would be around 100 million.

Personally, I’m not surprised that the option lapsed and the studio has lost interest. There have been two attempts to bring ‘Dune’ to life, and while both the 1984 David Lynch film and the 2000 SyFy miniseries has their fan followings, there really wasn’t a lot to warrant a franchise. The momentum for a new version had died down a bit since Peter Berg left to sink a Battleship. There was little activity on this. Best thing to do is let the option go. Time to forget this gom jabbar…

Will anyone want a new Dune? Anyone still have any hopes? Better off unmade?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

4 thoughts on “Paramount Won’t Mine any of Dune’s spice

  1. If done half ass it could be as bad as “Battlefield Earth”
    If done correctly it could be this generations “Blade Runner”

    more waiting I guess.

  2. Did you just dis the Sci Fi version? That was quite possibly the best miniseries ever made, and was a *huge* success for Sci-Fi. It’s one of the things that really put that network on the map (along with Taken and BSG). And it spawned a ‘franchise’ given the fact that they made a sequel to it, which while not as good as the first, wasn’t horrific (James McAvoy saved it).

    Just because the thing isn’t Spiderman or Batman doesn’t mean it’s not a successful franchise in its own right. Not everything has to be Spiderman, Batman or James Bond, and not everything can be. Dune is a book that’s spawned a cult-classic movie and an epic, freaking awesome (and very successful) miniseries. This is absolutely one of the things that drives me NUTS about human beings: the idea that if something isn’t the mega-uberist most successful thing of its kind it’s somehow a failure. These sorts of bandwagon people need to grow up.

  3. Shame Dune is one of the best sci-fi stories.

    Has the potencial to be a good as the Matrix if well done!

    Alot of History and potencial to expand into a franchise.

    Shame esp. with the environment such a hot topic at the moment :(

    RIP see you in 10 years

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