Captain America 2 is being written

No big surprise to anybody who’s been following the movie, but Marvel has commissioned Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus to begin working on the first treatment for a sequel to Captain America: The first Avenger.

Via: Latino Review

Stephen McFeely & Christopher Markus, the screenwriters who penned “CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER” just got hired to write the sequel for Marvel Studios!

Obviously the sequel is going to be present day and take place after THE AVENGERS.

Wait, a contemporary Captain America story? Awesome. Not a big surprise since movies scripts are commissioned everyday and doing so begins the long, arduous process of producing a movie. This can take years to reach the finish line and become a film and will undoubtedly undergo re-writes before what’s penned goes to film. I really hope they aim to include some cameo’s from their other movie franchises, and more importantly I hope that they develop Bucky into The Winter Soldier.

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